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About Silvermaw

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  1. If this rings true at all (not saying it does), then I would suggest giving Crix Cpl for his trouble, and bring in some people from other battalions with leadership experience to lead SC.
  2. RP Name: 187th Shadow Knight Silver Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12917927 Age: 24 Gender: Male Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Why do I want to be an administrator? Because I want to see this community grow even more. This is the first Star Wars server I've actually been invested in, emotionally that is. I actually give a shit about this server, because I love a lot of the people that are on it. I want to contribute what I can to help make this server even better than it already is, and I notice a few flaws that I could assist with. I want to help with events, and even create my own story lines with some events. I love this server, and will help it grow in any way I can. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well, I am a college student, 24 years old, and I'm a total fuckin star wars nerd. I have an eidetic memory (I don't forget a lot of things), and I've been roleplaying for 12 years at this point. I have roleplayed quite a bit on garry's mod, but not on the Dark RP servers, or Dark RP based servers. I love writing stories and characters with depth to them, and I love doing voices for when I help with trials (As poof, naavi, and others can attest to). I enjoy helping with trials the most, out of all the things that I'd be helping with as staff. Least favorite would be cadet training, but I can and will still do it. I will say that I am very much into star wars lore, and that I hate the current star wars canon (Rey is a mary sue, among many other problems). Expanded universe/legends is totally my gig, which this server is thankfully set in (Not that current canon would give us much to work with anyway). Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, quite a bit actually. On AlteredRP, a VERY serious RP server in the halo setting, I was an administrator (It was purely text, no voice except for TS). To give you an idea of how serious this was; to get into special forces, you had to write around 3 pages of text to make an application, and even then it had to get approved. It fell apart because of a lot of staff infighting (A lot of the personalities didn't mix, and there were a few cancerous staff members, not gonna lie.). I will say, I didn't win any friends as an admin for one reason; impartiality. I do not take sides when it comes to administrative matters, and occasionally I had to PK a person's character (Yes, it was a PK server, but only if you did stupid shit, not just randomly). I also had admin experience on numerous CS:S servers (zombie mod mostly), and other GMOD servers which have long since bit the dust.
  3. It's been down for a few hours, and I've noticed that updates generally don't take this long. Is it an update? Or did the server box go down for maintenance? Or is it something more malicious?
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