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Posts posted by BlackMamba

  1. 1 hour ago, Ocelot said:

    +1 I believe Mamba has the tools to continue the success of the 212th attack battalion. He is very serious about the battalion as I have had many conversations with him on that exact subject. I have no doubt in my mind that mamba can and will succeed Billiam in great fashion. He is also very experienced in intel and leading in events when its time to get serious. In my mind there is no better choice than this guy. I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried for the well being of the battalion when Billiam received the senior commander position. But as soon as I saw this application, my hope was immediately restored. The only reason I would have to -1 this app, is that I will not be your father anymore. I will now be a disciple. Good luck to you and I hope you recieve the position, you deserve it.

    -Your friendly neighborhood Oceanator. <3



    Thanks, man! You can still be my dad...

  2. 4 minutes ago, Billiam Clinton said:


    I have been grooming all of my commanders for some time now (except you, Jimbo. You're too new :P) to be ready and step up to the position of Cody in my absence. Mamba, as with any Commander in the 212th that would apply for the position has the most sincere voucher for this position that I can give. He has months of experience as not only an officer in the 212th, but as a Commander and a distinguished leader. He knows how every facet of the battalion runs, as Cody should, and could answer any question about the 212th. With the tools and resources myself and previous Codys have left in our wake, I believe Mamba can take the reigns and do great things. He has the support of all of 212th, and will prevail as an excellent Battalion Commander.

    Thanks, Billy!

  3. 2 minutes ago, Pyle said:

    +1 to my son. Since i became affiliated with the 212th back in June when i became Obi Wan, and soon transferred my clone trooper. Mamba has always been there, the only time he wasn't on was when he was on vacation. He is a great leader and is there for anyone in the battalion. He is very helpful and one of the nicest people you will meet on the server. His work with their intel program is fantastic, he is an amazing Commander and a role model for the lower ranks. 



    Thanks Papa Pyle <3


    Steam Name: [SR] BlackMamba [VA]

    RP Name: TR 212th GCS ITD CMD BlackMamba

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:59319890

    Battalion/Area you are applying for: 212th Battalion Commander Cody

    Experience: I’ve been in the 212th for 7+ months now. I’ve served under 3 Commander Cody’s, Doc, Necriss and Billiam. From my time being here, I’ve learned from all my commanders how this battalion is running, from how to recruit a new person and lead him through the ranks to how to take the battalion under my lead in events and show them my thoughts on how to handle different situations. I’ll never forget the time when the 212th did a breach and clear sim and Billiam led us through it and I will always know that moment as “the moment I understood how great of a leader Billiam is” and I learned the battle tactics and callouts of a real leader from him. When to be happy with my battalion and when to be serious and show them the right way to do stuff, even if people need to get yelled at or lose a position, the benefit of the battalion comes first. I will never forget my favorite CMD (XO) I’ve ever had, Hiro. He was my favorite not because he was the best leader ever, or organized the battalion and made it better by force and yelling. He was that CMD that will talk to the people, become a friend of everyone and he will always be my inspiration and mentor! On one side I have the leadership abilities I learned from Billiam and former CMD Sambe and on the other side, I have the friendship I want to make with the people. Be their friend, but their leader at the same time. Be the person they can have fun with. But when they are causing problems to put them in place and yell at them. I’ve been a CMD of the 212th for 2 months now and I think that made me ready to give the battalion the commander it needs. One that will lead them but won’t have too much distance not allowing them to have fun with him. The commander that will let them have fun and joke, but if it gets out of control to put them back to their place. I’ve always had “being a friend” at the top of my points of emphasis but I also know this battalion needs a strict head at the top of it that won’t let them get out of control. This is the experience I learned, be a friend, but know when to put the foot down and lead this battalion to success.

    Also, I’ve led and participated in a lot of things of the battalion:

    -212th mentorship program: A mentorship program to make our sergeants ready for their officer duties.

    -212th infantry training course: I was a manager (2nd in command) and I am now the director of the advanced combat training course of the battalion.

    -212th intel team: I am one of the 212th intel officers, in charge of all kinds of documentation and I have experience there on how the documents work.

    -212th Heavy Leader: I was in charge of the heavy regiment for a month and a half and those were great times for the heavy regiment, every time I would get on I could easily find 3+ heavies AT ALL TIMES.

    -Ghost Company: I joined the elite squad of the 212th about a month ago and now I’m a ghost company sergeant. In charge of leading the new Ghost Company Members.

    Why should you become a Commander?: I’ve learned a lot from my friends and leaders here and from my time being here. And I think I’m finally ready to run this battalion. I understand what it means to lead this battalion and how important the huge numbers it has are. I love the 212th and I’ve always been loyal to it. I love working my ass off for this battalion from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to sleep. I have a vision for the 212th, as much as I loved what Billiam did here and I have some huge shoes to fill I have some things I want to do differently in the battalion to make it even better. Giving the high ranks under Cody some more authority but making sure only the best people get there. My biggest fault is being lenient but I’ve learned how to ignore that and change people’s positions in the battalion for the benefit of the battalion. I just want the best for the 212th and I’ll do all I can to make it great! I believe in myself that I have all the tools needed. From knowing how to make decisions and put the foot down on the ground to how to have fun with the people and let them feel they have a Cody they can talk to and interact with. I’ve learned how this battalion works and have been working my ass off for it doing more and more and I learned from that a lot about all kinds of different things and systems in the battalion. From the infantry training course that we have to the intel team that organizes the documentation of this battalion. I think I have an edge there as I’ve always wanted to participate in more things in the battalion and I learned a lot from that and I think I have the knowledge that a Cody needs. Another thing that I have going for myself is good relations with my officers and NCOs, at least from my point of view. I love talking to them and working on inside-the-battalion things with them to make it better and stronger! I love the current “CMD team” and I love working with them on the systems of the battalion and good relations can never hurt. They’ll just make it greater!   

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion?: Yes, I have learned a lot of lore in those 7 months.

    Availability: I’m very active currently as it’s my summer break but overall I’m not from America, I’m active in a different time zone but as I said I just want the best for this battalion so I will wake up at 3 am for the officer meeting and go back to sleep at the end of it. I believe I can still run this battalion as an eastern player as I’ve always done. School won’t stop me! Even when I’m not available in-game I’m always on the TS (unless going out for something or sleeping) so whenever I’m needed anyone can feel free to poke me and I’ll be there to help if I can!

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I joined Synergy around 5 days after it started but I joined the Icefuse 212th on the 21st of January and it’s basically the same battalion...

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes, indeed.

    What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: I have a vision to change stuff, get people that are fresh and want to put in the work, effort and time into this battalion to make it the best it can be. I think currently we’re missing work ethic. Billiam was one of our greatest hard workers, but we only have one Billiam… (unless we can make a clone army of Billiams… Please? Anyone?) and I’ve learned a lot from Billiam’s work ethic and I’m trying to apply it to myself. But I believe in the “younger generation” of the battalion to put in the work and show great work ethic so we can all enjoy being here! I want to adjust the authority of the junior officers (2ndLT-LT), senior officers (CPT+) and Commanding officers (CMD+) of the 212th have as well. I think until now everything went to the leaders of each program of the battalion or just to Cody but other people just felt like they couldn’t take some of the load all of those positions have and help this battalion a bit more. I want to give the senior officers and commanding officers an option to feel like THEY can make the change and they are not powerless! I believe in this battalion and the people in it and I want them to show me that I can keep on believing in them and trust them. I know there are people here that want to make a change but just feel like they can’t… As I said, they feel powerless, I want them to feel that they can lead this battalion and they actually have power! I also want to make Ghost Company a bit more “alive” and work with the Ghost Company Leader to “revive it”. 2ndAC I did not forget you! I’ll work with CMD Barlex to make sure this company stays as great as it is! I’m always going to have a huge place in my heart for all the 212th that are not in a company as I served my whole time outside of a company (until I joined Ghost Company as a CMD) and I’ll make they’re all doing good and feel comfortable in the battalion. Another thing I have on my mind is making better relations with the 501st just like those two battalions have in lore. Work together and fight alongside each other but I’m still planning to keep the 212th as the 212th and the 501st as the 501st. Meaning that we won’t be the same, just work side by side.

    Until now I just talked about what I’m planning to change. Now, I don’t want to just change. There are things I want to keep the same and have always worked for this battalion. I want to keep on working on the numbers 212th has always had, get recruits and make sure they have fun on the server so they will stay with us. I want to keep all the systems we have up and running and improving them, making sure I work with the leaders of those programs to change for the better if needed and all the systems that are not running yet and are a work in progress I’ll do my best to start running them. This battalion has a ton of potential and I want to get the most out of it!

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, if I can’t be active enough for the battalion I’ll just step down, I want this battalion to be great, not drag it down. I believe it won’t happen but life is a bitch sometimes.

    • Agree 4
  5. +1 BILLY!!!

    Can't believe I won't see you as my legendary CXO Gearshift or my amazing CMD Cody but you deserve going up the ranks a bit more!

    You're a hard working man, you work hard to make sure the 212th is doing well ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

    I remember once staying with you in a channel after one of the 212th meetings and you were just working on documents for like 4 hours straight (it might have been even longer).

    I've already told you your hard work is phenomenal and the next Cody has some huge big monstrous shoes to fill... I know you'll still be around but it's not the same... Thank you for everything Billiam, good luck!

    -212th Commander BlackMamba


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