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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. Striker and us high command in 212th have been doing a lot lately and making lots of great changes and I can see the battalion going in a really great direction, I don't want that to change and I want to continue going in that direction, with Bro having very different viewpoints for what needs to be done in the battalion I think this change would make it very very hard to stay on that path. Striker has got 1 more term left in him and I truly believe it would be best for the battalion if he got to serve it. +1

    • Friendly 1
  2. Gonna have to be neutral on this one Bro. I think you would make a good BCMD but I also don't believe that right now is the best timing for it. The battalion is in a great place right now and striker has been having a great run. I'm not saying a change like this would be bad I'm merely saying that it could disrupt the current spot the battalion is in at the moment. I hate not giving you a +1 but i'm here to give my honest opinion for what's best for the 212th right now.

    - Good luck to you both but I'm not the type of person to +1 both applications just because I like them both. I put a lot of thought into this and I have to go with Striker for this one.

    • Friendly 1
  3. +1 Striker has gotten better and better each week and I think it would be good for him to continue moving forward for another term. The battalion is in a good place right now. I'm not gonna lie it was a rocky start at the beginning of your term but we worked through that and it's been going great. Although Bro is a great candidate I don't think it's right to only give a guy like Striker only 1 term as Commander Cody. 

    - Good luck to you both but I'm not the type of person to +1 both applications just because I like them both. I put a lot of thought into this and I have to go with Striker for this one.

    • Friendly 1
  4. RP Name: GCS ARFL Major Boil 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77769347

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 19

    Timezone: EST Standard

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Since the day I joined this server I have practically fell in love with it. I have been online literally everyday since I joined and have put in countless hours and since this server has given me so many fun times and great events I thought it was time for me to give back to the community in anyway I can. I am able to be online as much as I am because I am currently taking this year off of college so I just go to work in the mornings and then come home and hop on the server. I promise you that if I were to hold a staff position that I would become one of the most active staff members on the server. Being staff is a big way for me to give back to this amazing community. With the amount I am online I will be able to help with staff tickets and other issues at an immense rate. Being considered for staff would mean a lot to me and I really hope that I can someday give back to the community all that they have given me and will continue to give me for months and months to come. This is by far THE BEST community I have ever played on and I am fully willing to treat a staff position as a job. I will make sure that every new member to come to the server feels fully welcomed and at home because I want everyone to have the amazing time that I have had on this server. Being a staff member is not only about making the community safer and minge free but also to make sure that the players are having fun and enjoying their time on the server, I will make it my priority to ensure that they get that fun and entertaining time that they deserve. I was staff before for a few weeks but sadly had to resign due to personal issues and didn't want to seem like I just didn't care. I have been good for like a month now and have been on and off considering to re apply and I finally decided to do it. 

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well, I want to start off by saying that I am one of the most open guys you will meet. Talking to me is one of the easiest things you will ever do, this is because of that fact that growing up I lived in 3 different states (California, Florida, and Virginia) and switched schools just about every 2 or 3 grades (Yes, my family moved around ALOT). I am currently studying Computer Science at a University I would like to not name for obvious reasons, but am currently taking my second year off due to some personal reasons. This is why I have so much free time to come home and play some CWRP. I like to consider myself a very fun but also serious guy. If you have met me on the server you know that I like to joke around and have a good time but you also know that when its time to get serious that I get as serious as you can get and I don't take any shit. With all of that said I really hope that I can be considered for a New Admin position on the server and if I am I would not let you down.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Once upon a time I was an admin on a DarkRP server but that was around 5 years ago so I have no recollection of the server name or anything. About 2 years ago I actually was a Co-Founder of a decently sized ARMA 3 Altis Life server called Sphear Gaming, but that server has since been shut down due to a falling off. I was also staff on some minecraft servers back in the day XD but lets just forget I ever mentioned that game. Like I said before I was already staff on here for only a few weeks but had to resign due to IRL.

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 580:26:36    (And literally none of it is AFK, I don't like leaving my computer running haha).

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No I am not.

  5. +1 For the fact that it is required for ARC, this means that new enlisted in Rancor must attend ARQ to get ARC training and they already have to get ARC training to get promoted, so the fact that something only hosted twice a week is required for them means that anyone in Rancor who is not able to make ARQ scheduled times will never have the opportunity to rank up, in the end this will kill rancor in the long run. Make it an AT-RT, BARC, and ARF thing, thats it.

  6. 1 minute ago, GlobalOffender said:

    im also going to state this was not a decision that 91st made we were told to do this but after like 100 hours of work ill be damned if this is removed it will show how little the community cares for peoples time


    Don't you think before putting in 100 hours of work on something you should maybe ask the community how they feel about it then? That's on the people doing the work not the people disagreeing with it.

    • Agree 3
  7. RP Name: 212th W1 ARFL SGM Juicy

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77769347

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 19

    Timezone: EST Standard

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Since the day I joined this server I have practically fell in love with it. I have been online literally everyday since I joined and have put in countless hours and since this server has given me so many fun times and great events I thought it was time for me to give back to the community in anyway I can. I am able to be online as much as I am because I am currently taking this year off of college so I just go to work in the mornings and then come home and hop on the server. I promise you that if I were to hold a staff position that I would become one of the most active staff members on the server. Being staff is a big way for me to give back to this amazing community. With the amount I am online I will be able to help with staff tickets and other issues at an immense rate. Being considered for staff would mean a lot to me and I really hope that I can someday give back to the community all that they have given me and will continue to give me for months and months to come. This is by far THE BEST community I have ever played on and I am fully willing to treat a staff position as a job. I will make sure that every new member to come to the server feels fully welcomed and at home because I want everyone to have the amazing time that I have had on this server. Being a staff member is not only about making the community safer and minge free but also to make sure that the players are having fun and enjoying their time on the server, I will make it my priority to ensure that they get that fun and entertaining time that they deserve. 

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well, I want to start off by saying that I am one of the most open guys you will meet. Talking to me is one of the easiest things you will ever do, this is because of that fact that growing up I lived in 3 different states (California, Florida, and Virginia) and switched schools just about every 2 or 3 grades (Yes, my family moved around ALOT). I am currently studying Computer Science at a University I would like to not name for obvious reasons, but am currently taking my second year off due to some personal reasons. This is why I have so much free time to come home and play some CWRP. I like to consider myself a very fun but also serious guy. If you have met me on the server you know that I like to joke around and have a good time but you also know that when its time to get serious that I get as serious as you can get and I don't take any shit. With all of that said I really hope that I can be considered for a New Admin position on the server and if I am I would not let you down.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Once upon a time I was an admin on a DarkRP server but that was around 5 years ago so I have no recollection of the server name or anything. About 2 years ago I actually was a Co-Founder of a decently sized ARMA 3 Altis Life server called Sphear Gaming, but that server has since been shut down due to a falling off. I was also staff on some minecraft servers back in the day XD but lets just forget I ever mentioned that game.

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 195:27:19

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No I am not.

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