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Everything posted by Stahl

  1. I love you man, I always loved you as Quinlan Vos, and you was a great member of staff. I shall take up your torch one day and instill your reign of terror once again. We hope to see you soon.
  2. Since joining this server, and it has been a while, Max was the Chancellor that I grew to love. The first encounter I had with Max was him on as Chancellor Palpatine, surrounded by 11 Coruscant Guard. Me not knowing much about the server at the time, I asked about how do I donate to the server because I wanted to support it. Well there was a miscommunication somewhere and I nearly got arrested, and from that day on, I knew this Chancellor Palpatine was someone to feared to be around and that is what the character should be like. Max has personified Palpatine in a way I have not seen on other servers, and I have been on a few. I think, for when it comes to Max and Palpatine the names are synonymous at this point, they are indistinguishable from one another and to be able to pull that off, is something that all of us as a community respect and love. We have had many good times on ther server when I was CG, and the stuff that we got up to and just the batshit scenarios have made great memories. Max still has much to offer the server as Palpatine as he has many new ideas to give us, and if anything, he treats you with respect and humility and if this is to be his laster term, I would be proud to see him serve it. Herr herr Max, I hope you get the position. +1 I want your babies
  3. Good news everyone. The Palpatine model and Commandos should all be ready on Monday. I will then hand them over to Sparks.
  4. Name: Stahl Event Name: Murder at the Delegation Summary of the story: A delegation arrives on the ship to offer something important to the Republic, however thing goes wrong when a Naval Delegation Officer is murdered. What was the result of the event?: The murderer was found,a s well as a few more sinister plots. However the support of the Wookies, Trandoshans and the Tusken people has been secured. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: A very intense Roleplay event, with a very small amount of combat.
  5. Name: Stahl Event Name: Deathwatch Incursion Summary of the story: Pre Vizsla was on the Redeemer in hiding from a fanatical Death Watch faction. This faction came looking for Vizsla in order to retrieve the Dark Saber. A passive dialogue was established with the story that Pre Vizsla was a traitor and that the fanatical Death Watch clan needed the help of the Republic to find Vizsla in exchange for Separatist information to help the war effort. However this was a ruse and the Death Watch managed to steal some important data from the Redeemers data core. A Death Watch fleet arrived and a space battle took place above the Redeemer. Pre Vizsla and the Fanaticals managed to escape with the data, albeit they did suffer casualties doing so. What was the result of the event?: Pre Vizsla and the fanaticals managed to escape with the data. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Passive Role Play to start off with for 10 - 15 minutes, then it changed to a Shoot 'Em Up with Space Combat.
  6. Which is what I wish people did. But according to what I am hearing, it's the opposite. Sort it out people, please.
  7. No your shit that you say about me is the first fucking time I have heard it. How about I start saying you are a racist bigot and that you talk shit about everyone behind their back. First time you would have heard it wouldn't so that's how I feel. Explain it in a way, that is actually fact, I'm not incompetent, becasue my attitude is harsh, I was in the army, digging holes, getting drenched in the pissing rain and getting shot at leading actual fucking people, not people in a game, this is real fucking people, so yes just maybe when it comes to leadership I am going to be very gruff with people, but I am not degrading them as people, or taking the piss out of them like many people I have seen do on this server. Don't you ever put me down by saying I was a bad influence, I swear to god Weaboo, don't do it. It aint funny with me. That is all I am saying on this matter.
  8. Based on what Weaboo, If I am not mistaken, you was the one who left CG in such a state nothing on the Documents where updated during your tenure. Funny that, considering I do not remember you having anything to do with CG when you packed your bags and left. Do not bring me into your petty argument. Clearly I might I remind you, you stated quite clearly when you left you wanted nothing to do with CG, Keegan can attest with that as can many CG members. Also do not slag me off, behind my back, say to my face, becasue all I see is someone who rather talks about playing a good game, rather than doing so. I am guessing many players on this server have said the opposite of what you have said about me. Again, I am telling you now, stop bringing me up, because now you are actually causing me offence, Fucking stop now.
  9. Now I am not one for Drama, but can I just say, I was removed immediately after the Commander Report that I made. Now it was not until 2 days later that I was told that Zander thought and I want strenuously point out, "thought" that I was goign to remove all the CG docs and in Zanders words, destroy the battalion. Based upon everything I had submitted and, I even had a recording no one was this stated. Even after I was still listed on the black listed as "Malicious Intent", furthermore when I went on LOA for a few days, when I came back from said LOA I had found out I was in fact removed from Staff on paper as Zander had said to me, "Are you staying as Staff once you have left?", again Zander had assumed during this second incident that I wanted to leave staff, which I did not state, he did say that it was a bad assumption on his part. But instead of asking me, becasue you know according to Weaboo as Zander said, even if you are LOA you can still be on? So why was this done with me being on LOA, and when I asked about it, I was told being LOA is that you are not here unless you get off of your LOA. Now I did sort this out with Zander, but I also stated, considering how the blacklist was false becasue assuming someone may or may not do something is speculatory not fact with evidence so I was banned for at least two weeks. So I will say to anyone now, especially if my name is brought up, me getting removed was not as simple as anyone thinks, so please do not make me out to be dickhead alright. I'm saying this now becasue of am sick of this shit. Again this reason was brought up after I just want to make a point, just becasue my name is in here, I want clean facts it it involves me. Now just wanted to say about Halpert becasue I tend to,a nd I want to be friends with everyone if I can, but having said that, Halpert you have been back for a few days, I have even personally spoken to you on several of this occasions I just want to make this a point. Now seriously guys if you don't know what this is about, don't involve yourself, if you feel compelled to type something becasue you can not restrain yourselves, do what I do. Write a Fanfic.
  10. I forgot to put these on as well, these are the player models of Ghost Company complete with body groups and a better looking Boil and Waxer, Cabrera wanted these made, so you guessed it, we got them made as well. Many thanks to my boy for making them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1163188238
  11. Hit the nail on the head.
  12. We are going to need some clarification on this one. As what are we including as conspiring? Take this situation as an example. Person A is having racists remarks made against them, like Cracker and other abhorrent words, and cases of bullying, let's call them Group B. Now if Person A told his/her battalion to make a report on this, even though Person A's battalion was not involved in the current situation at the start and they start to make posts about this, does this constitute conspiring? As Person A is telling his/her battalion to make posts about Group B. I think we need clarification. Just an observation.
  13. I give +1 to this application. The applicant has previous staff experience on another server, she is well dedicated to her current roles and I think we could always do with new Staff members who are ready to put in the effort for their community. Again + 1
  14. I love underwater events +1
  15. Name: Stahl SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47141266 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 500+ hours From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would rate it at an 8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Rather good and reasonable as I was in the army. During my time in the army I held jobs role that command a great deal of communication and leadership and commitment. I have been a SGT1 in 212th, I have had obtained the rank of Commander in the Coruscant Guard and I had the named Character as Thire, I showed exemplary standards to training the new recruits that where in my hands.. I become the Heavy Trainer of the 212th battalion rather quickly, because of my perseverance to the cause and stature of mind. The times I directly lead in battle landed me with my promotion to SGT1, the reason as to why I was proud of this is, when your good skills and qualities are noticed by others, it is what drives us forward and I do believe many of us have this quality, and this is what ultimately drives me forward, I like to put everything on the line because their is nothing quite like the rush of success when you have everything to lose. I currently serve in Shadow Company as a SSG and I will continue to do the position proud. Since being in the server I have become an Admin, a Naval, a Jedi, and anything that I can go for I will put myself forward, no matter the difficulty or challenge, I will strive to do my best until their is simply no more I can do. I am known rather well for my staunch but sometimes no nonsense approach, however I will never blind eye to someone in need as I will anyone the opportunity to speak to me, it's one of the reason why I am approachable, and one of the reason that got my Full Admin. When it comes to any Trandoshan event, players know me as the one playing as Gorpek, and during events where I am cast as the B1 Battle Doids, I have gotten the reputation because of my impression of their voice. During these types of events I always look forward to them becasue you never know what might happen and that is the best type of feeling when these types of things happen. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I understand this, as well as understand this for any other role. I would not expect to get this role and then do nothing with it. As with my Admin position I will strive to do the best of what I can do, I'll be striving to bring the best of what I have in imagination into the game world so that other players may enjoy the creativity. Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Yes I do, I have a few. Now I had an event idea that was accepted with open arms so I will link that here, as it has not been done yet, however. Billiam did say I can use this as my example but I want come up with a brand new idea for this application. As for recent developments it has been brought up that some people would rather have a more story driven and conversational event rather than just a shoot em up. So the idea: Murder Mystery on the ship. A LAAT gunship arrives on the Redeemer carrying several passengers as local representative of their each respective species. Event Job Requirements: Wookies, Trandoshan's, Umbaran's, Mandalorians and Tusken Raiders (6+ or more). A Republic Medic, and a Naval Personnel and a Staff member that has the ability to slay. When the gunship docks and the passengers disembark, they proceed for a short time to the 3rd floor (this is to allow all some players on the ship to note the locations of the delegation and as to what they are doing. Once the delegation has been given enough time to have a look round they are to proceed to the 3rd floor, and onwards to the Command Deck to speak with a delegation of Naval personnel. Once there the delegation begins, the representatives are allowed to mingle with Naval to get accustomed with each other (this can include past and current grievous's that the various group have with one another), after a few minutes a toast is raised (drink) as a celebration as a sign of continued support with the representatives factions. As the majority of Naval personnel begin to discuss what the representatives have in vital information to the war effort, a Naval personnel in the delegation will drop dead. (A staff member will need to slay the Naval in question). Hearing the commotion the Naval delegation returns to find on of their dead brethren lying on the floor. The cause of death is not fully known but it looks as like poisoning was to blame (Maybe it was the drink or a concealed dart that stabbed the Naval)( Will change during event). ( I may tell the medic to say that it was a Kamino saberdart that killed the Naval, thus implementing the Mandalorians, however the killers may in fact be the Umbaran's). I will mix it up to add additional tension. The event: From this point on, the representatives play dumb having not known what has just happened, however, one of them is the killer. I intend to make this a series based upon the decisions that have been reached during this event. To add things interesting to this event, each representative has something to offer the Republic, this is to try and to give not only the players something of value could be lost if they choose the wrong person, but, it also allows the Killer to give he/she has a trump card ish to try and sway the blame. The Wookies will give a much needed staging area for which the Republic can refuel their ships to continue the war. (Without this support the Republic will be very limited in its capacity to start an offensive in the region). The Mandalorians will give support in the form of raids and information gathering on a heavily defended Separatist outpost that is due to be attacked by a vastly outgunned Republic force. (Without this support the Republic Fleet that attacks the outpost will suffer heavy casualties, the projected loss will be 80% of all forces) The Tusken Raiders though not a trustworthy people, they raided a secret Separatist Communications Tower on Nal Hutta, after burning and looting the tower, they stole a bunch of data drives, that if decoded, holds damning evidence of certain Hutt clans that are aiding the Separatists unbeknownst to Jabba. (Without this information these Hutt Clans will continue to give aid and information to Separatist forces, which intern will allow the Separatists to know all Republic forces currently operating out of Hutt territory). The Umbarans, some Umbarans that did not want to leave the Republic and Join the Confederacy have decided to come to the Republic with secret Umbaran technology. This technology would allow the Republic to fit ray shields on to their own combat vehicles, much like the Umbaran mobile heavy cannon and Umbaran fighters. (Without this technology Republic casualties during the war will start to raise as this technology can save lives). The Trandoshans the Trandoshans in their travels have come across a vast supply of Separatist Hyperlane maps on data pads, as well as Super tactical droid that has been deactivated. This could come in handy in knowing vital pieces of the Confederacy's war plans. (Without this information, the Republic will remain in the dark about the upcoming Separatist attack on a Republic staging area). (During the event or just prior I will pick one of these groups to be the killers. This is to stop any spoilers just in case people who wish to participate in this event see this post). Once the Naval is dead an investigation can begin, now, each faction will not give up any information no matter the circumstance until the a culprit is found and killed, this is to allow the added illusion to the players that they need to find this person quickly otherwise all information will be lost. From this part on each party will have the information as stated above to read off of as to try and influence the outcome of the investigation. Example, if you are a Mandalorian you could say, "we are not guilty and if you decide to kill us you will lose the information that we have about a Heavily Defended Separatist Outpost that your Republic is about to attack, and that if the Republic does not get this information, they will be walking into a trap". As stated this is to give a sort of urgency to the scenario. The Republic Medic that will be in on the event will be the only one telling the players on what caused the death of the Naval and what was the method in which he died from. The Naval personnel that has died will stay dead on the floor or a ragdoll may be spawned in his place. Apart from this, the players are free to determine and find out who killed the Naval, and what was the reason for such. When I choose the Faction that is responsible for the death of the Naval I will give them a little reason as to why they killed the Naval, but they are free to come up with their own reason if they so wish. This is the basis for this event, but If anything else does need explaining I am more than happy to answer any questions. Sorry if their are any spelling mistakes, as this is a very long application I may not be able to get them all. Many thanks. -Stahl
  16. Actually you will find Riddick who is a mate of mine, has changed them and has re-uploaded them to Senate Commandos which is here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162750942 They are still being worked on becasue of a few issues with the arms etc, I will forgive you on your assumption that you made. All of these models are being worked on by a few people not just a singular one. I am merely showing you our current progress on the matter as I am constantly asked about it. Please do not assume or start making assumptions please, if I have not written it in texts claiming such things it is not true. Just message me if you have any questions, instead of assuming thank you.
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