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Posts posted by Kessel

  1. It’s gonna be a fat +1 from me. This man is ready to the job.


    (Thank you for being concise and not writing an overly wordy application just to sound smart.)


    Blazin also sold me behind a Walmart last week.

  2. 2/2/5


    This event was a bit like the Fast & Furious movies--they just don't know when to stop making them. The event was allowed to quickly devolve into disorder, with people running around the map aimlessly with no plot or direction. It felt like the intent was to compete with Zack Snyder's Justice League for longest runtime, except unlike the film, this event was mostly filler that could've been left out, and it ultimately stopped being fun after about ten minutes.

  3. Based on the wiki descriptions, the main planet on our the new map is most similar to Corellia or Mimban. I’m not sure how Scarif even made the list; it’s not even close.

    • Agree 4
  4. Welp, this is it. I’ve been with Synergy for about two years now, and those years have—mostly—been incredibly fun, allowing me to meet some of the coolest people I’ve ever had the privilege to game with. I’ve been a branch lead twice, a commander twice, and, at least for a few months, a Jedi Master. This is not an easy decision to make, as I’ve grown close with many of you nerds, but being active on the server has pulled my academic performance down. I simply can’t balance things the way I could in high school, so I’m afraid it’s finally time for me to officially step away from the server. Thank you for all the fun times; I might stop in on occasion to see how everyone’s doing, but for now, this is goodbye. 

    This is Kessel, signing off.


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