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Posts posted by SteffyTV

  1. Name: Bruise

    Who helped (If applicable): Clutch, Fenrir

    Summary of encounter: Admiral trench 's scouting party discovered the clones slacking off on felucia base. He decided to send a massive attack fleet with many vehicles, ships and droids. Mass chaos ensued but the republic won!

  2. Name: Bruise

    Who helped (If applicable): Clutch, Darkk

    Summary of encounter: A guard of a politician reported him missing to the republic . Commander Bruise got the report and the data and assembled a strike force to get him back after he was kidnapped by a gang. The team tried to save him from harm but he was shot into a pit of acid by the leader. The team dispatched the gang and fished the politician out of the acid and gave him medical attention. They managed to help him make a recovery

  3. 5 hours ago, Johnson said:

    From what I understand, 41st's high command is just non existent (almost zero Senior Officer positions and few Junior Officers) Losing their only(?) Commander seems like a big deal in my opinion. I understand its just a waiting game for the right candidates and it's a process for choosing people for High Command, but again like your previous application, you're splitting your focus to 50/50 as Recon.

    I'm staying neutral because you obviously have plans for 41st and Cronis is very capable of leading 41st and filling those high command spots, with you presumably assisting, but again, you're expected to split your focus while leaving Cronis with the 41st. Giving the amount of attention 41st still needs at the moment isn't plausible while being Recon. However you can prove me wrong. You're a good person and really friendly, but I just think you're a bit too ambitious currently. There's also the concern about you going for Obi-wan at the same time as Recon and the stress holding both positions can cause. Strangely enough your situation almost mirrors Noble's at the moment (Obi-wan And Anakin getting regimental positions)

    I appreciate the criticisms and see where you are coming from. I currently right now plan on staying in my current spot in my jedi. But if needed I would pursue Kenobi to help the 212th

  4. Here we go again.

    Steam Name: Synr.gg | Bruise


    RP Name: 41st EC ARC Commander Bruise


    RP Rank: Commander


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80470484


    Regiment you are applying for: Recon Regimental



    41st PVT-BCMD

    The only battalion I ever joined on this server, the 41st. I have dedicated many hours to bettering the battalion in any way possible. I started out Normally, as a PVT within the JT branch. As a CPL I got medically trained and joined the MED branch then soon became a MEDO under the MEDL at the time Swolsuki. After some time in the battalion I joined the Sub Unit Green Company and obtained the distinction of an ARC trooper. I was promoted to ARCO under Omami and kept working to improve ARC in the 41st. Then I achieved the rank of Commander Early in BCMD Griefs term. I took up ARCL for a short time and then was prompted to GCL and Commander Faie. Then Came the time, I took the position of BCMD Gree within the 41st.Recently I have finished my time as gree, this position has taught me a lot about patience and honesty, as I had to admit my struggles in this position. Overall being in the 41st has helped me out not just on this server, but in real life as well.

    Jedi Youngling-Master-Commander

    My time as a Jedi on this server was a fun ride all the way till where I currently stand. I started as a youngling, passing the trials then becoming a Padawan. After a while I met one of my best friends on the server who taught me how to spar. (Clutch) I then passed guardian trials and within two days passed knight and TG trials. I soon accepted a position as temple guard manager. I kept working and joined the tg sub branch of the investigators. I became a manager there as well. After the Manager Lead before me resigned to focus on clone, I was given the position. I was then put on knightwatch and passed. I did my master interview and became a Jedi master. I then Joined 212th On my jedi. Applied

    And was granted the lore character Adi Gallia. Unfortunately I did not obtain master back after the recent wipe but then was granted the title of Jedi Commander.


    CW Staff NA-VA

    My time as staff has been a learning experience for myself. I believe it shows that I can be trusted to do my duties of what I am asked to perform. I started as an NA taking whitelist tickets and training CC’s. I then became an Admin and helped with events and sims. I then was promoted to SA and showed my creativity as a gamemaster. After some time I became a GMO and helped others become GMs and GHs. I

    Was then promoted to VA and was given a lot more responsibility in the staff team. I look forward to continuing my work as staff.


    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: 


    The reason I am applying again for this position, the regiment needs a commander. I have learned a lot in the 30+ days since my application was posted and subsequently denied. And taking the criticisms and advice from all of the responses led to me getting inspiration to finish my term as commander gree. As my time as gree has ended and I have been thinking about what I should do, I have decided to apply. I believe that over the time since my denial I have changed my mindset. I have been in this regiment for over 8 months, I've seen it go from recon, to mechanized, then back again. I’ve seen the tension between 41st and rancor. I’ve seen this regiment thrive and struggle. I also have spoken with a few past commanders about the position and have worked closely with them as well. I believe in the time since I have been denied, I have matured and really understood why leaving the 41st at that time was wrong. I think that now, as the 41st has grown and has a great leader to continue the growth exponentially, that it’s my time to apply for regimental commander. That is why I should become recon regimental.


    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes



    MON-THURS 10:30 AM 12AM

    Friday- All Day

    Weekend- All Day

    Discord- Almost 24/7


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 

    41st MEDO 

    41st ARCO

    Green Company Member

    41st Commander

    41st ARCL

    41st PLTL (1 Week)

    41st Green Company Lead

    41st Battalion Commander Gree

    Jedi Knight

    Jedi Guardian

    Jedi Temple Guard

    Jedi TGM

    Jedi Investigator Manager

    Jedi INVML

    Jedi Master

    Jedi Master Adi Gallia

    Jedi Commander

    Foxtrot Jedi

    Game Master

    Game Master Officer

    Veteran Administrator


    Do you have a microphone?: Yes


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: 


    I want both of the regiments battalions to have a strong foundation, that being activity, a strong NCO and officer core, and an influx of enlisted entering the battalions. I would also like both of the battalions specialized trainings, ARC and BARC to continue to be hosted (BARC needs to be hosted more as it is a vehicle training). I want both BCMD’s of the battalions to come to me with any issues that they have so we can resolve them together and come to a quick and easy solution on the issue. I also want my regiments relations to be improved greatly. I am aware of the past tensions between 41st and Rancor. That is a thing of the past and I want that to be forgotten by the end of my term. I want both 41st and rancor to be comfortable with working with each other whether it be events, trainings, or just rp’ing with each other on the server. I want every member of both battalions to be comfortable enough to come to me with any issues they have with myself or any questions they wish to ask me (if they followed CoC).


    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:


    I am still keeping the idea of a phase plan for the regiment, but I have heavily modified it.


    Phase 1- Phase 1 will focus on me working with both battalions to build that strong foundation, helping both battalions officers and nco’s to become better in whatever they need to improve in. During this phase communication and relations will be worked on lightly with the battalions combining to work during an event or during a training. This phase will be the start and will ease both battalions in to be ready for the next two phases.


    Phase 2- Phase 2 will begin when both I and the BCMD’s believe they have a foundation strong enough to move on, then phase 2 will begin. This phase will focus on relations within the regiment and communications with myself.  This will consist of in game trainings, rp situations and event server deployments where both battalions work together and become more comfortable with each other. I will also frequently be asking members of both battalions NCO and officer cores on how they believe I am doing as well as how I can improve relations or be more transparent.


    Phase 3- Phase 3 will be the more relaxed and final phase. By the time this phase begins communication and relations should be high enough and working together should be a regular occurrence. I will still keep opinions on my performance frequently and try to be as transparent as possible. Trainings and events will keep happening but they will not be as rigorous and focused on communication as the others.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes


    Side Note: I appreciate you taking the time to give your opinion, if you have any questions about me or my BCMD term feel free to ask.


  5. Name: Bruise

    Who helped (If applicable): Clutch

    Summary of encounter: Asajj Ventress set up a camp on mustafar, Mace windu sensed it and sent the jedi there.They discovered her at about the same time as the count did. They fought with ventress allied with herself but not harming the jedi. Dooku escaped and went to the temple while ventress escaped due to no force shackles being applied. She came to the temple defenseless and managed to escape the count and the temple

    Link to encounter Document (optional): N/A

  6. Name: Bruise

    Who helped (If applicable): Cronis, Wolfro, Midlife

    Summary of encounter: A republic zoo official came to the base after a prized fish was stolen. He Made the case for the fish as it was worth 20  million credits and could educate and entertain. The republic sent a force of troops to battle the thieves. They did and when it was all said and done many lives were lost. The republic got the fish and it lived happily ever after.

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