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Everything posted by TheOGNick

  1. RP Name: TR Fleet MED PO1 Gerbil/ 41st EC SUP SFC Nick/ Jedi C Knight I Nick Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:60425375 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:13 14 on October 22 Timezone:PST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be a admin because this is quite literally my favorite server. I want to make sure that this server stays like it is. Also I want to have some what authority in my favorite thing to do. Also I hope to be a game master one day and show some of my ideas. If someone is screwing around in this server and making a problem with everyone I want to be able to warn them or you know kick them. I don't like not being able to do anything I want to keep this server the way it is or maybe even make it better. I love this server with all my might and all i want is to keep this server in the condition it is now. Also, I want to be able to help out with training jedi trials naval tryouts etc. I also just feel like sometimes there is just no staff on and I want to fix that. I also will pull all tickets I am able to as the rank of admin I would be able to. Also I want to be able to help out all the people on this fine server which is just what keeps me on the server. Also I want to be able to do stuff around the server and help and maybe someday get up to senior admin and be able to spawn in stuff for people. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well my name is Nick and I'm in 8th grade. I am a A student in school and at home most of my time I am playing synergy. I try to be as active as I can on Synergy cause quite Literally I try every minute. Even though at time I may be in mature but when it actually comes down to stuff I will do what I must. Also I am a big nerd for Star Wars Prequels. Do you have any previous staff experience? Not really I staffed on a Unturned Server. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 250 Hours Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Nope Thanks for reading!!
  2. Major Fucking +1 the fact on how long it took u to set that up shows devotion and quite literly spawning and the event was really good +1
  3. +1 great event and backstory and event jobs were good!
  4. +1 creative idea and not horrible spawning all tho droids had way too much HP because I killed a B2 hella faster than a B1
  5. +1 Event Was creative and it was nice that you gave those event jobs another chance. I guess my only complant is lower the commando droids HP becase there was like 10 of them and it was a cluster fuck other than that +1.
  6. +1 I liked that this event was long and with a hell of a lot of RP
  7. Alright so I'm gonna give this one a +1 now hear me out, this map and the idea are great things being able to travel to diffrent planets is aweasome and the capture the planet is also cool just the time i guess was not right. Now this is no ones fault the lag and ping is not anyones fault its just gmod. I think the biggest thing that was getting on my nerves was on the snow planet the npcs that were underground killed me and i was above ground but that is not your fault. All in all its another Good Intent bad execution (Not on your part)
  9. TheOGNick


    RP Name: TR Fleet QM PO3 Gerbil/ TR CG HVYO SSG Gerbil/ TR Jedi C Knight I Nick Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:60425375 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:13 14 on October 22 Timezone:PST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be a admin because this is quite literally my favorite server. I want to make sure that this server stays like it is. Also I want to have some what authority in my favorite thing to do. Also I hope to be a game master one day and show some of my ideas. If someone is screwing around in this server and making a problem with everyone I want to be able to warn them or you know kick them. I don't like not being able to do anything I want to keep this server the way it is or maybe even make it better. I love this server with all my might and all i want is to keep this server in the condition it is now. Also, I want to be able to help out with training jedi trials naval tryouts etc. I also just feel like sometimes there is just no staff on and I want to fix that. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well my name is Nick and I'm in 8th grade. I am a A student in school and at home most of my time I am playing synergy. I try to be as active as I can on Synergy cause quite Literally I try every minute. Even though at time I may be in mature but when it actually comes down to stuff I will do what I must. Also I am a big nerd for Star Wars Prequels. Do you have any previous staff experience? Not really I staffed on a Unturned Server. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 250 Hours Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Nope Thanks for reading!!
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