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Everything posted by Starrk

  1. I was Starrk/Rays a previous SO BCMD, TGM, SM, CM i was friends with a lld 104th BCMD and I was a ARC trooper @Fizzik
  2. Hiya! I doubt ANY of this community remebers me but should you remeber me ots been quite a while. I may jave left apprubtly oh so long ago, but I didnt have the drive to come back. Ill be honest while I may have the drive, I dont have the time to return( YET ) some time in the future there will be a day that I will come back on and talk amongst still alive old friends, and maybe make new friends. To those who do remeber me I look foward to speaking with you again Signed ARC-3290 Starrk P.S. Can someone gove me the TS IP so I can come talk to old pals.
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