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About Cowboy

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  1. +1 I like the fact that you want to do more events, I hope you get it.
  2. +1 As a former SO, this guy is one of the best I've seen on the server. Highly capable and definitely fit for the job.
  3. RP Name: SC SGT3 Cowboy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66878605 Age: 19 Gender: Male Timezone: Central Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): To begin, I am well-versed in my leading capabilities. I have the utmost confidence in my ability to contribute to the server as a staff member as I am committed and enthusiastic in my pursuits. I am sound-minded and professional when it's necessary, fun and outgoing when it's not, and never, never complacent. My qualities are not just supported by my word, I have previously worked with Gamestop as an assistant store leader, which I achieved in less than 3 months of working there by outperforming my overseers. I, as well, am a United States Marine, discipline and organization are two qualities I boast when it comes to that. This also supplies experience in the military, and this being the likes of a military roleplay server, I can incorporate those same skills I've spent the past few month's learning into this server where I am allowed. As for time, I can guarantee every single afternoon, unless something comes up, I will be on. Week days I am undergoing military training until about 5:00 PM EST, after that the afternoon is free for me. Again that's unless something comes up, I can almost completely guarantee that I will be on for the majority of those afternoons unless my command issues me to some other service: Firewatch, Night training, Formation, Field Day, Inspection, ETC... There's also the chance of anything unexpected coming up, but none of this is extremely common. I've no issue with bias or judgment, I know that to protect the environment this server creates, it is necessary to be fair and neutral, so as a duty I will do just that, no questions asked. I've no problem staying up to resolve a problem or help create a resolution to some issue or error on the server. I want to be an Admin because I want to benefit the server and help create an ambiance of fun and friendliness for players to enjoy, I want to do something good for this server rather than just sit around and complain about problems I see. It's all about the bigger picture for me, and that's making changes where I can and where they're needed. A goal that is both emulated in my work ethic and in the product of my actions. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): As previously stated I am a U.S. Marine, I'm kind of proud of that, yes. I am also a former member of Icefuse from late in 2016, I left in early February to join the Marine Corps and came back. I saw everything that had happened and chose this server over icefuse as it had more people that I had once known. I've no issue with icefuse and no vendetta against them, I only wished to be comfortable with an environment again. Aside from all of that, I mentioned I worked at a Gamestop, before that I did a lot of gritty work, ranch hand, golf course maintenance. I am a Norse Pagan, an aspiring politician, and a writer. I have a hand in many things, politics, literature, philosophy, religion, and I am connected with my Nerdy side just as I am my intellectual side. Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that I am also a wisecracker, a joker if you will. I have a lot of fun with everyone that there is to have fun with. Do you have any previous staff experience? I mentioned much of this already, being an assistant manager at Gamestop, being a marine, on top of this I was highly recommended for staff on Icefuse, but had to deny as I was close to leaving. Of course, you cannot just take my word for it, I understand. Other than that I've been on the staff of Minecraft servers from way long back and I was originally working with the staff of a small time prop hunt server, it didn't last long but we did well for such short staff on such a busy server.
  4. Hello, greetings, how art thou. Some of you may remember from way back when the forbidden server, starting with I ending with cefuse, was home to all. I was there in spec ops battalion for around 2 months if not more. I became friends with many people, tacts, zomb, just to name a few. Anyways, I had to leave for military training, and now that I've come back from this extensive break I'd like to kind of explain to you my first impressions of everything in three simple, formal words. What the fuck. I was so thrown off for my first five minutes back on icefuse, my first question I remember being is "Where's Joah?" Wrong fucking question I guess. It was from there, in a longwinded story I dare not waste time writing out, that I found this server. I'm more than happy to join, after seeing the videos of icefuse's corruption and the shithole its become and still is becoming, this is a better place to be. After all, it was with you guys I had the most fun. Thats pretty much it for a longwinded hello, I figured I might as well come up with something a little less bland than a simple introduction, after all if you've heard the whispers or remember the legend you don't need an introduction, you just need to know one thing. I'm Back. and for those of you unaware or completely in the dark, forgive my sense of pride, it comes with the sense of humor and small penis size. You will eventually learn more about me I'm sure, like a fucking black sheep I'm always sticking out. Dont be afraid to talk to me or joke with me, unless I've had a bad day I typically return the favor. (I promise mods, im not a minge.) QUEUE BADASS EXIT MUSIC *rides off into sunset, hence the name*
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