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Posts posted by Corey

  1. 4 minutes ago, Seven said:

    Nice, i appreciate you going back into your application to add some more detail in. It does look a little messy though so if you cleaned it up it will be a huge improvement from your original application. Try running your application through a grammar application as well to help with the grammar. I suggest grammarly because its pretty easy to use.



    • Agree 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Seven said:


    - Application has a generic feel. Nothing you listed is unique to your abilities. All you said is that you wanted to help the server and how much you like the server. If you really want to help than explain all the things you would do once you got your role of moderator. An Application is suppose to intrigue a recruiter and make them want to interview them. This application had no unique aspects to it. I would go back and add a lot more and include what I listed above because it can help your chances of getting picked higher.

    No harsh feelings I'm just trying to help,

    Best of luck on your application

    ~ Seven

    I have added more info on what I would do if I became a new admin. plz give feed back on this edit. :D I can add much more. 

  3. RP Name:
    TR 501st PLTL 2ndLT Corey

    Steam ID:
    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):
    I want to be part of the staff team because I love the community so much. I want to help the people and the community out and make gameplay and role-play on the server better then it is. I also want to join the staff team is because I really want to do more on the server and help players with making their role-play better.I just really want to help the server with anything I can do to make it better. I also want to become game master and make a lot of fun events. So the server has more events for the community. 
    Things I will do as a new admin
    I would make things fair when doing a ticket and use professionalism, I would be calm and do it right.
    I would make the community better by helping with getting rid of minges and dealing someone that breaks the rules.
    if I do become vet admin I would make the community even better by making events that are fun, so everyone enjoys the event and the server. 
    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):
    I am 14 years old. I am in FRC aka Robotics. I have been committed to this server since I joined. Matter of fact is that this is my first star wars server and I love it a lot. I do Programming and been gaming for years. I am very active in this community and has as much fun as I can. I'm very committed to the community. I am very good at talking to people and is great with handling citations

    Do you have any previous staff experience?
    I don't have a staff history
    Every Single Day, unless I'm grounded then I cant get on or if I'm out of town 
    (if you want more detail I will edit this app and have more, a lot more detail)
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