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Everything posted by Kirito

  1. Hello Synergy, I have been thinking about it, And I may be making my return to staff in about 3 weeks. I always enjoyed my time as a Staff member, and I always planned on returning its just I didn't know if I should or shouldn't. But now I am preparing to return, so I can become a GM and so some events for you guys. As I have a few story lines planned out for multiple battalions, Including but not limited to 212th, 501st, 41st, 21st, Rancor, DU, Delta Squad, Jedi, and of course Bounty hunters revolving around a system called the Skarium sector which is in a conflict between two factions. One being supported by the C.I.S. as they try to overwhelm the other faction that allied themselves with the Republic. but ill leave the rest a secret for when I become a GM
  2. 10/10 Gave me something to do Loved the movements @Qal I will have my revenge on you.
  3. Ok @Nade Jones I'm cancelling my LOA due to people problems, and irl reasons I don't want to discuss due to them being personal
  4. Name:Kirito Staff Rank:New Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):8/24/2019 - 9/7/2019 Reason: I am going on vacation over to Florida, and spending some time with family and friends. Plus I have been really burnt out on playing Gmod, so this will help me recover some energy. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  5. Sadly I must decline, I was a little over whelmed while in shock. Maybe one day I'll return if I don't feel welcome in 212th.
  6. No you stop watching all my anime!! XD
  7. +1 brother, I wish you good luck.
  8. Thank you for the support.
  9. Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get.
  10. +1 It seems your post seems truthful enough, if you wish to return I would be down to give you this +1 and hopefully Second chance
  11. +1 I've seen this happen several times, so I agree upon a IP ban
  12. -1 due to several staff witnessing the event.
  13. In order to apply to the application process you must use this form when filling out your application: Title of Thread: CWRP - (Name) Staff Application RP Name:TR 212th ENG SSG Kirito Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:93069810 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 18 Timezone: CST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):Well mainly I want to help out around the server, I've had my eye becoming part of staff for half a year now. During that time I met many new faces, and made good friends. Though sometimes I noticed that some tickets don't go answered, so I thought maybe if I become a staff member I could help. I'm always willing to help out, if I'm asked to do something that needs to be done while in the middle of RP I will drop what I'm doing and head over. Look I understand that I may not be ready in some aspects, but I want to do my best and become a staff member. So yeah, I understand if it is denied. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a calm person who likes to hangout and have fun, I live in a small town with no one around to hangout with. Mostly I am off the computer, just reading and writing stories that come to mind. In game, I'm still that joking person. but when RP comes around, I jump at the chance for some action. When Online, I am sometimes working on binds that could help get some recruits into my battalion. Or I'm just getting ready to host a Sim, when I'm in a Sim I ask any higher up of any battalion if they would like to join as a joint training. I try to make my Sims fun, like clearing out a ton of droids or PVP. it always depends on what I feel like doing, or what the battalion agrees upon. Do you have any previous staff experience? No How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 161:18:52 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No Edit 7/31/19 Name Change Edit: 8/1/19 VIP status Changed
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