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Posts posted by Chef

  1. RP Name: CG MED SGT3 Chef

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:108009077

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male 

    Timezone: Eastern  

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I believe i should part of the already great staff team on SynergyRp because I been spending almost all my free time on these server. I want to be more involved with great community and getting staff would provide these , i want to handle these tickets and whitelisting people i have no problem with doing so i can get these people needing these whitelist can continue their RP experience. Also I want to help the people and make their experience on these server even better with my help. I don't have any plans of leaving and im free Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,and Friday all day to play and on the other days I work but soon I get home i hop on the server. Also I believe if i became staff i can bring more RP to event and make them even more fun to the events, like you guys know you need to be a admin to be game maker so that what i plan to be so some event i planning is half RP and half Combat and other events being more then one day event so multiply parts to these event to the Rp can be more interesting. . I thank you for taking your time in reading these application.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well some interesting things that im going though right now are Im going to school to  be a electrician. I also my current job is i work at a pizza place making those pizza for everyone. And i love to play video games and watch movie in my free time. Im really into techo music. I love to read comic books (only books i read), Like I said before im training to be a electrician , its cool because i go to vocational school so half time  your in academic  half time learning a real world trait.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? I do have past experience on multiply DarkRp servers and MilitaryRp. I was mostly Super Admins and above.

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