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Posts posted by Cox

  1. 11 minutes ago, Taz said:

    -1 he forced me to make what is single handedly the shittiest meme in synergy existence, I'm afraid I can't bring myself to trust him with this position

    He didn’t force you to make anything you just aren’t funny


    • Agree 7
    • Disagree 1
    • Winner 3
    • Dumb 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Finn said:

    Honestly the only thing that's stopping me from saying fuck yea to the v1 is the optimization. How unoptimized is v1? 


    I'd be willing to try it, especially considering we can swap it out when we do the map rotation. Put it on for however long 1 rotation is, and see how people feel about it. That way we can test out exactly how much 'worse' the map is, and people can see for themselves if it truly is as bad as some people say it is.

    Titan base is optimized 

  3. On 1/1/2022 at 10:15 PM, Taz said:

    The first 2 weeks of January at the gym are going to be very fun to watch the resolutioners fail to use the machines properly.

    That being said, my resolution is to keep my phone charged more so I can record them being dumb.

    You prolly do CrossFit 💀

  4. 1 hour ago, Daytona211 said:

    What's the point of changing it with a new map and rotation around the corner? 

    If the map update is going to take a while then sure we can change it for variety for a short time (a week) assuming we see similar performance (which forseen already said we won't) 

    Also keep in mind there are NO other planets (Geonosis, Umbara, Endor) which means all the stuff on main is exclusively on Anaxes which will get old real quick (you don't realize it but around 25 - 50% of the stuff done on main involves another planet) and shackle GMs to the event server which will then hurt player population because we will always split part of the playerbase on the event server 

    Also the temple is objectively worse for Jedi (not that it's a huge deal they don't need the nicest temple ever but it may influence peoples votes)

    Worse brig too

    Overall this doesn't seem like a big win to me just a change of scenery which we could probably achieve with some cleverly made dupes on V3 if we need. Not enough to make a long term positive impact but enough to make a short term headache. Open to having my mind changed if people have good points



    Titan base has planets 

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