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  1. 4/4 good ol early morning mission,always appreciated.
  2. 4/4 It felts different and super fun tbh,dont mind being one shot,would do it again.
  3. -1 You fucked up,live with the consequence my dude. Even if you are one of the OG's you should not get a free pass.
  4. 3/4 Lots of crashes but I got to run around as a medic and heal everyone,telling them goodowrk and to keep fighting!
  5. Overall: 2/4: The map we are using at the moment is not stable.The event idea was great and everything but the lag/crashes made the whole experience not so fun.I am 501st and we had huge number at the start,when the part of defending the FOB for an hour or so was getting very boring and tiresome,half the 501st left because of that.Then the Attack regiment we're asked to come up with a plan,witch 2ndLT Taz from the 501st came up with the plan.The plan worked very well and no one even said anything about it,no recognition or anything,what was the point of that?Also at the very end when we we're trying to RP Detain that "Sith" he kind of just ignored us and Kyberslammed 10 troopers,that was kind of bs.Apart from all of those, I really enjoyed the event,my favorite part was when we we're getting pushed back into the FOB it really was a hard battle and felt like if we lost that,all hope was lost. Story: 2/4: I like stories like this,it made for a good background to the event,but the faction that was used wasn't even suppose to be there in this "ERA" that the server plays on. Execution: 2/4 : It felt like some parts of the event wasn't thought of and didn't take in consideration the unstable map. Game Mechanics: 4/4 I love the FOB,the bunkers and the fact that we we're getting attacked from all sides at the same time.I love that every battalion had a little something to do,that felt really nice. So for me the whole score would be 2.5/4.
  6. +1 Not only do I like Valor as a person,but he is fun,knows how to lead with a firm grip but capable of remaining flexible.As a commander in 501st at the moment I have nothing bad to say about the men. Goodluck and I wish you all the best in your application!
  7. o7 We'll always remember Sugga as the 501st BCMD. We love you sugga!
  8. +1 Good Sev. I believe he would make a good Boss.
  9. +1 I am not part of the 104th but I've seen Steel online alot and he seem like a great 104th Officer.
  10. -1 I know this got waived and everything,but even with that I believe that taken the position of Rex and being BCMD of the 501st,that 1 month captain or plus requirement should be uphold either way.
  11. +1 It looks better and I think it would a great addition to the 501st.
  12. 4/4 lots of bugs and crashes,but it more then just a deployment,lots of rp and shoot em up,love it.
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