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About Sponge

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  1. Sponge

    Phones Apply

    RP Name:TR CG MED SFC Phone Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:99991090 Age: 12 Gender: male Timezone:UTC Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I Want to be Staff To Help everyone RDM Stuck and RDA and FailRP. And i love helping players.And i love doing Staff Stuff and doing Events and helping with Sims. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) I Play Ice Hocky.and i am never on my PC on Sundays and i get on the server at 2:00K in the afterNoon everyday and i am on the server for like 2 to 3 Hours a Day Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes i have Been Staff On 1 Starwars server and a Staff on Icefuse and i have been staff for 2Months and i left and i got demoted. Thanks For Reading my Staff application Love you All Bye
  2. RP Name: CG MED CPL Sponge Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:99991090 Age: 14 Gender: M Time EST Tell us why you wold like to Be staff? Ok i love to be staff on servers to Help everyone with RDM RDA FailRP and Other stuff and i have been staff on 3 servers and i am active every day and its fun it is the best Starwars server i have found and i love Hosting Events and Tryouts and stuff for the Players to do so thay dont get bored. Tell us About your self? I am a Big Gamer and i am not on my PC on sundays and if i am not on i am at school or Ice Hocky games so yea i am a very nice Man and a very helpful with Staff stuff Thanks for Reading my apply i hope it was good enough for all of you that Thanks for reading Everyone BYE!!!!!!
  3. +1 HE is a Good Man i have seen him around and a good man sorry if im not allowd to do this
  4. Sponge

    Staff Apply

    Thanks Man For the +1 and other
  5. Sponge

    Staff Apply

    Welcome to My Staff apply 1.Steam Name. SpongeBob 2.RP Name: CG MED CPL Sponge 3.Steam ID. STEAM_0:1:99991090 4.TimeZone SouthAfrica 5.Gender: M 6.Age 15 7.Tell us why you Whant to Join Staff Team...? I also enjoy doing the admin work I do in-game, helping out, hosting events, etc, so helping keep the forums clean is another thing I would like to do to help out more. I consider myself active as I'm around everyday and It's easy to get in contact with me to deal with anything. I've done admin and forum related stuff for a long time, going all the way back to games like project visitor, endlessages, arma 2 servers, arma 3 servers, etc. 8. tll us About your self More...? Besides being a very avid gamer of various types of games, I also like to go to the local archery club and shoot my compound bow(Hoyt Charger), It's a fun past time, As is fishing and hunting, I'm not sure what else to add, mostly a big gamer, been gaming for 15+ years now. one of my favorite video game series is the Dark soul series, played and beat them all minus demon souls, also enjoy playing hearthstone and some other games. THanks For Reading MY staff apply Bye See you All Later
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