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Everything posted by Jason

  1. -1 People have lives yall. If you wanted to spend time with your family think about how you would want people to treat your absence on the server. Not everyone can be on all the time. The fact that this exists makes me upset as it shows me the lack of brotherhood the 187th has come to. I really wish you would have brought this up to him directly if you really cared about the Battalion and not your rank.
  2. RP Name:TR GM 4thACJT Major Jason/GM Knight II SH Jason Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:136543886 Age:17 Gender:Male Timezone: Mountain Standard time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I would like to be an administrator because I enjoy playing on synergy. Because of that, I want to do my best to make the server enjoyable for others as well. I feel becoming an administrator would allow me to do just that. I want to help this community to continue to grow, and be a very active member of it as well. Being admin would allow me to become a better member of the community as well as a better trainer as I can whitelist the clone cadets after training. This would help keep the community growing and keep Synergy's great reputation up. I have had previous experience with servers, and unlike the rest Synergy always keeps me coming back. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I've been gaming since I was around 5 or 6. I've always had a passion for gaming. Besides gaming I like to do woodworking with the makeshift workshop I have in my garage. On top of that I also enjoy cooking, and just making things in general. Besides that, I've always been an avid in role playing coming from almost all of my family playing dungeons and dragons, along with other roleplay games since I can remember. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes I was a T-Mod of Icefuse for over a week.
  3. RP Name:TR 501st Legion SSL CSM Jason Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:136543886 Age:17 Gender:Male Timezone: Mountain standard time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I would like to be an administrator because I enjoy playing on synergy. Because of that, I want to do my best to make the server enjoyable for others as well. I feel becoming an administrator would allow me to do just that. I want to help grow this community and be a very active member of it as well. Being admin would allow me to become a better member of the community as well as a better trainer as I can whitelist the clone cadets after training. This would help keep the community growing and keep Synergy's great reputation up. I have had previous experience with servers, and unlike the rest Synergy always keeps me coming back. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I've been gaming since I was around 5 or 6. I've always had a passion for gaming. Besides gaming I like to do woodworking with the makeshift workshop I have in my garage. On top of that I also enjoy cooking, and just making things in general. Besides that, I've always been an avid in roleplaying coming from almost all of my family playing dungeons and dragons, along with other role play games since I can remember.
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