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Posts posted by Purepwn101

  1. 49 minutes ago, Cmo said:

    One of the best TGs, i have served with, and best Cins.

    TG... probably but let's not act like I did anything with Cin Drallig ;) . I'd like to say I wish I would have stayed to see how far I could have gotten but unfortunately I'd be lying if I said anything other than I'm glad I left when I did. I did my best and put more effort into TG than anyone could have asked. I went out my way to train people who wanted to get in and you know what some of them did, not to mention pretty much all of the people I trained passed knight trials not to long after so I did my part and I passed the torch down to the next person who was willing to carry it. I'll miss TG but it's out of my  hands now and I can only hope it's shown the love i once gave it.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Cmo said:

    Joel was also the reason you got demoted. But pure, i will miss ya my man. Good luck with the driving on Pubg!!!

    Hey man if someone elses actions gets me demoted than in the end it makes me wonder if my effort was appreciated at all but we can talk about that later bud. And you listen here you little shit i'll drive however the fuck i want it was all @Dargon's fault

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  3. I mean i left like 3 or so months ago but i suppose i'll just make it official.

    My favorite Cunts:

    I'm pretty damn sure i hold the record of fastest person to get High Jedi General and i have to thank papa @Chumbus for putting me up for master in the first place

    @Ginyu Boi you already know how we met. That's a day i will never forget. Best Anakin N/A.

    @Dargon@Ginyu I stayed cool, calm, and collected for like a week but like a actually tried during that week so i still did better than @Halpert ;) . A shame the only thing that could beat me was a fucking wall though.

    @Medic Go to fucking AA you mad man.

    @ASVO Quit fucking turtling.

    @Mocaris @Tybo You guys demoted me for fuck all and i hate you for it but you guys were awesome so no hard feelings. 

    @Joah Great call with those guardian fuckers, Temple guards are truly the master race.

    @Nightmare The Fan Fic God If favoritism was a renewable recource you would have enough to power a small country

    and a shout out to all the other fucking assholes i forgot like @Llama/Yoda who i remembered while typing this. @Llama/Yoda Best yoda. :)

    @Koval Had to add this afterward can't believe i forgot you but if you slay me in game again i'm gonna S P U N K on your dads chest


    My Dads:

    @Cmo @Bobonater3 You guys are two of the only reasons i made it anywhere on the server. You guys took a chance making me a TG and it pretty much died when i was a manager because no one could beat me but whatever. You guys taught me everything i know about being a Temple Guard and i can only hope i made you guys proud. Actually no fuck that if i didn't make you guys proud I'll eat your asses. Anyway bye i'm going to the grocery store to get some milk see you later ;).

    @Kirawrasaurus Rex I'll never forgive you for beating me in a spar but I'll miss you so i have to give one final HEYYYYYYYYYYYY!

    My beautiful beautiful children:

    @Venom I don't fucking care if i never really got to train you just being in my presence made you better than half of the people on the server so take what you can get i guess ;) . Nah But I'll never forget my little darling Barris who was made Shadow manager for whatever fucking reason.

    @Metro I was the only reason you got TG much less TGM and you don't even give me a shout out on your resignation you fucking ungrateful prick I'll unplug your fridge so your food spoils. But i must say i am quite satisfied with my work you did become the 2nd best Serra Keto right after me so don't mind me while i go over here to be humble. Also best Jaing.

    @Washington You're the shitty middle child that nobody fucking cares about but i love you equally anyway. :)

    @Kip I'll miss you bud :). At least top 20 TGs for sure i don't really know there are probably a fuck ton of people on that list.

    The real MVPs:

    @levelupjoel This boi was with me from the beginning. We did our trials together, we trained together, we did everything together and even though your time came before mine, I'll never forget standing in front of the fucking temple door with you, truly riveting gameplay.

    @Forge Same goes for you pal. You got TGM before me so i got payback by getting fucking Cin Drallig first you cunt suck my ass. Love you tho make me proud ?


    Welp it was fun but i think it's about time i let go and throw in the towel officially.

    See you later fuckers. 

                                                   -From Pure with LUV XOXO


    P.S. sorry to anyone i forgot



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