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Posts posted by Esitt

  1. 44 minutes ago, Keo (old Pheonix) said:


    Also just because I thought of this now, MEDICAL NAVAL ARE MORE DEAD THAN THE RM! All of the Medical Naval I have seen personally are either a RM clone(main) or Pyle. Other than that I have not seen any active medical naval doing their job substantially enough for me to notice them. Like please just stop. 

    Do you know why no Medical Naval are active? Because a battalion took their place! You say you see no one on, but when they do RM whip out that fat authority over Med-bay and all medical RP. Please just work with Naval not against them, I would really like for Medical in Naval to be active again, but the chances of that at the moment are very slim. You saying Medical Naval is more dead than RM is hypocritical because YOU are the ones that killed it. +1 to the name change though.

    • Agree 5
    • Disagree 1
  2. Congratulations Quill! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

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