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Posts posted by Esitt

  1. Personal Opinion: Asking for a lot here, 501st may have been the main lore battalion but that doesn't mean that they get more stuff than the other battalions. The only part of this suggestion that seems rational is asking for the medkit, but as Banjans said. Kix isn't special. 

    Tester Opinion: Would take some time to implement, on the low part of the list to be done, seems to just want the buff to feel more special than the other battalions. 

    Pros: Makes TC looks more powerful and better to be in, 501st is happy, etc.

    Cons: Asking for way too much, trying to get an advantage over the rest of the battalions/sub-units, giving buffed weapons to certain people.

    Overall: -1

    • Agree 1
  2. ==========[ Admiral of the Navy ]==========

    Steam Name: [SR] Esitt on the Beat [VA]

    RP Name: Vice Admiral Shoan Kilian | Senator Organa | TRM 41st EC HVYL Colonel Esitt

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:165322409

    Experience: The thing about me truly is that once I find a battalion, I stay in it until either it gets removed, or im no longer welcomed. So this will be a short list.

    187th Battalion (Late August to Late November) - TR3 to Major (THIS WAS ON THE OLD MAP AND RANKING SYSTEM, MAJOR WAS THE HIGHEST UNTIL COMMANDER)
    So this is where the magic all started, the first time I joined the server I failed 327th tryouts. Then right next door I went to 187th and found my home. I have learned a great deal of things from that battalion, ranging from leadership to people that would become my friends. I got a whole lot of different positions in this battalion, first being Elite Jet Trooper Officer. This is where I ran tryouts for the best of the best Jet Troopers. Then i received the rank of 2ndLT, this was the start of my officer career and became a stepping stone in my 187th experience. After that I then made it to the rank of Major and Pilot Leader. As Major I lead the lower officers to make them better leaders in-game and out of game, as Pilot Leader I then lead tryouts, and only kept the best people in those positions. Then finally came the end of 187th this was the week that unfortunately 187th would be removed and my home would then be no more. During this week my soon to be BCMD Banjans said that I was a Commander, then the battalion was removed and that part of my journey was gone.

    41st Elite Corps (From Late November to Present Day) - Major to Colonel
    So after 187th removed I then had to find a new place to call my home on the server, and luckily 41st was recruiting that day. In the 41st I got to meet ALOT of different people, I got to try new things and had different leadership opportunities. I heard that 41st was a good alternative to the 187th and boy were those people right. In the 41st I then became the Heavy Leader, a position I have never had. I eventually got promoted to LTC due to the new ranking system. In this battalion it really wasn't all that getting promoted, it was a lot more fun actually doing stuff with them. Then after a few months as LTC I soon was promoted by my boy Wombat to Colonel. This is the highest rank I could achieve because I have my Senator and Vice Admiral to worry about AND I'm an inactive cuck. Now that's all out of the way, here I am today! Im still a Colonel and Heavy Leader, and I will stay in the 41st until they get removed (WHICH THEY WILL NEVER WILL) or im no longer wanted, and that's it. My new home.

    Naval (From Late October to Present Day) - Crewman Apprentice to Vice Admiral Shoan Kilian
    Now here's the BIG BOI, my naval experience. Well where could I start but my first day on the job? So I got into naval after 3 different tries and all were back in the day's of HARD tryouts. That happened rarely, so of course, I wanted in. Finally I got in and then I started to main it like hell! The first big stepping stone in Naval was me being promoted to Intel Manager and Manager of Flight Ops, these were some pretty hard leading positions, Intel was very new and I tried my hardest to keep it intact, then Managing Flight ops was some work considering I had to motivate my boys to actually do the training's. After that I then became Chief of Flight Ops, in which I tried my hardest to keep the branch active and doing things, I succeeded in keeping them branch members active, the hard part was pushing them to do training's. I eventually did get mates who did training's but it wasn't easy. I then hit LTJG which was the starting officer rank, this was a new experience being an Officer in naval, and I loved it. I did tryouts frequently and tried to start bringing in numbers, I also kept up my work of being the CFO. Then I eventually got promoted to LCDR in which I stayed at for another 2 months. (Im a patient boyo), I proceeded to serve under 3 different Admirals, I saw a lot of good people come and go but I always stayed. Eventually Freck became the Admiral and he saw the potential in me in which I will never forget, I kept up my flow of work and finally Freck had promoted me to Commodore. Now it's almost half way through Freck's term and he had no Vice Admiral nor Rear Admiral, and one day, he called an optional. In which he promoted me to Vice Admiral where I have stayed since this day, I have also been his right hand man for every decision hes made, I have been running naval through the western hours while he does it in the eastern. Its a great balance that we try and work on everyday, I would say that I have done a lot of great things as Vice Admiral and could do more as the Admiral. So at the current moment I am the Vice Admiral of the Navy. In which I attend to stay in even if I don't get Admiral, I have been dedicated to Naval since late October and that is what I intend to do for more months to come.

    Why should you become Admiral?: I should become Admiral because I have been in a lot of different positions that needed a leader, role-model, and guide. I think I would do very well in this position because I am very familiar to the way Naval is running at this moment and how it was ran before, I think I could bring some great ideas to Naval since we will be switching to the new Planet-side Map. But as Admiral I wouldn't run Naval all by myself, of course. I would always ask the opinion's of my other Admirals and Officers. In my eyes, you get the best ideas and information if you just listen to what others have to say and not just do what you think is good. I think I will be able to lead Naval very well, hopefully bring up the numbers a lot because I have a lot of great officers who I hope will help me. So in reality if given the chance at this role, I think I will do just fine at it considering the mentor-ship I have gotten from all the past Admirals and Freck, I think I WILL be prepared for this position. I also have a great un-biased opinion on things, this will be an asset so I do not favorite anyone into positions nor choose other's people suggestions over certain people. Everyone knows favoritism is all around us, I want to try my hardest to not do this and only reward the people that do the most work and who are the most dedicated to naval as my term in the Admiral position.

    Do you understand the lore of the Republic Navy?: Yes I understand the lore of the Republic Navy, I may not know every nook and cranny of the lore, but I know I have a good understanding of it all, and I will always have time to learn more.

    Availability: I am available Monday - Thursday from 3 PM PST/6 PM EST to 10 PM PST/1 AM EST (Because I have school), Friday - Sunday all day. If I ever have something come up or anything I will inform my Naval about it.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
    I have gotten many things in my time on the server, here is some.

    - Overseer/High Staff
    - Trainer Manager
    - Game Master
    - Colonel of 41st
    - Major of 187th (Next week would have been Commander)
    - Vice Admiral Shoan Kilian of the Navy
    - Senator Bail Organa
    - Senator Lux Bonteri

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

    Where do you want the Republic Navy to be at the end of your term?: There's a couple things that I want for Naval by the end of my term and I will feel complete. That is a sturdy foundation in which I have lots of numbers, and a lot of officers I can rely on while im Admiral. If I ever am able to fully achieve this goal and have Naval be something that everyone has but gets on when they want to. I dont want naval to be called inactive anymore, im sick of it. We have tried to get numbers in but it seems that no one can pass, With my term as Admiral I will be trying my hardest to find the solution to this problem with the rest of my crew and then proceed to implement the solution and proceed to fix Naval. I also want Naval to be self sufficient and not always need me for every situation, I want all my naval to be leaders and to be to solve situations without my help. I want to be able to log on each day and see that my naval are doing things by there selves and I dont event have to ask them too! I also want my Naval to be more disciplined, This was the main thing Freck wanted in his terms and it  is also one that I want, I don't want my Naval to be minges who get in trouble every second on the server. I want my Naval to be role-models and leaders to the server in which new recruits and old time members would look up to them and be in Naval to be like them. 

    * My requirements would be atleast 2 Training's per day for each Branch. (Ex. Engineering, Quartermaster, Medical)

    * At least 1 Tryout per day so new people will have a chance to get into Naval and work their way up through the ranks.

    * 1 training per week between Naval and CG in which they will do some courses to further help themselves communicate and lead together.

    * Finally to have tough but fair promotion requirements to make it so only the people who do work and lead in Naval will be promoted and given more opportunities.

    How do you plan to change the Republic Navy under your command?: 
    * The first one would defiantly be to change Tryouts and Recruiting. It seems that the real huge problem that Naval is having at the moment is getting numbers, I want to change this by making the Tryouts not to easy but not to hard. I will make little things in the tryout a lot stricter like PTS and such. But this is defiantly what I will work on to make it so we get more numbers into Naval and more non-minges.

    * The second thing would be making Naval altogether more serious and more willing to do work. I want my naval to be serious during role-play but also having some fun, I don't want to make Naval not fun to be apart of. But I also don't want it to be known for not being serious and ruining role-play for others. I will do this by making PT documents and Punishment documents for different scenarios that my Naval could run into. For the willing to do work part, I want my Naval to do work when nothing else is going on. There is NO excuse for not doing training's and or RP when events are scarce. We as Naval are the source of RP for the rest of the ship and I want to keep it that way by doing the work we need to do.

    * The third and final thing would be working with the other battalions on the ship and especially CG considering they are the ones who protect us during Events. I want my Naval to have good ties with all the other battalion so everyone can work and RP together peacefully with no problems but sadly I know that can never FULLY be true. So if I were to ever get a report of my Naval disrespecting other battalions they would be an immediate demotion no matter the rank and given PT/Punishment accordingly. As for CG, considering that they are the ones who protect us around the ship and in events, I would want to host different courses where CG and Naval could work more closely together and to get more chemistry so when something does happen (AKA EVENTS) both sides would be prepared and know what to do so it isn't a giant cluster fuck.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I understand completely.

    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Admiral rank?: I understand.

  3. Personal Opinion: Seems pretty easy to implement onto the Event Server considering we have it on the Main server. 

    Tester Opinion: Same as my personal.

    Pros: Gamemasters would be happier, more potential for events, etc.

    Cons: Could lead to crashing of the Event Server if they collide in just the right way. Very rare though.

    Overall: +1

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