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Everything posted by Heyya

  1. 5/5/5 Had fun burning Dooku.
  2. Gameplay: 5 Care and Effort: 4 Server Performance: 5
  3. Add or Change: Add/Change Job: 21stSO Pilot Slots: 5 Model: (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu) rw_sw_dc15se (DC15-SE) weapon_camo (Cloak?) weapon_camo_sr (Possibly for the cloak) weapon_hacktab (Datapad) Reason: SO Pilots don't have cloaks for some reason? the DC15-SE is a collapsible stock DC15 which fits the pilot light build. The hacking Datapad fits because Repair Tools are no longer usable with the ships, and since you need ENG to get Pilot why not implement it to SO PLTs, because we do not have ENG's within SO. Weapons: Datapad | Cloaking Device | DC-15SE Remove: Repair Tool
  4. Bug Type (Server:): SO Pilots not having Cloaks. Severity level (1-3): 3 Evidence (if you can): check the job. Description of the bug: every job in SO has a cloak except pilots. How can we recreate it: join the job.
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