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Everything posted by Pyle

  1. People are going to constantly bitch about game, even if it didn't have micro transactions or pay to win. People will find a way to complain. EA lowered the rate at which you can obtain characters so there should be anymore complaining about that. For the micro transactions and pay to win, if it is that big of a deal to you (not you fours) don't buy the fucking game and play something else. I personally bought the game because I love Star Wars and enjoyed the Battlefront released in 201. Summary: People will bitch no matter what. Play the game, have fun and fuck the haters. Also funny that a lot of the people who bitch about the game will be playing it.
  2. Wait, you didn't deny you not being a girl?
  3. Pyle

    el voido

    That is like becoming Master, resigning, and then applying for Yoda because you were a former Master lol. KEK
  4. LOL everyone thought the same thing when you left Icefuse.
  5. Due to the Halpert situation. Gonna give you fat ass -1
  6. Llama, it was a great run and a pleasure to get to know you and call you a friend. Known you since January when you joined the 41st. Saw you grow from a PVT all the way to GC Commander. From a Padawan all the way to Grand Master of the Order Yoda. I still wish to get on every now and then and have a great talk like we did back in the days of the ultimate 41st. Before my activity toook a dump; Yourself, Egg, Ryan, Rep, and some others were the only reason I would get on the server. I still greatly appreciate what you did for me in the Jedi Order. I love you and all the OG 41st Nigz and hope to see you around. <3 When ya boi Dreams crashes the party. You were an MSG in this video Love you <3 Best wishes to you and your mother, hope all goes well.
  7. Grow a pair and stop whining on the forums.
  8. Pyle


    Just when you thought people leave they come back and post a staff app D: +1 faggot
  9. This thread is fucking retarded. Not to anyone replying in it but the overall reason why someone would make this post.
  10. I am suprised people actually bitch about this, guarantee anyone who had or has the power of noclip, they used it to get somewhere faster. Quit fucking whining and do your RP.
  11. known you for a long time and hope the best for you. <3 Welcome to the retirement home!
  12. Shouldn't have to, you should just inform your commander of your absence, anyone who says other wise can fuck off.
  14. GMOD is gay after non stop for 6 months.
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