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Posts posted by Stahl

  1. I wonder what your training will be like and how you run things.

    Just a general rule, Power players, threatening to demote players, and inactivity have no place within the Senate Commandos.

    Now Dragon, more hours on GMOD as you do not have many, and your inactivity.

    Apart from that, I wish you good luck and I hope it works out for you lad.

    • Agree 1
  2. I have come out of the shadows to post on this app just because why not.

    So, let's get down to the brass tacks.

    When did having to be into a regiment mean you could not be a regimental hello?

    It's not rocket science to know what a regimental is, I mean hell, I know a few good lads of mine previously on this server who became a Regimental even though they had never been in the battalion they were going for, and the same applied to BCMD of a battalion that people have not been in.

    That's just the first point I wanted to make.

    The second point, Powerplaying.

    Commander > BCMD > Regimental of another group = Powerplay?

    Well sheet, I guess everyone on this server fits that description then.

    Let's be real, Xaze is a new person to this current group of battalion he may be Regimental for, ok, but that is not a valid reason to -1 an app.

    He has been on Star Wars RP for 4 years and more, and he has held the position before, so after hearing that 50% of these -1's have just be nullified.

    And, may I point out, the valid reason would be, have you been a Regimental before, or have you have experience in leader such a mass group of people.

    Well, the answer would be yes, he has had his owned server, he has run a community, and he is currently BCMD Fox and he has been a Regimental before on other popular servers, come one, what more experience did you want.

    I think it comes down to the point of, a new guy is coming into a group of battalions who would rather have their own friends be in that position, we know this is how it goes, that by definition would actually constitute to the very definition of favouritism.

    "the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group"

    "unfair support shown to one person or group, especially by someone in authority" i.e, the leader of those battalions.

    Now, I am not stating this may be the case, because if I do, I can guarantee that the lynch mob that always forms out these kind of statements will want to cut my nuts off.

    Having said that, let's give him a chance then, if Xaze can not perform his job to the standard that is expected, then he will be removed from the position.

    I do hope that, more calmer and more forthsighted heads prevail, and that we can all come together as a community, rather than "it's a guy we do not know" and you try and kill his app.

    He has the experience, give him a chance as I guarantee the majority of you would not be in the current positions you are in, if someone had not given you the same chance with your positions.

    Let's see what happens shall we.

    +1 but in green.

  3. 8 minutes ago, ASVO said:

    It’s the internet it happens get thicker skin people are mean sometimes we are human people will always disagree no matter what. Just my opinion on the matter 

    But ASVO, their is a difference between people disagreeing with people, then there's people who are actual retarded failed abortions.

    • Agree 1
  4. I remember you when you was Yarael Poof and the blatant FailRP stuff that you did, like mind tricking clones to get into to a Palpatine run small RP session, and you and the rest of the Jedi just arguing and ruining the session soured my taste of you.

    If you can prove to be a better player and person now, than when you was then, I'll consider giving you my support.

    Until then my sun.


    • Agree 3
    • Disagree 3
  5. Going to miss your minginess as Director, some big arguments where had on that part...good times.

    Good luck with university and basketball down under lad, I hope you find a career out of whatever it is that you are doing.

    The Staff where always lazy lmao.

    Good luck.

  6. For the first time in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive history, a North American team have been crowned Valve Major champions, as Cloud9 defeated European supersquad FaZe Clan in the grand finals of the ELEAGUE Major: Boston earlier today.

    It only took them a few years, It had to happen sooner or later.

    Though the crowd who just kept shouting USA, just made the whole thing look like a rednecks wedding reception.

    GG though.

  7. I have know Gene for quite some time, and I think he would do a great Job given the chance.

    All these people shitting on Gene, especially from the 212th and not anyone else.

    Even though the 212th has its own problems that, even you Mamba need to fix, I find it quite funny that all the issues you bring up, actually existed with the 212th when I was in the Battalion from when I first joined, to the point you has a massive Officer revolt.

    And these problems stemmed almost 7 months ago.

    As Tomas has said, hits the nail on the head.

    +1 my sun, go out and bring the change.

    • Agree 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Thexan said:

    I looked into the lore portion of this, and the senate commandos were never under ST, rather that over the course of the clone wars they were deemed ineffective and slowly rooted out for ST to do their job. Sorry bud, that lore doesn't line up with what you are selling.

    ST is no longer called ST, it's called CG.

    Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine formed a personnel security detail of red-robed guards whom he favored over the Senate Guard. He additionally began to phase out the Senate Guard with the clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard. Eventually, as Galactic Emperor, Palpatine disbanded the Senate Guard altogether and replaced them with his Royal Guard and the stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire.

  9. 1 hour ago, Fours said:

    Doom's Unit: Only itself.
    RANCOR: Only itself unless you want to include battalion ARC's.
    SO: Only itself.
    41st GC: Only itself (for now at least).
    Republic Medics: Are an attachment themselves.
    RC Squads: Work as a collective group and most times with NULL.
    91st: Lightning squad. (1) (Nothing special to them and are included as 91st in the menu).
    501st: Torrent Company (1) (Only includes named characters).
    104th: Wolfpack (1) (again only named characters with jetpacks).
    327th: K-Company (1).
    Galactic Marines: Keller's Unit (1).
    212th: 2ndAirborne and Ghost Company (2) (Until recently Ghost Company hadn't any models, just used names.)
    Shock Troopers: Main forces, Peacekeepers, Coruscant Guard (3,soon to be 4 with this addition) (Although no models are used for either of the three, they still have unique roles that makes them differ from each other and other battalions.)


    And so will SC they will differ from SC 

  10. Just now, Fours said:

    I understand. But it takes too much away from current battalions with those roles. Every battalion and sub-unit has something unique about them and makes each one stand out from the other. If they're a sub-unit, they shouldn't have more roles on the server as current large battalions/squads would be limited to what they had and possibly completely lose the role completely or be removed.

    I mean, every battalion on the server has like 1,2 or even 3 sub units to their name, and adding SC under the CG branch, which is actually lore, and having the ST being put under that as well, as the CG was run by the Senate, and the leader of that is the Senators or Palpatine that's lore, but it's now not working like that.

    It makes no sense.

    • Disagree 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Fours said:

    -1, this takes way too much from all other battalions that ultimately makes them unique from another. If they're gonna be a "sub-unit" why should they have more power than anybody other than themselves? Their duties are to protect Senators. They had nothing to do with interrogations/hostage negotiations unless maybe it was a senator. Hell even Argyus, a CAPTAIN, of Senate Commandos, had nothing to do with the interrogation of Gunray, he only protected the cell until it came to his escape. 

    This is too many specialisations that battalions on the server already have. And like I said, the Senate Commandos guard Senators, not VIP's unless like again, a Seperatist senator held captive. Protecting VIP's are Shock troopers job. Sub-unit or not it makes no sense. 104th deal with negotiations, job taken, RC/Null are practically the assassins/interrogators. To have these roles removed from each of these units would be downright annoying for them and leave a big hole as to their existence.

    Just following the lore my dude.

    If you read up on the SC, you will find all this stuff on their.

    • Disagree 2
  12. Time to update people on this Server Suggestion.

    Due to a 180 now that I and ST have been informed, and despite being told up until this point, and having people +1 the idea, and at no point was anyone of us told, despite what Joah has said, that ST was and I quote "ST was all told", when BCMD Fox, all of the the ST Officers, and the lower ranks where not even aware, I was not informed doubly, considering I was working with Zim on this project, so I would have been told that way as well, but Joah has said he told all of ST that the Senate Commandos was "Never" going to be apart of ST.

    Just like the time he told me he said SC was never going to be a thing, despite getting all the signs that it was, back in the day, despite what anyone says as I would not have put this amount of effort in to make it work if I had known that, and that's a given fact.

    Despite, Joah accepting the post detaling all how the ST would work, then Joah asking Zim to tell me to post this post in the server suggestions where I again, highlighted how SC would work, and one of them being that SC would run under ST, as ST is changing the ST name to Coruscant Guard to fit into lore, the Senate Commanders operated in the branch that was Coruscant Guard, which Commander Fox's Shock Troopers, Coruscant Underworld Police Force and the Senate Guard and Senate Commandos that operated under this.

    And the posts that detailed this getting the majority +1, it has all been scrapped and turned into something else.

    No communication has been had that relates to SC not being apart of ST.

    After Zim requested copies of all the documents that I made, that had been months in the planning, and Joah requesting them a while back even, before the SC's where even accepted, and sending him the documents after talking to him in a TS channel, has just seemed to highlight the point, due to the inconsistency of these actions.

    Is that this was a split decisions that was made only very recently, and not that this was going to work from the very start. (It's like the wool has been pulled over our eyes).

    Their is no other way to say it, this is not a rant, but I will state my opinion if anything that does not add up, and especially when the people working on this, and I can say this with the utmost confidence, had absolutely no idea of what claims he has said to ST, as I said, the BCMD was not even aware of this nor where any of the Officers, so who he spoke to, would be nice to know.

    So I would say, being told to post this server suggestion and having it approved, will  now server no point as the powers that be have decided to do it their own way.

    I have decided to make this post to tell people that, the implementation of SC has now completely changed, the training, tryouts, roster, ranks, branch they are under and all that, is now unknown.

    I also decided to make this post because I am wanting to speak to Joah over voice communications and I have heard no word on that, just in text chat being told, that we already apparently knew, and just leave ST for SC.

    Not the best way I had hopped this situation would be handled to be honest and fair.

    Thank you all, keep voting if you wish but, I am in the dark as much as you lot are.

    • Agree 2
  13. 4 hours ago, Bbstine said:

    -1 Hostage negotiations? That's just taking away what the 104th already do, and they rarely get to do that.

    Espionage and assassination? When would we ever do this?


    I'm sorry Stahl, I know this means alot to you, but it just seems so useless.


    Just following Lore, but it can be changed when it actually gets added.

    • Disagree 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Andrews53 said:

    Changed my mind. Very neutral on this subject. What will Commandos do when there are no Senators / or VIPs awake. What equipment will they have access to? What type of authority would they have? Coruscant Guard has been known for a long time to my knowledge being the primary protectors of VIPs. Why the sudden urge of needing to add an entire need Battalion, Sub Unit or however you put, protecting really only 4-5 individuals that qualify as "SENATOR".  If Senate commandos are going to take one our main duties, what will replace that main duty because The only time I have fun is when we get to protect VIPs and take contact in the areas we place these "VIPs" in or being deployed on training or actual deployments? 

    Something fun & exciting would have to replace. The truth be told, arresting minges 24/7 isn't fun at times it's and sometimes it's not. You gotta understand that if you're going to take one thing, you must replace it with another thing. 

    To addon, with the recent addition of Diplomatic Services in the battalion, wouldn't it just defeat the purposes of having Senate Commandos. I'm perfectly fine to have Diplomatic Servies but Senate Commandos. Noo. I also wanna introduce a little something here :)


    This might be a little rant response but you know, I feel I really need to voice my opinion on this subject. 


    Read my post all the way through, it explains it.

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