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Posts posted by Guaca

  1. To me it can be a +1 but it depends if the server is already like too hard to be managed the it would be a -1 but also it depends on how the SR community will follow about it but seeing the responses from people more old members or the SR community don't want the 327th to be added back due to the reason enough attack battalions i do understand that reason but it depends on the vote of people as for right. 

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  2. RP Name:TR 501st 1stLT Picollo

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:65662302

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 17

    Timezone: GMT+8

    What was your previous staff rank?: NA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: Did not reach Quota

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I would like to join the staff team due to wanting to help the community  when there's short staff that is on server and the ones who are AFK, During  downtime in server i could help with any situations as in needing white-list due to i don't see many staff who are usually during downtime, I will do my best to enforce the rules on the server whenever there's a situation or minges on the server,if needed any ideas for events i can try my best to think of any good ideas that won't be repetitive for the server,Plus being on the other side of the planet and during night times for the server i will be on if needed any assistance, And ill try to maintain the server standards from any rule breakers

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I felt great seeing that i can help people at the rank of a NA, even though i couldn't help with spawning anything for sims at least i can resolve people in game situations, during downtime ill be a chill person while during prime time or when there's a lot of people joining the server ill be serious and won't do irrational things during said times.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes


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  3. CWRP name : Guaca  

    RP Name: TR K-Company HVYO WO Green | TR Jedi P S Luthar

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:65662302

    VIP (Y/N): Y


    Timezone: GMT+8

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 
    I would like to join the staff team due to wanting to help the community  when there's short staff that is on server and the ones who are AFK . During  downtime in server i could help with any situations as in needing white-list due to i don't see many staff who are usually during downtime . I will do my best to enforce the rules on the server whenever there's a situation or minges on the server . if needed any ideas for events i can try my best to think of any good ideas that won't be repetitive for the server . Plus being on the other side of the planet and during night times for the server i will be on if needed any assistance .  Ill try to maintain the server standards from any rule breakers.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): 
    I am Active on the server everyday or 4-5 times a week . I play Gmod almost everyday from 12-5 am GMT+8 so that would be the most active ill be on the server . During downtime ill be a chill person while during prime time or when there's a lot of people joining the server ill be serious and won't do irrational things during said times.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? 
    Yes i do, used to be a T-mod before the server got Killed off 

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  

    TR K-Company HVYO WO Green has played for 364:29:35.

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) 
    i am not

  4. May the force be wuth you loopy and get healthy buddy

    4 hours ago, Loopy Newby said:

    Battalion: 327th Star Corps

    RP Name: Loopy

    Date: 12/4/19

    Reason: Unknown illness.

    It’s time gents. If you may or may not have known I have contracted a helluva illness that is causing me to neglect my Battalion Commander duties, I tried to wait and see if I could kick it in a timely manner but after 2 weeks of it showing no signs of getting better but instead getting worse I have decided to step down from Commander Bly to allow less ill and more active leaders to go for it.

    The jist is I just can’t really lead in my sickened state to the point where the battalion I love seems to be suffering from a lack of leadership which I sadly cannot provide due to my ever increasing sickness, so I will be stepping aside so the battalion can grow instead of being held back by me. Although I will be resigning as Commander Bly I will not be resigning as a Head Admin as I believe I can still effectively help the server even while I’m in my sickened state.

    I will still be helping the 327th behind the scenes as a legacy member by making docs or just giving simple advice to help the battalion grow. When I do kick this illness I plan on returning to the 327th full time at whatever rank the current Bly gives me. Thanks for all the laughs gents.


    @Sanchez Resident @Marvel: Thank you for allowing me to become Commander Bly and lead while I was still healthy. I hope I made y’all proud and didn’t disappoint the server with how I led as Commander Bly.

    @Willyworm1: From me joining while you were a captain, to me watching both of us run for Commander Bly and to the very end to where you were my executive officer, you’ve been there for me the whole way through and helped me lead the battalion into the new era filled with beautiful models and brand new members. I know you wanted me to finish my term but due to my ever deteriorating state I must apologize and say I sadly cannot finish my term. But in place I hope and pray you will become the next Commander Bly and succeed where I have failed. You’re a good man and a good friend o7.

    @Omalic: Lord above the sweds are taking over. But in all seriousness you helped me quite a bit as Attack Regimental and I just wanted to thank you for that. You are a good friend that helped me in some of the dark and stressful times and I hope you continue to help the 327th as I step down.

    @Eagle: You May or may not know it but you helped me more than you could ever have know, when my mental state was deteriorating I always had you to help lift me up which I will eternally be grateful for. I just want to say thank you and I know you’ll be one of the best commanders the 327th has ever seen. Go make us proud son.

    @Bananaberry: I'm glad I had you around to build up K-Company, I couldn’t have asked for a better Deviss during my term and for all your hard work you’ve done I sincerely thank you. Your a good friend and a funny guy and I wish you the best as you focus on jedi.

    @Harte: I’m sorry that I’m leaving before I could get well acquainted ya but from the bottom of my heart thank you for becoming our secura. I’ll rest easy knowing you’ll be leading the 327th Jedi into the new era.
    @Poe: thank you for mentoring me and giving crucial advice while I was Bly, without you none of this would have ever been possible, I’m glad to call you a friend and a mentor.

    @Regional: Lispy4palpy. But on a more serious note thank you for helping me with intel, I honestly wouldn’t have know how I would’ve got by without you.

    @Tripoli @Lunch, @Rocksteady, @Corvo and @Omama: pouring one out for the homies that fell. Thanks for all the laughs and good times.

    And a message for the 327th: I’m sorry fellas if I disappointed y’all or led poorly, I love the battalion with all my heart but I must go to let it keep on growing. I’m proud of all of y’all even if ya didn’t get a @ I have plenty of nice things to say to y’all and plenty of thank you’s to give out but I can’t have this post looking like a book.

    Now once again this is just me stepping down from Commander Bly, I will still be actively helping the server and focusing on my head admin duties as I think I can do plenty behind the scenes.

    Image result for send me out with a bang halo
    @Tinovious Send me out with a bang.



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