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Everything posted by Casual

  1. +1 Great Guy Good Commander Helped 41st Activity Back in the day Made to be Gree LET THIS MAN BE GREE!!!!
  2. +1 Best of luck and enjoy!
  3. :^( Best Yoda I ever met.
  4. Casual


    +1 good luck to both ya!
  5. -1 Sorry man but the app is just too short. Apply again when you have a bit more experience.
  6. Casual


    -1 Just...no.
  7. 8.5/10 Best event I have ever seen in a while
  8. RP Name: TR 91st ARCL MSG Casual Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:222862006 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 18 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to give back to the community that I enjoy so very much. Whenever I leave because of IRL reasons this server brings me back. I want to help make everyone's experience on the Synergy Roleplay more enjoyable. I really want to assist the people who are on in the latter half of the night who need help getting whitelists. I also hope to help people need vehicles for training and help spawn NPC's for sims as well. I hope that I can assist with spawning NPC's for game masters during events and possibly making dupes for events as well. I feel that me being staff will also assist with getting the 91st and other battalions into more deployments because most of the time some battalions only get deployed only two or three times a week. I also feel that if I become staff I can help my own battalion have more training sims. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Andrew and I am enrolled in college, my major is Cyber Security with a minor in server networking. I have an interest in 3D modeling and animation and I tend to do that work when I have the feeling for it. I work out quite frequently in my spare time, I tend to do cross-fit and lifting. I enjoy to play games that are strategy based as it tends to test my mental capabilities. Personality wise I can say I am quite friendly towards people and patient person. Do you have any previous staff experience? Game Production Company Forum Moderator(Elaztek Studios) Length: 2 years. Unturned Server Admin(Alpha RP) Length: 6 Months. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 869 Hours. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: Negative.
  9. When I win the talent show with a shitty zoo wee mama joke "Mega Meme"
  10. We need to do another server wide talent show
  11. -1 You promote the kid who posts support of your application in a neutral channel. There should be punishment for this kind of stuff than just a warning...
  12. -1 I have been viewing this application for a while and I have to say that you are unworthy of taking up the mantel. The amount of proof that you climbed the ranks and then the amounts of lying on this app just proves your unworthiness. Even Egg agrees that you are not worthy of it, Egg knows best.
  13. +1 because nice guy and smart boyo
  14. Yes, do you need help again? The master is here
  15. I was off for 3 days because I wanted to take a break from the server and then I come back to this:
  16. ==========[ Regimental Commander ]========== Steam Name: The Casual Slayer RP Name: 327th ARC WO Casual Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:1:222862006 Battalion or squad you are applying for: BCMD BLY Experience: 41st: The 41st started out my Synergy Roleplay experience, they started me on the ropes of being a trooper. Though I did not stay long, they still had a influence on me. After my comeback to the server I began anew in the 41st assisting them after Egg’s resignation by fixing the activity of the members. I became the most prominent trainer in the AT-RT program of having over 100+ training's held and 81 people logged in the roster within a 2 week span. I also revamped the AT-RT training document with new information and designing. 501st: Under the leadership of Joah, I learned how to be a leader. I learned how to work efficiently as a team and my abilities as a soldier grew stronger. I began to dabble in leading during events as well as reforming the medical division as a prominent medical officer of the battalion. RANCOR: Rancor was the biggest turning point in my career. I had to begin again as a PVT in Rancor, and had to begin the trooper journey again. I was under the leadership of Hudson and Fizzik at the time, and they helped me develop how I think and act as an officer. I would go into intense sims in my early time in Rancor, and these sims helped me work on my decision-making as well as my efficiency in leading. They also taught me how to be a capable leader of the troopers under me. I would consistently lead in events, deployments on the event server, and also would run or lead sims and trainings. As my time continued in Rancor, I began ARC training. ARC training helped me become more efficient in teamwork and team effectiveness, I also learned different types of formations to use in events or combat situations, I also learned key points to leadership and decision making. I graduated ARC Training with a new mindset. 327th: As I transitioned from Rancor to 327th, I climbed the ranks quickly after showing off my skills as an NCO and Officer. From studying the Commanders of the 327th, I began to learn what it means to be a Commander. A Commander is a person who is a great decision maker, who must always be thinking about every outcome of a decision, and stand as an example to those below him, and these are the exact qualities I demonstrate in my current position. As I reached the rank of XO, I began to understand how our BCMD acted on certain situations in and out of the battalion, such as dealing with certain problems between members. This lead to myself becoming more active in these types of situations, which greatly illustrates that I have the capability to deal with problems in our Battalion. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I want the 327th to be recognized as a battalion made of a strong brotherhood and the elite. Ever since I arrived in the 327th back in August we had always been a family and a skillful bunch. I plan to add various improvements into the 327th and to get each member more involved with one another. I will have every member be more involved via sims, joint training's, and to have a general sense of camaraderie within the Battalion. I desire to see these troops be proud of being in the 327th, and I aspire to see them succeed at any costs. I will have all of my time dedicated to this battalion to ensure that everyone is active, and be a positive influence on every member. Helping them in any issues they may face, or to advise them if they have any problems they cannot solve themselves. I have been extremely dedicated to the 327th before and now, and have a devotion to seeing the 327th succeed and be better than it already is, and to make it the best battalion on the base. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I understand the lore of the battalion and I am willing to state the lore if required. Availability: Weekdays: 3pm to 12 am ingame, Discord/TS: All Day. Weekends: Ingame 9am to 12am, Discord/TS: All Day. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since July of 2018 Do you have a microphone?: Yes. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want the 327th to be in a state of camaraderie, in which each member enjoys the company of one another. I will have each of the members know each other, and be able to work as one cohesive group. I desire to see no internal divisions, drama, or any major issues between each other. I want my battalion to be known as the battalion that is the most elite, efficient, and with a strong brotherhood. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Ever since I encountered you in the 327th you showed that you had the potential to be a great leader and you have proved me right. You have blossomed from being a great officer to now being a grand XO, now it is your right of passage to take up the mantel of BCMD. You have held things together throughout the months and I wish you luck on the journey ahead. I hope once you obtain such a position you will make this battalion burn bright again like months before. +1
  18. +1 I do appreciate the re-opening of this suggestion, I thank Joah. I understand that chambers did put a lot of effort towards this existing and I think I understand why he may be opposing this. I do believe that ARQ should be removed because I feel that there shouldn't be a prerequisite to ARC training or for ARF training. I do like the existence of the AT-RT and BARC training though, it does give a purpose for people to communicate with 41st and 91st, as well as the allowance of people to use such vehicles.
  19. +1 Ever since I started on this server I had always seen Sanchez as the most dedicated member of the 41st. He was always the one that was keeping the battalion alive and I feel he is the most worthy candidate to take the Gree position after Egg's exodus. At least you didn't crack like an egg.
  20. -1 I see Miguz as the better candidate. sorry
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