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About Sparky5501

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Forum Onion

Forum Onion (1/6)



  1. 5/5/5 Had fun with this one.
  2. 5/5/5 Fun lil shootem upbefore the night ends
  3. 3/4/3 I was aware of some of the story but got completely lost afterwards. The combat was okay but preformance was dying a bit through out. overall it was okay.
  4. 4/4/4 Though we were short on numbers, it was an interesting event.
  5. 4/4/5 nice thing to do while the server was down and the dupe was perfect as well the difficulty for a squad of 5 or 6
  6. 5/5/5 Masterpiece of an event, from the story, to the action. the detail was insane and the RP was top notch, one the likes of which could never be repeated. it was a spectacular event, so spectacular that i cannot pin point where anything went wrong. Props to the game master for such a masterpiece.
  7. 5/5/5 Had a lot of fun and followed the story pretty well and with multiple battalions, it was well organized too.
  8. 5/5/5 Fun, Short, Got to blow shit up in a tank, and had a good time.
  9. 4/4/4 fairly decent start to the story and waiting for the next part.
  10. 5/5/5 I thoroughly enjoyed the story line and the challenges presented aswell as a sense of disparation and stress with the timers. its well put together and instead of the typical bomb being EOD'd, we had to use the clues provided. Bravo and encore to this and i hope to see and be apart of more like it!
  11. 5/5/5 gotta shoot some shit, shit shot at me. is nice.
  12. Damn, not even a goodbye to some friends? this fella straight up resigns from everything, causes havoc, doesn't elaborate, leaves. See ya kiddo i suppose.
  13. Oi, be catching ya around Odric #2. Stay outta trouble ight? And you haven't disappointed anyone. Least not me for certain. Hope to see ya again soon. O7 and out.
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