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Posts posted by Trixx

  1. I'm very indecisive about my vote here, you're a good friend of mine and I do know that you have what it takes to lead when you apply yourself properly. If you do get Gree I think you would really need to build a strong active High Command around you so you don't burn out or get too stressed out and quit.


    I am going to +1 tho because even if you made mistakes we all do because we're all human and deserve another chance. 

    • Friendly 1
  2. -1 


    I'm not sure my guy... This always seems like a really cool idea and then it gets added and people use the system for a week then people go back to their old ways because its easier and the RP flows better between players when you pop the ID bind. I like it but I just think it would be another addon to the server that is taking up space and won't be that used.

  3. In regards to DU, as the person who recruited you I was sad to see you leave without saying anything. The fact of life is that people make mistakes so for now I am going to -1 HOWEVER you can change my opinion over time.


    Changing my vote to +1 you worked on things and improved.

  4. I grew up playing games on the PC and as a kid my top three games were: Total War Rome, LOTR Battle for Middle Earth, and Command and Conquer Generals.


    If you like Total War which is your favorite? I really enjoy Three Kingdoms but I think my all time favorite is Shogun.

  5. Neutral, I've seen you around so the activity part isn't an issue for me its the leadership and I know its difficult to show that when you're in a TS channel. I would just like to see more on that end from you, do more trainings and such ya know? I wish you the best of luck my guy

  6. As someone who applied with the bar minimum amount of hours needed the first time I went for staff I will say that things can move at a fast pace and my experiences as staff on other servers really helped me.


    I'm not saying you can't do it but maybe just a little more time.


    I'm going to Neutra

    Good luck tho!

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