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Posts posted by Kurt


    Steam name: [SR] Molecul3 [A]

    RP Name: TRO SO ARCL 1stLT Kurt

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56438639

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Special Operations


    After completing the training to be a part of the server, I knew I would enjoy my time here. A place where I can share my love for an epic tv series, and interact with the characters them selves. I was given a chance to join SO and I took, and I never looked back on that day. My early days of SO, I had the simple job of being there for your brothers, and follow order. And that is exactly what I did. I quickly took it upon myself to ask when the next training is, to what I could expect to learn while being in SO. After quickly climbing the ranks to Junior NCO, I started to host tryouts and lead events. This is where I learned a lot of helpful tactics on how to lead a squad of troops into battle and applied my own touch to it. I wanted and fell like a role model to my new enlisted and even though I may have messed up on a mission, I didn't put blame on someone else, and did my punishment. Again once I hit SGT, I went right away to be an ARC trooper, to where, and I feel, was one of the troopers who stood out in Selections. I took the initiative and lead the group of troops I was grouped with. I gave clear and consistent call out of enemies and watch the back of my brothers. After I achieved being an ARC, I have encouraged my fellow enlisted to become ARC. With that dedication, I became ARCO and once I passed the thresh of NCO to 2ndLT, I became SO ARCL. Being a Junior officer, I had a lot more responsibility with the new role I became but I tackled it by organizing what needs to be done and how to apply it. 
    Another bit of experience I got is being a Trainer for Synergy. I enjoy being the face of Synergy and did what I could do to help promote that even though we are a serious server, we still have lots of fun. Sure I was pulled a few times for CC training, but it never bothered me. I was just happy to help. I think one of the funnest times training a CC, was when I was training him above Debrief and everyone in DB could hear me. The entire OOC was spamming "That moment the whole ship shadows Kurt." I couldn't stop laughing. On the other side to that, one of the hardest days doing CC training is when we constant CC's come on for about 3-4 hours and I was one of a few TR's on. One of my achievements I got for being a TR was getting TR of the week 2 weeks in a row. But my favorite part about it, is seeing the CC you train evolve into a great Clone trooper who does great things for their battalion or even getting VIP and becoming naval/Jedi. I stepped up from there and then did the TRO tryout, where I will admit... I failed the first time, but got it on my second try. Being a TRO it allowed me to add my own touch to training the new faces of Synergy.
    Lastly I just want to mention my experience as an admin to the server. I feel I got it quickly, with help from you guys, by being a TRO. I have been on top of trying to get as many tickets as I can to help people on the server. As a new admin, I only had a limited amount of power, whitelisting and helping people get unstuck, but now as an Admin, I hope that I can help the server without having that many limitations. 

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?

    I feel like I should become BCMD of SO due to my loyalty to the Battalion. I have been a part of it since day 1, and have learned a lot from many people both old and new. As a BCMD you are a leader and a leader is what I strive to do, and lead SO from the ground up. I understand that the reputation of SO isn't very good, but I would love to change that to have SO be the battalion that everyone wants to be a part of. However another part of being a leader is to be charismatic with who you surround with. I feel that I can trust people in SO, and I help share that trust to them in hope they trust me. To me SO is a family where we all respect and trust each other to do their part. I also have plans to increase activity both within the battalion and out side of the battalion. I feel that I can be that trooper, that leader, people look up to and encourage them into becoming apart of the family. I always have room from learning from previous mistakes and moving forward from it, and I'm open to learn new skills as a leader.

    Do you understand the lore of your Battalion or squad?


    I spend most of my free time on the server. I do have a part time job that takes time away from the server. But normally I am on during the evenings (7pm PST) to early morning (3am PST). With that said, I am always available on discord, you need to reach me. 

    Estimate time on server:

    590+ hours

    Do you have a microphone?


    Where do you see your battalion at the end of your term?

    I hope to see SO thrive and be the battalion everyone talks about, in a positive way. I do hope to encourage passive rp in between event, such as Medical check up for my medics and routine engine/HMC inspections for my engineers. Host joint training's with other battalion to get a feel on how other battalions work, and create different simulations for Tech/EOD or hostage rescue. I feel that with this, SO can begin to work on its own, with out me needing to tell them. While I focus on training my predecessor to be ready to take my position, and not leave with out no one having a clue on how to run SO.

      Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?


    Note to the readers

    I do want to apologize about my misunderstand about what I was told by the higher ups. I have spoken with both Chamber and Square to waive this Application. And also I want to thank each and everyone of you for taking your time to read my application and give me either feedback or criticism, which I am open to and understand I will get some. 

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