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Everything posted by Leokyle

  1. I appreciate you guys giving me a second chance and I won’t screw it up like my first time
  2. RP Name/Steam Name: LeoKyle Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:102298430 Date of Ban: Don't know was somewhere around the year of 2017 Length of Ban: Permaban Offense: None Banned By: Unknown Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Hello everyone you might know me as Leokyle from icefuse. I once came onto synergy to play during the year of 2017. I had come to synergy to join and meet everybody I knew. Then All of the sudden I Started advertising a friends server. I did not mean to I had made the mistake of spam advertising my friends server and I ltap because I was nervous but I would take the consequences if I was to be unpermabanned. I'm sorry to everyone if I did advertise during the year of 2017 and would be willing to take my punishment if I was to be unbanned. I really did not mean to advertise and, I am terribly sorry for advertising in such a fun and great community. if you want to know how the whole problem happened I am willing to talk with a staff in ts to explain what happened that I accidently advertised during the year of 2017. Evidence to support your claims: Sadly I lost all my evidence when I restarted my pc completely but I still remember everything to support my ban appeal.
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