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Everything posted by Kobelskis

  1. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/187th_Legion and http://starwarsrepublicclonetroopers.wikia.com/wiki/187th_Corps.
  2. Name: Kobelskis Suggestion: Bringing back 187th legion Implementation: This may upset a lot of you but for some of you 187th you love and would want it back. We would make a big sacrifice for the 187th. 327th is a dead battalion, I am sorry to say but it's true and if we want 187th back we would need to remove 327th. The Head-Chairman Joah said if we bring back 187th we need to remove a battalion. So I chose 327th. Why because its a dead battalion on the server. I would think this is the best option to bring back the 187th. Lore: This Legion does not have much lore. It was lead by Jedi Master Mace Windu. The Appearances they had were Star Wars the Clone wars Chapter 1, 2, 12, 13, 23, 24 and 25. Other. Now this is my Opinion. When you do remove 327th if this happens 187th will maybe be a top battalion in the server with a lot of players. I know most of the old 187th will come back and more from other battalions. This could be good because there is a huge fan base of 187th and Mace Windu more people who come back will see that its added and you may gain more players. Why do we want it back: A lot of people had some good memories with the 187th. like me I was in the "Pilot Battalion" on icefuse and it was being removed it upset so many people including me 187th took me in and it was the best feeling I had playing games and it made me want to stay with them. But when you guys took it out I stopped playing on the server and same with others. So if we bring it back the player base would grow. Why I choose 327th: I chose that battalion because it was abandoned and is now dying/dead I don't mean to be harsh about it but I feel like that would be the best option to move the 187th in no harsh feelings. PURPLE PRIDE WORLD WIDE Links: http://starwarsrepublicclonetroopers.wikia.com/wiki/187th_Corps. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/187th_Legion
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