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About CivMalcolm

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  1. -1 Sorry just a lot of negative backlash
  2. 4/4 man solid event. It was slow to start with good passive RP and then we went up and some shooting RP. Great event
  3. Title of Thread: CWRP - (Name) Staff Application RP Name: TR Rancor ARC MEDL MSG Malcolm Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:446170257 VIP (Y/N): N Age:16 Timezone:CST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Well most of all I think I would be a great addiction to the team. I have lots of past experience with different community's and through that have learned how to deal with things properly. And I want to grow as a member of the server. Over the time I have keep on playing here i keeping trying to grow by doing as many things I can. I started by join Rancor as a challenge to grow. And now I want to continue to move forward and be someone that just does more then getting on sitting in a corner and posting tryout announcements,Going to events, and growing the battalion. I now want to help grow the server, Stay one and help people that need staff, and get rid of the people trying to hinder others RP experience. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 16, I live in the mid west , and I play baseball. I enjoy role play of course doing some FiveM before and now moving over to Gmod as I had burnt my self out on the whole Cops and robbers thing. I enjoy am currently looking to get my EMT license/Paramedic. And once that is done I am looking to go to Fire Cadet school and join a Fire company with in my city. But if that doesn't pan out I am also looking into Law Enforcement with in my city as well. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I worked my way up from a Admin to a Co owner of a 2000 person discord called UND. There we worked on being just a chat place for people to hang. I worked on the Sponsors we revived from company's like OPSeat, and Origin PC. Also I have staffed FiveM servers over on GTA being head admin of 700 person discords with a full player base on the GTA server 32/32 Or on some bigger servers 64/64. Over all I have lots of staff experience over all from just solely discord to games and community's. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 151+ hours (at the time of submitting)
  4. 4/4- Really goo spawning, Loved that last stand with 501st trooper. Over all a really solid event. Hope we get more like it.
  5. 3/4 well done good job getting Engineer RP in
  6. Overall: 3/4. Was a good event good action. But was just a kinda shoot it up with no story or things to really do but kill. Story: 2/4, I didn't see really any story till the end with village. If there is a story I think It would be better if we could interact with it better/ Find out it by piecing together things Execution: 4/4, Spawns were great and it was all done very well Game Mechanics: 4/4, Again spawns were great.Timing and the execution from the GM's were spot on.
  7. +1 for me (Reasons) 1.In the time I have been in Rancor every NCO+ has been extremely helpful guiding me and getting me to where I am now. Everyone attempts to help others that I can see and me as well. 2. I feel that Sixta is always making sure that Rancor is presented the best as it can be to the best of his ability. During Training, Events, and Deployments he tries to make the comms and us as rancor look the best. Now I did give him a +1 but there is improvement needed to be made For one Activity needs for NCO+ needs to be improved where there are days where I am the only one on and nothing to do. People not filling requirements should be removed after a week or so and after you have you have warned then in a message. Other then that It has been a great time having you as BCMD and I hope to see you run another term as I feel you are the best candidate for the position.
  8. I understand, Most people that left and my self who stayed just wanted to see more of a PVP aspect added.
  9. 2/4. The Idea was really solid no room for improvement there. But the execution is what I would say could be better. The Event has the potential to be amazing I think if there was more of a PVP added to it. If you wouldn't stop progress and lets say have Red VS Blue end up fighting over Tato because we progressed to the same spot. That would be really something and be a for sure 4/4
  10. 3.5/4 Very nice to go underwater and have something creative. Just a little two short.
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