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Posts posted by Hondo

  1. Major +1

    I think bringing back foxtrot to the 212th would be a major benefit not only for the battalion But for the server as a whole. For those of us that have been in the community for A long time and remember when foxtrot used to be an active group It was always great seeing / working with those guys both on base and on the battlefield. Being able to relive the Glory Days and having a symbol of old school Synergy back would fill nostalgia For me and most likely many others. Additionally I think changing things around such as  Subunits, Battalions, and Individual positions Is both healthy and necessary for the longevity of a long-lasting community. I hope in the future to see more changes/additions similar to this as it would breathe a breath of fresh air and feel like a new environment if we changed things around a little bit more often.

    • Dumb 2
  2. Gameplay - 5

    Care and Effort - 5

    performance - 5

    First off I want to say for the short time that you had you came up with a Interesting plot that had a heavy emphasis on roleplay. This was truly a deployment worthy of our time and I can't thank you enough for doing it.

  3. Gameplay - 2
    Care and Effort - 1
    Performance - 4

     This is not a dig a you Misfit at all but I definitely feel as this was an Attack Reg deployment this should of gotten a lot more effort and care put into it then just 1 hour. It was extremely sloppy, and the individuals that you had as event helpers were extremely unprofessional. I understand that there were some technical difficulties with the dupe, if you had this little of time to come up with something I would have rather you just reschedule the entire deployment to make sure that we got something worth Wild, Quality over quantity should always be priority.

  4. 59 minutes ago, Mavelle said:

    -1 Oh boy. Where to start where to start...

    You have done a lackluster job at not only improving your attitude and maturity but your entire image on the server.  After reading what Brooklyn had said, You punching a LAAT?  Seriously? Why punch a LAAT in the first place hello? You're a fucking senior officer in the 501st and this is what you're doing? That is pathetic. Then also this other thing about Appo trying to PT you? You're refusing PT FROM THE DISCIPLINARY LEAD OF 501ST ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I figured out why you decided to run in the first place for Rex and honestly that's really fucking dumb. Every conversation I have had with you always ends poorly. I can't imagine if you got Rex and that's how you treat your men in the 501st. Your activity has been poor. I mean like, really poor. If I look in game right this second. You're AFK on the Job. While your hours in the past 2 weeks may prove otherwise. I can rest assure that all of those hours are AFK. I can't support a applicant if I know that you're not ready for it. When I read over your application. All of these plans... Honestly. I have been on this server for years, every time someone has this many plans. They normally do not execute a single one, And now that you're running for Rex with this many things that you have "In the works" I feel like all that you will do with the position if you get the position, Is just do what you're doing now. Sitting on a Job AFK. I propose that you wait it out see who becomes Rex and learn from them. Work your way up from LTC and make it to CMD or XO. This big jump from LTC and BCMD concerns me for 2 reasons, 1) To me it looks like a sign of Powerplay 2) You're unready for the big position that lies ahead if you get Rex, Becoming a BCMD is a very big responsibility and especially becoming the BCMD of 501st is a very big responsibility itself. Now, onto the Subunits and their current state. OH MY GOD. WHAT THE FUCK. The state of both 332nd and TC are terrible the worst I have ever seen from all my time from 2017-2021 I have NEVER EVER seen Torrent Company hit rock bottom this bad in all that time. Along with 332nd. When it was first created back with Enzyme and his Commanders (And myself as WO for a short time) The plans were very clear cut. Too my knowledge over the past few Vaughns (from the outside looking in) they seem to have thrown the plans out the window and put that bitch in Drive and didn't look back.  

    I usually don't write much on Commander Applications that don't really affect me but 501st is the one exception. When I see someone who isn't ready for the position I have to let it all out. 



    I can see that you have dumbed my little comment. That just proves my point with your Toxicity and Attitude. If I address problems that are relevant if you want to progress within the 501st and you dumb it? Also TCXO. Every time that I have been TCC and have had the thought of adding TCXO or TCM whatever. It's a terrible addition in my opinion.

    You definitely have some built-up anger, Just not for the right guy.

    • Funny 1
    • Dumb 2
  5. attempted to talk with Name2 about his behavior but after completely ignoring me and attempting to run away, I contacted a staff member and based on what Kortnul and I witnessed It was clear that he had no intention to listen to either of us or roleplay in any aspect. Name2 I want you to know it's nothing personal, I hope that once your ban is up and you come back onto the server you show me how good of a roleplayer you really can be.

  6. 5 hours ago, Comics said:

    All BCMD type positions have transferable skills. Yularen is an especially key job as you act as a Battalion Commander of Naval while keeping the responsibilities of a member of the High Command. BCMDs need to be able to lead their own troops, keep a battalion unified, institute required change, & upkeep the systems they've implemented or kept to uphold. If you don't think Fox shares these common traits then it's unlikely you know what a BCMD does.

    CG has some extra responsibilities but the idea that it's some insane untameable beast that is nothing like any other battalion, is naïve at best. You've had multiple BCMDs come directly from the leadership of CG and none of them have done a good job, not even close. Clearly the current leaders from inside CG are unprepared to the challenges you say they're supposed to be able to handle.
    I honestly don't think the expectation to arrest people when they break the rules is an earth-shattering difference between CG and other battalions. Brace has a cleaner slate than a lot of the current and past leaders of CG have so I don't see why he'd be less capable of running the MP battalion.

    This just seems like a lot of "we don't want outsiders" talk from a battalion that is incapable of creating any stable leadership, from within, who wish to make any positive change at all. You've gotta shake off this idea that CG cannot be run any other way, cause the usual way is clearly faltering. 


    I'm not denying that his previous position as Yularen doesn't give him any transferable skills because it does. But as someone like myself who has served as an officer within CG as of recently I have seen the different type of situations and problems that we have had to try to overcome. As Dennis previously stated, Naval was left in a shitty state and was below average during his 1 year term and I have to agree, Besides a handful of individuals Activity, Leadership, and discipline for the most part was non-existent.

    • Confused 5
    • Dumb 5
  7. Not to discredit your experience as Admiral Yularen, But I see a lot of people comparing that position to a Battalion Commander, Which granted you were the head of an organized structure of command but when it comes to being the commander of CG it is going to be a completely different beast and I don't think there is a single position outside of CG that will prepare you for some of the challenges you may face. The plus side of you being Yularen for as long as you were, you are well known throughout the community, You have connections and friendships with a lot of high-ranking officers including senior leadership which I hope you utilize to network and improve the relations between CG and the other battalions.

    • Disagree 2
    • Dumb 2
  8. You have served as the executive officer / Commander equivalent in CG for quite some time now. I feel out of anyone applying you have the most knowledge and experience when it comes to the current state of how CG is being run. I hope you can use your unique position to make the changes needed to get CG back on track.

    • Disagree 2
    • Friendly 1
  9.  Definitely didn't see this coming but not completely opposed to it. You have the past experience to back it up and from what I've seen from you in game you do communicate with people quite well. I will say though I definitely feel that you're on the softer end of the scale when it comes to dealing with conflict which I'm not saying is a bad thing I would just like to see you put in a situation where you have to be the stern voice of reason and put your foot down.

    • Friendly 1
  10. 9 by far, One of the most enjoyable events that I've ever taken part in. I would love to see more events like this in the future. RP was in depth, it was challenging but wasn't complete BS, and didn't drag on to long unnecessarily. 

  11. -1 TLDR: If this application was posted prior to the incident involving myself and the 501st I would of 100% stood behind Shockpoint and his ability as a leader. but due to how himself and a few others handled the situation I'm extremely disappointed and I will not endorse someone who allows Petty behavior and witch-hunting to affect members of the community.

    • Disagree 1
    • Informative 1
    • Confused 6
  12. I’ve been a member of synergy for a while now and ever since I joined I’ve always tried to conduct myself in a serious and professional manner, But In doing so I have made a large portion of the community and even members of my own battalion dislike me. I want it to be known that it was never my intention to be an asshole or a dickhead to anyone. I play this game but more specifically this server for the same reasons everybody else does to come on, hang out, and have a good time. with that said it is time that I start a new chapter in my career as a community member in synergy. From this day forth I plan on being more friendly, excepting of other peoples role-play style and overall being more relaxed. Although I do still plan on enforcing policies and guidelines on those in my battalion. I hope those of you that Have had problems with me in the past can put those problems aside so we can all start to work on a better future for our battalions and the server as a whole.- 332nd REGL ARC CT-4917 LTC Hondo

    • Winner 2
    • Friendly 4
  13. Overall this was a decent event but it did feel a little out of place. It felt like this would be the climax to a drawn-out story line or campaign. I did join a little bit less than halfway through and from what I seen people weren't really taking it all too seriously, People were all over the place doing their own thing, And it didn't seem like there was an objective. I give 5/10

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