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Posts posted by Bruno

  1. RP Name: Bruno (Rancor ARC MED SFC Bruno in CWRP)

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91405780

    VIP (Y/N): Y (CWRP)


    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you wish to be apart of the staff team(6 sentence minimum): The main reason is that I want to start playing Synergy again, and there is no better time to join back than when a new server comes out and if I can help while coming back to the community why wouldn’t I want to do it. I have been playing GMOD for 3 years now, I started playing back on Icefuse and when Joah decided to create his new community, I moved on to Synergy and I have been playing here since then. I was getting a little bit burnt out of CWRP after playing this many years, so I left the game for some time and when I saw that you guys were trying to create a new MRP I decided I wanted to come and try to help in the best way I know and that is being staff and taking care of the members of the community, which in the end, are the most important of all, because there is no Synergy Roleplay without each member of its community. My goal as a staff member is to secure the players roleplaying environment by dealing with those who have no intention to roleplay at all, and serving as a helper for the high staff so they do not have to deal with these minor problems when they have much bigger things in mind. I have been a part of this community since its very first steps, and I really want to see it grow to its maximum extent and achieve all its goals in the MilitaryRP gamemode. I am really grateful with this community, since it has helped me in many ways, most of the english I know (which is still kinda basic) comes from playing Icefuse and Synergy and it has improved my way of relating to people, although I still have much to improve, and I want to give back the favour by becoming a staff member and follow a legacy of staff members who helped and continue helping this community.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I live in Argentina, my main language is Spanish, I spend more time than I should playing games (specially GMOD). To be honest I did not like the game at first, I thought it was boring until one night that I decided to take a look at the multiplayer servers and I saw StarwarsRP so at 2 am in the morning I decided to join my first server and it was Icefuse, and I remember being trained by Kitty when she was a Keeli Company in phase 1, I fall in love with the game and it is to this day that I have been playing mainly starwarsrp for 2,767 hours, which is not as much as others but I think it is a considerable amount of time, since then I have seen grow many people to the ranks they have today and I have made many friends which sadly have already left the community, although some of them still play to this day. Now I think it's time to move on from the basic starwarsrp mode and I decided to switch to MilitaryRP which I had played in the past but in some basic servers which had little to no members.

    Do you have any previous staff experience?

    Icefuse Administrator for ClonewarsRP

    Synergy Roleplay New Admin for ClonewarsRP

    How long have you been playing on Synergy for? Since its beginning.

    Are you currently staff on any other server?  No

    Are you willing to sacrifice your playtime for the betterment of the server and its community? I don’t really think it is a “sacrifice” I do enjoy doing it, so yes.

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