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Posts posted by Razen

  1. 1/1/3

    Rp was hella off, and things clearly werent setup correclty

    No clear objectives when we got teleported, and ejs were sweating their asses off lmao. That doesnt make it fun, lets just get that straight.

  2. +1


    Listen bud. Dont blame yourself on the downfall of DU. We went through a lot man and once I left I feel like things changed a lot. Everyone played a part, but you helped a lot and thats what you do best is support when needed. Lets keep goin hard brother, gl in the interview jit.

    • Friendly 1
  3. RP Name:

    41st SUPL Captain Razen

    Steam ID: 


    VIP (Y/N):





    US Eastern

    What was your previous staff rank?:


    Are you currently staff on a different server?:


    Why did you leave the staff team?:

    Real life hit me in the face, too many issues goin on in my life to continue administrating

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):

    Id like to come back and yet again bring as many fresh ideas to the table as possible. I enjoy being able to help the server in my extra free time, and Id like to get deployments popping again. As a member of the staff team. I plan on being a consistently active admin that can help solve any situation during my hours online.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum):

    My previous time as a staff member was honestly a blast. With achieving SA, I was able to truly become creative with my events and sims. I enjoyed being able to always help anyone with sims, tryouts, admin sits, rule breakers, and whatever issue was thrown at me.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:



    Name: Razen

    Staff Rank: Senior Admin 


    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 7/11/22 - 7/22/22

    Reason: Got family in town, funna go get some buckets, funna grill at the beach a few times, funna be traveling around florida, hunnitz.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yee

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:

  5. Name: Razen

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):  

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Nar sahadaa SIEGE!!! 41st went hard

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:


  6. Name: Razen

    Who helped (If applicable): Onyankapon

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):  https://docs.google.com/document/d/10gKm5Yvxhe0B-VLQlYdC52pubANTDLvWlfgpgK4UCss/edit?usp=sharing

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Republic Forces breached into Trandosha and captured the leader of a slave clan named "KilLonger". Troopers rescued multiple slaves and uncovered key information behind the clan.

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  7. Steam Name:

    Razen | synr.gg

    RP Name:

    DU Commander Razen

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


    Battalion you are applying for:

    Dooms Unit

    How many terms you've held the position?:

    1 Term

    Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

    I believe I still hold the maturity and mindset to continue to hold this position. With the creativity I continue to bring to the table, I want to be able to bring new and fresh ideas as much as possible. Right now, this server isn't pulling the best numbers, so my main goal no matter what will be to maintain consistent numbers and continue to make DU the most enjoyable place it can possibly be. I enjoy what I have done the past 3 months and even though we have lost a bunch of officers due to low server numbers recently, I want to come off this LOA and go as absolutely hard as I can. I enjoy making this Battalion something people are going to want to join and stay in, and still be able to seriously engage in rp when needed. It is important that a leader contains a good balance between fun and seriousness, in which I want to continue to push if accepted. I also believe the amount of teamwork and people who have helped me have boosted me to become a better person overall. During my first term, I learned a lot and continued to work based off of what the Battalion wanted and what would be the most beneficial using my sources around me. I understand that things need to be pushed more now that numbers have taken a dip and I am more then ready to take on the task. I plan to be able to successfully set a bright future for Dooms Unit and put the right people in the right positions in these next coming months. Fresh faces around are extremely beneficial, so when recruitment is being pushed I plan to make sure DU makes the Battalion enjoyable for any new recruits and makes sure they know everything. Its important that if chosen again I stay vigil and ready for any oncoming challenges, as I have through my first term. I want to be able to get the Battalion ready for this coming update and continue to set them up for success even when I'm not around. Its important that my main focus is to keep the consistent numbers and make this Battalion a true example for the others around, and I am excited to do so if chosen.

    Current availability:

    Sunday 12-6pm 12pm-3am

    Monday 12-6pm 12pm-3am

    Tuesday 12-6pm 12pm-3am

    Wednesday 12pm-7pm 2am-3am

    Thursday 3pm-2am

    Friday 2pm-3am

    Saturday 2pm-3am

    What have you achieved within your battalion during your past term?:


    Implementing Weekly Officer Scheduling-

    Implemented a weekly scheduling system that consisted of officers interacting with a different NCO each week. The officer would go out to message a different NCO each week (mainly the inactive ones) in an attempt to plan an activity for the battalion together. Typically they would come together to log a time they would host the activity and complete it among the Battalion. When people weren't doing this, it was a good way to help me realize who was active and who wasn't. Through the message system in which officers would message ncos to set up the activities, it also helped me notice what ncos were even on the game and which ones weren't. It helped us get more encouraging messages out there to our less active players in attempts to get them more active and included within DU.

    Disciplinary Leadership program-

    This was something devoloped in the mid second month of my term. I established this position to be the person to go to when it came to issues, complaints, solving beef, whatever it may be. I will say that Trixx did a fantasic job as my Disciplinary Lead and he proved to be a true example of whats needed for the position. This position helped get the warrant officers more involved with the Discipline Lead. It also helped them to be able to quickly solve issues with the disciplinary leads say and advice.

    Implementing a point system that worked better then merits-

    In DU, we been rockin with the point system since the start of my term. It went on to work very well, gaining support from the Battalion and more rewards for people getting points. It is a simple quick fill out form that conveys onto a sheet on the roster that resets on a weekly basis. NCOs are rewarded with cash and recommendations depending on how many points they receive per week. This helped us gain more recognition for NCOs and more chance to prove themselves. It also opened up more consistency with intel and NCO work.

    New Roster Changes and Intel reformations-

    When my term first started, an intel system was put in place in order to automate the roster using discord tags. Due to multiple complaints and issues with this, we ended up getting rid of this a few weeks into the term and switching up the intel system. After about a week of roster reformation and data transferring, we had switched back to a normal manual system. Its very easy to use, and nobody had complaints. This system brought us less issues and less stress to deal with in terms of intel problems or concerns. This also simplified teaching new people intel as well as fixing code if it broke.

    Weekly Goals for the Battalion-

    During my term, I consistently came together with my regimental commander and command to setup weekly goals within the Battalion to complete and get done. For completing these goals, I always provide a fun training or deployment for the Battalion on a weekly basis. These weekly goals typically consisted of joint activies, recruitments, and patrols/joint communications. These goals consistently kept the boys on their toes as they had different objectives to complete each week.

    Weekly Battalion Meetings with more discussions and debate-

    Yall know me, I like to go on and on. But in all honesty the amount of communication and discussion expressed in the Battalion meetings helped us a ton. We were able to all get together at one point and openly express our opinions on a weekly basis. The meetings helped the officers communicate more with the NCOs more, as well as getting their opinion expressed and constantly noted. I plan to continue to push these weekly meetings and always open the floor so everyone gets their fair say.

    Implementation of a detailed WO System-

    When I began my term, we went through with reimplementing the Warrant Officer System, but with 2 slots instead of one. This allowed us to observe people that were future candidates for officers and see whether or not they had what it takes to be an Officer. It also allowed the officers to communicate more with the NCOs and be able create stronger bonds and friendship between the 2 cores of the Battalion. This also allowed us to view consistent reports on NCOs provided by the Warrant Officer Reports to get to see some opinions on our guys and who we could see possibly becoming a future officer.

    Consistent new ideas and dupes for trainings and deployments-

    With the amount of admins Ive worked with in DU, I have spent countless hours helping build tons of dupes for DU. As soon as I got SA literally the first thing I did was make a dupe for DU to train with. Besides this though, being consistent with building new dupes and environments caused me to communicate more and get a long better with the other admins or community members and come together to provide fun activities for the Battalion.

    Improved relations immensely among Attack, Naval, and even closer with SIEGE Battalions-

    With the amount of consistent joint trainings and activies we have done alongside all the different battalions, its very safe to say that our relations have improved immensely. Even tho this is true, I plan on continuing to improve these even more. I have a BvB system I would like to host for the server that gets everyone involved in small and simple sims. Its things like this I wanna get popping during my second term, so I can start to help push bringing the life and enjoyment back around more often.

    Weekly open game nights-

    This helped us come together and be able to enjoy just having a good time as a group of gamers. This is something that I personally think fell off a bit after I took the LOA and its something I plan on continuing to push whether or not I get this position again. I plan to mix up the games more and maybe do game nights 2 nights a week rather then one.

    Opening the Dooms Quarters ts to all officers and having them use it as their own discussion channel.-

    Our Private channel used to be “Commander Dooms Office” but as of my second month into the term I changed it to the “Officer Quarters” so that any and all officers may openly use that channel to discuss matters or have conversations. This opened up some more communication with my officers and it proved to be a good addition for the officer core.

    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?

    -Providing more enjoyment in all ways possible

    This starts with simply getting the guys together to have some fun outside the game. We have some fresh faces in the Battalion as of recently so I think game nights are always essential in terms of connecting people closer together and such. In terms of in game things, I plan on using my SA abilities to continue to make weekly dupes or look into used dupes to get different activities popping for weekly goal rewards. I plan to incentivise more duties within the Junior Officer core and continuing to push a mentor kind of system 

    -Focus on improving my attention span on to the most important problems or issues

    I want to improve my overall communication and swiftness with handling issues or problems in DU. I would like to continue to push making the biggest problem our number 1 priority until it is solved. Right now, we are lacking in numbers pretty bad, but its not so horrible. We need to simply pick up our toes and continue to use our current resources to make this server we have now an enjoyable place for the members of DU and the community around them.

    -Pushing towards fixing the constant boredom

    Some of this can definitely revolve back to what I was touching on previously with incentivising more weekly game nights and such. I plan to also just make the in game experience for future DU as enjoyable as possible. Nowadays, numbers are super harsh, so I know with the numbers we get we need to make sure we stay consistent so those numbers stay. I plan on getting together weekly through officer meetings and planning more activies for the Battalion.

    -Incentivising more duties into the Senior Officer Core

    I plan to Push any future senior officers to be able to do more and be more effective as leaders, ie: Discussing certain matters in meetings, getting big promotions done, more communication and help pushed towards the junior officer core. As a leader I want to make sure the guys feel needed and that they have something to push for. I would like to push for the spread of different positions, and not have people having multiple at once (ie:Having Discipline Lead and Intel Director at the same time) as I wish to make things spread out on a larger base of people in DU.

    -Pushing more use of the calendar and planning activities for DU

    This was something I think worked extremely well throughout my first term and the Calendar was always updated to show weekly activities and meetings. Its a good system to use in order to see what the Battalion is doing on a weekly basis. I dont plan to be so harsh on a weekly schedule basis for the officer core, but I plan on getting back into the weekly requirement of mentoring an NCO training/sim. It is something that I want to express to be joint activies as much as possible if we lack the numbers or are pushing team based activities.

    -Being more involved with pushing goals and more activies on a weekly basis

    I plan to be having the officers continue to go crazy with the pings, but not too crazy to be annoying. Its important that people are announced to when anything is going on in the server so we can get people on for it. I want to make sure I am getting the guys to be quick to do the announcement commands in the DU discord when anything is happening on main or event. I plan to also as mentioned before be a part of bringing more enjoyment with dupes and events, but still fight alongside du in these kinds of things so that they see my presence consistently along side them.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


  8. Big +1

    Some of the points brought up in this application are extremely beneficial for both groups in Spec. I think the monthly meetings with all members will prove to be a fun ground and great idea for both rancor and SOBDE to get together and discuss things or joint ideas. Big fan, so good luck in the interview <3

    • Friendly 1
  9. Name: Razen aka LeBron James

    Staff Rank: SA 


    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 6/7/22 - 6/21/22

    Reason: Ya boi got vacation, funna hunt some squirrels, funna dunk on some dudes, funna get lit in the telly, funna steal ya bitch. 

    Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Hunnitz. (I understand)

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

  10. Name: Razen

    Who helped (If applicable): Cubby, Trixx

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):  

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 4 Battalions deployed to siege the planet of GEO and stop the KilLonger forces from capturing the area!

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

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