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About HeyImGio

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  1. 9/10 enjoyed the entirety of the even had fun in the middle of the night, always great to see people taking initiative and making the late night players enjoy there time.
  2. 10/10 or whatever the best is. Fantastic and Fun late night rp and i had a great time.
  3. 10/10 or whatever the max is. Great late night event and was hella fun also got to do a bunch of med rp wich is always fun to do.
  4. +1 One of the best people i know, His determination, activity, general friendliness but leadership abilities are amazing. I think he would be a great BCMD and his application blew my mind so yeah.
  5. 2/4 Droids were op especially for late night but other than that it was pretty good
  6. 4 well fun even honostely especially as i got to do some rp with the comodore which idk if it was part of the event fully but it was quite entertaining
  7. 4 great event. it was fun going through the different planets and had great rp moments.
  8. 4/4 great event loved the defcon 1 aspect it had great medical rp areas that i got to do even if it was scuffed and it was all just well done and enjoyable
  9. 3 Pretty good event loved the map rotation aspect of it
  10. I completely understand where you are coming from but to defend myself, i do these type of things like the advert to make the battalion more appealing i think the same copy and paste key bind seems boring and players who see every battalion posting the same format thing will find that un appealing. yes my adverts are dumb at times but i try to make them layed back since the CG is already seen as a strict battalion so i just try to show them that ew can have fun too and its seem to work in my experience.
  11. Rp name: Gio Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:455766639 VIP: No Age: 16 Time zone: CST Why I want to be an Administrator: I’ve been playing on the server quite a bit now and I’ve enjoyed it for the most part. I’ve been wanting to become an admin for a bit now just waiting for the right time and the correct prerequisites. I want to mainly become staff just to help out and become more involved in the community. A Lot of the times when I go onto a server and one that I play a lot especially to the extent I’ve played on this one, I like to take part with administration whether that be a moderator or an admin. I typically enjoy doing things like helping out others and filling out things. I've heard and seen that that happens a lot as a staff member. In my own battalion I’ve taken part as a higher up staff member in there or more of a discord/docs manager, which as I’ve probably said before i do this because i like being part of the community and helping it grow and have a solid and well orchestrated structure. A bit about myself: Well My names Giovanni i typically go by Gio which i go by in most online things i do. I’m currently a junior in highschool. I do some extracurricular activities but most have died now this year since I really just want to get school over with. I plan to go down a computer science/engineering career path so in school I'm currently learning basic coding nothing too special (currently JavaScript). But other than I’m 16 going on to 17 in October, I have quite a bit of free time unless I'm dealing with school work or hanging out with friends. I myself am pretty good at dealing with situations and am well managed and I like everything to be well in order, when there is something I don't typically know how to handle a situation I'll seek out help from a peer or a higher up to help me handle the situation better. Staff Experience: I have quite a bit of staffing experience. Last summer I played quite a bit of Minecraft, which i know isn't a role play server like this but the staffing situation was still similar. I staffed servers like Minecraft Monday which had up to like 20,000+ players at once. Here I dealt with many situations like: Dealing with Modder, New players, People who use inappropriate language in chat involving anything from regular cursing to racial slurs to hate speech. Here I worked with other staff members quite a bit and communicated with them quite well. I also staffed other servers, some involving: savage games skybounds and Kingdoms. Both have 1,000+ players at one point. In game Hours: I currently have around 160 hours on the clone wars server.
  12. 4 everything was a blast the integration of the vehicles and everything else was amazing.
  13. 3- it was a pretty good event for the middle of the night like the last. There was a little bit of down time where we just stood there for a long bit, but when we did do stuff it was pretty fun. Especially the Jedi v CT fight club
  14. 4/4 great event for the middle of the night not too work heavy yet still enjoyable and had to do a bit of rp wich was great. Love these midnight events
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