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Posts posted by Stormzy

  1. Jedi Council Agenda


    Tabled Items


    Action Items (to be voted on) (Knight Suggestions)


                                               Talk about battalion feedback during council meetings and not keep  it private -Jumes




    REDACTED for Knight Watch- Ja’Baku


    Consular Lead - Open - Stix


    Named Master Promotions

    Luminara Unduli - Open

    Adi Gallia - Open 

    Jocasta Nu - Open

    Arligan Zey - Open - Cronis

    Quinlan Vos - Open
    Plo Koon - Open

    Anakin Skywalker - Open


    Battalion Jedi Feedback (Optional)


    Open Floor PTS (Optional)

    Going over new knight ranks - Ja’Baku

    Master Ranks- Stormzy

    Global Jedi Meeting (New Items)

  2. Jedi Council Agenda


    Tabled Items


    Action Items (to be voted on) (Knight Suggestions)

    Remove Investigator - Clutch
    Rank changes- Stormzy
    Merit System Purpose- Stormzy





    REDACTED for Knight Watch - Clutch/Marr



    Named Master Promotions

    Luminara Unduli- Open

    Adi Gallia - Open 

    Jocasta Nu- Open

    Arligan Zey- Open

    Aayla Secura - Open - Marr
    Plo Koon - Open


    Battalion Jedi Feedback (Optional)


    Open Floor PTS (Optional)
    Leadership Trial- Marr

    Global Jedi Meeting (New Items)


    • Informative 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Ratio said:

    , do you plan to utilize Tython more?

    Yeah, we’ve made it to where Tython is also our trial only planet. We’ve tried to do some roleplay here and there on it like with those artifact/ruins around. Just a matter of people actually engaging. Need to replan that, actually. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:

    the promotion of the near entire jedi council being your friend group after the wipe of the order and promoting someone to master after they just came back to the server. now pertaining to that i will not speak on their performance as i have seen a quite mixed bag but things haven't changed under your first term. so i am going to ask here when is the major change that outsiders can see as a whole gonna come into effect instead of saying it is there when to many they aren't there and the jedi are hampered.

    I have answered this before, the “mass promotion” wasn’t entirely my friend group but a group of individuals picked by My high command and myself at the time along with approval/feedback from Director’s. We are currently actively looking for different people for Master and I, myself have a few but I am awaiting on improvements. The performance they have has been helpful with us moving forward, they provide use with idea’s and criticism when it comes to certain problems/situations. I wouldn’t have promoted these guys strictly because they’re my friends as a few of them, weren’t that close with me to be considered “friends.” Plus the change is being worked on, we’ve run into multiple issues and pushed back to fix it. We are fixing issues that WE see due to the fact not many people tell us. For the people who do speak to us, we look into it and contact/speak with them to look more into it. For the people who say it isn’t there, it’s most likely because they aren’t actively paying attention to Jedi. At least, this is what I’m seeing. 

    Just now, ScarZ said:


    To be honest I would of +1 if the application was longer because if it was anyone else for example say me, it would be -1 but just because you served a previous term doesnt mean you have to write down your app in less then 15 minutes it should take 3 hours minimum for going as something as big as yoda. Although I am not very active on the server anymore I would like to share my opinion plus if what Cloud said was true by you promoting your friends all up to council then thats just terrible for the people who want to actually progress through the order and actually get to a master rank at the very minimum.

    Going to have to be a -1 from me sorry.


    The App wasn’t written in “15 mins” I just suck at writing these, it took me a few days to make sure it was well written and decently done. As for the Cloud response, I just wrote on it.

    • Informative 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:

    person burdening himself alone with carrying the order

    I just want to say a few things, I am not carrying the order alone. That is probably how you see it but me and my Council members have been working together to improve it. They were doing my job a few times while I was away.


    32 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:

    allowing bias to take over some of your decisions after promising to drain the swamp,

    Can you give an example?

  6. 30 minutes ago, FatherHanz said:

    1. You had three months to already accomplish your goals. Why do you think you deserve another three months to try again?

    2. This has been (from what I have heard, I am relatively new) one of the worst states of the Jedi Order in recent memory. Do you think you are to blame for that or are there other issues that you can provide that has lead to this if you know?

    3. Are you able to give us more details on the current plans of the merit system and rank adjustments stated in your app?

    1. Well, it's difficult since there were things occurring both IRL and things on the side. Some were already starting/started but not completed. As for the "deserve" question. I'm not one to say I necessarily deserve it but I am passionate about it and want to make it enjoyable for everyone.

    2. Uhh, I am going to say it's safe to assume but this will be for the people who don't play or even bother to care about the Order. We have been actively looking for ways to make things enjoyable for everyone. Me specifically, I am always trying to come up with different things. Even if it's a weird idea, I will try to do it and see if it works out. Me personally, I feel that their never really is a "good state" of the order its more of how people see it in my opinion.

    3. Currently I am trying to change up a few merits so it's more things for downtime so people wouldn't have much to complain on not having anything to do as for Rank Adjustments that is still being talked upon so I would rather keep it disclosed for now.

    • Informative 2
  7. Steam Name: [SR] Stormzy

    RP Name: Grand Master of The Order Yoda

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:142886591

    How many terms have you held the position?: 1 term

    How do you feel your previous term went?: Personally, I felt my previous term wasn’t completed or at least to my desire. There are still things I wish to complete to leave off on a good note. Then again, I am still currently trying to still push for a more entertaining vibe even during downtime. It did have it's ups and downs, with the promotion and removal of a few people and the addition of a few changes, though they did help us with progressing slowly.

    Why do you wish to remain a Grand Master of the Order?: Honestly speaking, I feel I can still continue to improve the order. As I believe I have yet to reach my goal as Yoda. The Merits are still a work on progress which we are still actively trying to fix. The roleplay is another thing which we have attempted to try to fix and adjust to the new Server Roleplay. Along with trying to find some new blood for the Council to get some fresh ideas. I also noticed that it’s an issue that knights and padawans haven’t been coming to masters for problems, I feel people think they aren’t willing to “listen.” Though we have stated it and tried to show it during meetings by waiting or looking at forms.

    Current availability: 10AM- 10PM EST

    What are some of your achievements in the order during your past term?: Created a few new merits values for people to get along with working alongside a fellow Master to create a “Passive rp” board known as Mission Board(Not entirely my idea). This helped us to give the Knights a bit of things to do and in return earn merits. Re-evaluating the masters we had and bringing in people as a start to bring new changes/improve things. Making sure the values of what it means to be a master are being met on a day to day basis. In terms of order relationship other than the concern brought up before, I feel as if there is more continuity when looking through knights and padawans in terms of roleplay and standards. Although things could still be improved so we will continue to do so.

    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within the Jedi order?: Making sure the Mission board is operating at a stable pace with future developments to come. Continuing to give people the freedom to give their characters(Jedi) a “Backstory” for their character on why they act the way they are and what not so people would stop thinking it's just them being edgy Sith Jedi kinda things. As long as it is within a respectable roleplay backstory it will be fine. Attempting to fix the Battalion Jedi system as it has no incentive beside joining and being with friends. But wait, there is more, the Jedi Ranks are already being worked on but I felt as if they were unneeded with all 10. I am currently trying to figure different ways of changing them whether it maybe reduction of ranks or just changing them entirely.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

    Feel free to put any questions down, I will try to answer them best I can.

  8. Jedi Council Agenda


    Tabled Items


    Action Items (to be voted on) (Knight Suggestions)





    Knight Watch - REDACTED
    Knight Watch - REDACTED



    TGL - Open - Bluecar - Clutch - PinkDonut

    Guardian Lead - Open - Ragnar 


    Named Master Promotions

    Cin Drallig - Open - Clutch

    Luminara Unduli- Open

    Adi Gallia - Open 

    Jocasta Nu- Open

    Arligan Zey- Open

    Obi-Wan Kenobi- Sixta PASSED


    Battalion Jedi Feedback (Optional)


    Open Floor PTS (Optional)


    Global Jedi Meeting (New Items)

  9. Jedi Council Agenda


    Tabled Items


    Action Items (to be voted on) (Knight Suggestions)

    Pink Crystal Rework- Stormzy

    *Going over Trials(Knight and Padawan)-Stormzy

    *Going over Mission Board- Stormzy

    *Discord rework- Stormzy

    *Branch Skill tree rework- Stormzy







    TGL - Open 


    Named Master Promotions

    Shaak Ti - Open 

    Cin Drallig - Open 

    Luminara Unduli- Open 

    Kit Fisto - Open -  Elijah

    Adi Gallia - Open 

    Jocasta Nu- Open

    Arligan Zey- Open


    Battalion Jedi Feedback (Optional)


    Open Floor PTS (Optional)
    Adding Padawan/Knights like Tyzen Xebec (like tiplee and tiplar) Ja’Baku

    Add a universal “title”/un-official job. - Marr

    Global Jedi Meeting (New Items)


  10. 17 hours ago, Finn said:

    Secondly,  the current Jedi merit system is almost entirely subjective. Not sure how public the system is, but of the 25 things you can do for points, 15 are selected by individual Jedi, and 10 are Trials/tests. None of which help the average Jedi just trying to have fun on the server. Currently, the merit system is being used to force certain behaviors/actions, which is like, the opposite of the point of a merit system. I shouldn't have to divine what I'm supposed to do in order to impress a master. It should be clear to everyone without having to ask every meeting.

    Okay, I said it before but currently we are working on changing the merit system. Or at most altering it so that people can strafe away from “trial rp” or whatever it is you call it. We are trying to push for a more “leadership” and/or roleplay for people to impress us. Like I mentioned to people at meets, you can spam trials, but that’s no way to be “looked” at for master. I tend to make meetings so that people can give feedback for everything we do, or possible changes as people are “shy” to bring it to us in DMs or a form. We continue to try to push for change but we can only do what we think as most people tend to not speak up. We’ve had recent issues where people would “complain” to people but wouldn’t bring it up to us. Me personally speaking, changed it in a way. We’ve had people start coming or you know, voicing themselves. Imma stop here as I’m at work, if you have anything else put it here or feel free to DM me! They always open :) 

  11. Name: Stormzy

    Who helped (If applicable): Dono, Warmac, Gaster, Orion, 

    Event/Encounter Name: The Old Battlefield

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A group of Wookies found refugee on a village in Kashyyk and while doing so, without knowing hit a Republic Distress signaling calling them to the Village. When they arrive all they see is a large amount of rusted old ships and an old outpost. While there, the CIS distress signal was also set off. This called for CIS forces to arrive or sent Scouts. The Republic and CIS fought but the CIS failed leading them to find the CIS base at Umbara. 


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