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Everything posted by Gestalt

  1. I wanted to see how people were looking towards this, either positively or negatively. I don't know who the high commands of Naval are yet and if this idea hits I could talk to them about it. But being a Private without the naval job would be awkward to talk to them about their organization would be kinda off in my personal sense. So I opted for a community status quo first before asking them this. Sure it would've been helpful but I don't know or see them on as of this moment.
  2. Name: Gestalt RP Rank: Private Suggestion: Adding Job to Naval Implementation: White list a new class to naval so they aren't just stuck pressing buttons. Lore: Well if you were to put down a field operative on the field with a radio or transmitter of some sort. You'd want them with clone armor and everything right? That's a solution to this but, this problem pertains to the base ops specifically that are stuck. There could be multiple Base Ops on the main server both the same rank and the same job, obviously if there's an event going on one of them could want to play, but what if they don't want to play their clone life and want to train and coordinate logistics on the field, maybe even getting low and dirty with the clones too. What I'm suggesting is we can have radiomen or field agents in an FOB near the spawn to coordinate things with people and bring in a new perspective to the fight, like how radios were invented. In history, ever since the radio was invented, it changed the face of war forever and with the republic naval organization, for sure they could've spared a few men to go down along with the men to act as field agents giving live feedback to the fleet above. Workshop content if applicable: Can be done in server. If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add: Some form of Field Operative/Agent or Coordinator in events, rather than forcing the host get multiple actors or change names each time to do some Republic and CIS RP each time.. This can be easily solved by having a base op act as a coordinator/logistical manager in events. (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Naval Logistics/Radioman/Field Operative/ this formatting of name etc. Slots: (Honestly based on how many or how big the mission is, this number can vary) 2-4/2-4 Description: A naval member tasked with helping out ground forces in the battlefield itself, both logistics and coordinating attacks. Model: I can't find the model because I'm dumb, the same model you use for Base OP can be used for the field ops Weapons: The same pistol and emotes the base ops use already would be fitting, maybe a hologram or the holocomms you hold in the palm of your hand emote as well. Other: I'm a very new player to the server, I just put some thought into base op. Naval doesn't need to be stuck in space, that's why we also have base op on the ground, so why shouldn't they just have a role in the field if they don't want to be stuck in the monotony of the base if there's an event that's gonna happen soon? Please reply any criticism.
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