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Posts posted by Slack

  1. Just now, MarX said:

    I'm not going to shit on you, but I think something may be wrong if there's been three reports. I love you Mamba but I think the time has come.

    The previous reports have had a large amount of -1s, meaning that the general consensus of people don't agree with the reports.


    What's more valid to you, the reports of 3 people, or the 100+ replies the previous reports recieved combined.

    1 minute ago, Nap the oof said:

    @Slackare you involved in the battalion's infastructure ??

    I'm allowed to have an opinion on how a battalion is doing, and while you guys may have problems internally, on the outside you guys seem plenty active.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Todd said:

    +1 These reports are starting to add up 

    Just because there have been 3 different reports (all of them have an overwhelming amount of -1s) doesn't make them any more valid.


    I already put this on another one of these reports, but -1.  Mamba has been doing perfectly fine as battalion commander.  Like I said before 212th could be doing a lot better, but they are not in a bad position either.  They are doing average at worst.

  3. 2 hours ago, Rexko said:


    Yes but atleast the 187th fit the timeline and doesn't necessarily break any immersion as they're still clone troopers.  Bringing in weapons that blatantly don't belong completely ruins the sense of authenticity we might have.  If you're asking for these imperial weapons does that mean Stormtroopers are ok as well?  Obviously not.  They belong in their respective era. 


    I'm not saying you shouldn't be asking for new weapons, just ask for weapons that make sense.  There are plenty of clone wars era weapons you can choose from.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rexko said:

    Everyone else, only you and Weeaboo are the only people that have a problem with it.

    @Kain was also talking about how guns from the imperial era shouldn't be on the server.


    Anyways, if you want a community poll so bad, why haven't you made one?  If you feel like the community truly wants it, we won't know for sure until you make the poll.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Rexko said:

    Like I said, we should have a poll. I though Synergy was a Community where our voices could be heard, not shut downed

    If you're looking for opinions from the community then why are you disregarding what everyone else in this thread is telling you.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Rexko said:

     plus We have phase 2 armour which means we're near the end of the war.

    Just because we are near the imperial era doesn't mean we are IN the imperial era.  Phase 2 also started rolling out midwar, meaning that we could still be years from the end.  I feel like we have enough guns already, especially with the new weapons vendor update.  Why add guns that don't make any sense and don't fit the time period.


    Honestly I thought Shadow Company had plenty of nice gear already (Only Battalion to get Cloaks).  Why are you so desperate to get new weapons to the point that you'll disregard any canon or lore that was previously set up?

  7. I think it means that people believe you are constantly making posts only to make your post count higher. Examples: Posting on old threads, making replies that don't actually contribute to the discussion whatsoever, making random throwaway threads, etc. 

  8. Man what is with people saying 212th is doing horrible.  Yeah, I think they aren't doing as well as they could be doing, but they are far from being dead or "in disrepair".  There are multiple battalions that are doing much worse.  I've seen no problems with Cody, and I consider the amount of people you guys have online as plenty active.  -1.

    • Agree 2
  9. 22 minutes ago, Kyle Vanhorn said:

    Zap you are a battalion hopper. You left the SC for what ever reason then joined a new unit and tried to get the SC in trouble. You then left that unit and joined the CG within 3 days. We call that Battalion hopping. If you get removed for Baton abuse then you must of abused. They would not just remove you because they feel like it.

    To be accurate he left to another battalion, then the 327th, then to the 41st, and left to CG after only being in for 1 day.  He was a pretty cool dude when he was in 41st though.

  10. 1 hour ago, Rexko said:

    Just rename the gun then to Republic repeater 

    That doesn't make any sense.  All of the guns in the game are all weapons that have existed in star wars lore.  We can't just start making up weapons so it's more convenient for one class.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Fido™ said:

    if this is for staff its in the wrong section... this is for Forums Staff applications


    4 hours ago, Sponge said:

    7.Tell us why you Whant to Join Staff Team...?  I also enjoy doing the admin work I do in-game, helping out, hosting events, etc, so helping keep the forums clean is another thing I would like to do to help out more. 

    If you actually read the application, it's kinda obvious it's for the forums...

  12. Clone: This is a clone trooper.

    Clone: And this, this is what is known as a clone trooper that has ascended past a clone trooper.  Or, you could you just call this a clone trooper phase 2.

    B1 Battle Droid: Oh, oh!

    Grevious: What a useless transformation. you changed your helmet, so what?

    Clone: Heh, just wait.


    Senate Commando: Has he really found a way to pass a ascended clone trooper?  Is that possible?

    Jedi General: He must be bluffing.  I mean would it that make him?  Double ascended?


    Clone: And this...


    to go...

    even further...



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