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Posts posted by Lighig

  1. Name: Lighig

    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 02/06/18- 02/10/18

    Reason: I got sick. Need some time to recover and a bit of time to work on some stuff for college.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes.

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.

  2. Name: Lighig

    Who helped (If applicable): Noe, Zyner, Mark, Hound, Thorn, Golem and Dan

    Event Name: Droid distraction.

    Summary of the story: R2-D2 and C3PO were captured by the sith and placed on a space station owned by a senile Jedi Master. The sith used this as a distraction to get on the ship and deal some damage to the republic.

    What was the result of the event?: the droids were saved and the sith were incapacitated and removed from the ship.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

  3. Name: Lighig

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:40873372


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 550


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars? 6


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I have been a generally active Commander of the 41st for over 5 months and been able to run the battalion as the sole commander on some occasions, I always try my best to be a respectful and hardworking commanding officer. As for communication skills, I believe I have room for improvement but believe I am well versed enough to be considered decent. I often try to explain and describe things in ways that people can understand, even if they are not necessarily savvy with the subject.

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I am aware.


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

    The heart of the swarm

    During the ships journey, the scanners pick up a unique signal coming from a large chunk of crystal nearby, intrigued by this, Naval will bring the crystal on board the ship, once on board, some light passive RP can begin, attempting to research the crystal, thinking about what to do with it (selling it, potentially creating weapons and armour, destroying it Etc.)

    Shortly after the crystal is brought aboard, 2 groups of Event jobs will attempt to make contact with the ship, one team of Umbaran scientists and a group of Trandoshians. If the two groups are brought on board they will ask to be escorted to the crystal.

    If either group Is suspected as hostiles and moved to the interrogation room, the umbarans will explain that the crystal is of great interest to them, as they believe they can harness its unique signal as a communication/army booster, they believe that they can use the signal to link soldiers together mentally, making it possible to read each other’s thoughts and know what movements other will make, making the army more effective. They offer a significant credit payment in exchange for the crystal and even offer to use the Grand army as the first test subjects of the technology. The trandoshians are a group of stragglers that escaped their ship after it was destroyed, they were sleeping at the time and as such were the closest to the escape pods, they don’t know much about the crystal, all they know is that their crew acquired it and the next day their ship was destroyed. They want to destroy the crystal as it may be dangerous for it to be kept intact.

    If they are both brought to the crystal they will explain the above paragraph there instead and begin arguing as to who should be given the crystal. The army then have the choice of siding with the umbarans or trandoshans, if one group is chosen the other group will become hostile and attempt to kill anyone who stands in the way of them getting the crystal. Upon the execution or capture of the hostile group, the other will begin what they planned to do with the crystal. This activates the dormant crystals signal. If neither group is chosen, they both become hostile towards each other and begin attacking the other group, if the army kills both groups, the crystal will activate due to a stray shot that hit it during the skirmish.

    The crystal is actually the heart of a long destroyed hive of insectoid creatures (Antlions) and the unique signal it was emitting was actually a command signal, so to speak, for the insects to remain close but hidden. Upon taking damage the signal becomes stronger, causing an overload of the ships Communications systems and requiring repairs in the engine room to get back up and running. The strengthened signal causes the insectoids to begin swarming the ship attacking various parts of the ship, beginning from far away from the crystal and slowly moving closer as they are spawned. Depending on which group they sided with, the Umbarans will start chipping parts of the crystal off with their weapons and begin hauling them onto their ship (unseen). The trandoshians will simply attempt to destroy the crystal with their weapons, constantly firing on it until it breaks. If both groups are destroyed the army will have to figure out that the crystal must be destroyed or removed from the ship

    6-7 minutes* of shooting at it will cause the core to be exposed, as a last resort, the insectoids will begin mutating into their larger forms (Antlion guards) in an attempt to save the hive heart. After another 7 minutes* of shooting, the heart will finally be destroyed and the insectoids will cease spawning. The umbarans will escape while the antlions guards are spawning with whatever crystal chunks they got. The trandoshians will stay until the crystal is destroyed completely, they may then decide to leave after the job is done, or, if possible be present for debrief and leave afterwards.

     *Time can be altered to better suit the needed length of the event

    Required jobs: 7, 3 for each group and one naval to alert the ship of the crystal and inform them when the signal changes.

    Future events

    Both choices can eventually lead to a sequel event. The Umbarans could be successful at creating their hive-mind tech, though on a smaller scale as they did not get the whole crystal, instead creating a strong hit squad of 4-5 Deathwatch level Umbaran soldiers who would invade the ship.

    The Trandoshians, deciding to try to find other crystals and destroy them could end up finding one on a planet and requesting the help of the Republic to destroy it once more. Other groups such as the CIS could then attempt to procure the crystal and become a new threat during the mission.

  4. RP Name: 41st GC Commander Lighig

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40873372

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to become an admin for the simple reason of helping this community grow and flourish. I only recently started playing star wars role play around 6-7 weeks ago, regardless of this it has not stopped me from becoming one of the more active members of the 41st and my rise to commander. I have done my best to keep the 41st running whether it be via recruiting, being present for debrief, being the representative at meetings or just commanding the 41st during events. I want to expand that effort from the battalion to the rest of server, ensuring that things run smoothly and making sure people are enjoying themselves. I also want to become an admin to challenge myself, i want to improve my multitasking and people skills. My timezone may also be beneficial as i can be active while other admins may be asleep or at work.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My real name is Kalib (guess i have a knack for hard to pronounce names) and i am currently studying animal care and management. I recently finished my 3rd year and am moving on to my 4th in September. I have Asperger's syndrome, a syndrome on the spectrum of autism, though it is less severe than autism, it does impair my social skill. The reason i began star wars role play was to try and help alleviate this by thrusting myself into social situations and challenge myself to become a more outgoing person.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? I unfortunately lack any previous staff experience, though we all have to start somewhere. If abuse of power is the concern, people like @egg @koval and @llama/yoda can attest to my maturity, goodwill and restraint.

  5. +1 I have been working with Chew in the 41st for some time now and he has been a great example of our battalion and a damn fine soldier. It seems many people agree that an outside influence would help improve the 91st, and i agree with that wholeheartedly, sometimes a battalion needs a new way of thinking to truly thrive and Chew can provide that in spades.

  6. I haven't had any problems with the null squads, though my interactions with them have been quite limited. That said though, my few interactions with them have been either neutral or pleasant. I don't mean to speak for everyone, but i think the null squad are fine members of this army.

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