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Posts posted by Smeck

  1. 18 hours ago, Dennis said:

    -1 “lOrE aCcUrAtE” head ass it’s called balance also isn’t the IQA-11 a perm weapon? 

    like bruh it hurts my brain when people use the lore thing to argue against something. Like there is something called gameplay balance. But the 15x is plenty of fine. Next thing you know I’ll quote lore saying that Havoc squad is SOBDE and should get the DC-17 loadout :Pepega:



  2. 23 hours ago, KillJoy said:

    This is a game lads, don’t take petty drama and fuck other people with it like honestly. ENJOY REAL LIFE THIS SHIT IS NOT A FUCKING JOB OR CAN NOT HELP IN YOUR CARRER DOWN THE FUCKING ROAD. Also yeet motherfuckas stay save and spend more times with love ones during all of this. Forseen don’t get mad with this post someone had to say it.

    Actually, there have been people within this community who have held high positions and actually put them on job applications. Believe it or not, it actually helped them get the job they were applying for. You shouldn't be jumping to any conclusions on subjects related to the server in which you clearly have no actual understanding of. This server and community for many, is something to distract themselves from the stress and pain of the real world, and as others on this thread have said, people have made some genuine friends out of this community, some even met up in person before. When drama happens within the community it's often a result of both party's care for the server and its player base, because again, this community is an environment in which many have made friends, memories, and a place to go when real life gets overwhelming. 

    Also I don't really know what you mean by "someone had to say it". What you stated here on this post makes no sense and is objectively incorrect, with the exception being the implication that spending time with loved ones is important nowadays.

    Personally, real life has never been enough of a struggle to warrant me feeling genuine care for a video game and I consider myself quite lucky for that. However I completely understand why others would, and I hope you eventually do too, then you'll also understand why people get so invested in drama.

  3. 5th fleet was some hoodlum shit lmao. Loved being apart of it, even if my time in it back then was brief. We never really talked much, but from the times we were in the same TS channel you gave the impression of a really friendly and fun individual to be around. Good luck with life lad.

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