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Posts posted by Heart

  1. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: Rusty Venator

    Summary of the story: A new Crewman comes about and everything on the venator starts fucking up. He spills water over the Hyperspace button and forces the ship to a random location. Thankfully it was only Naboo, but then an asteroid crashes into the thrusters and a sole GM has to go and repair it. Over time, more and more bizarre things start to happen, such as light fixture failures to a chef-droid catching fire. At last, there were a few mis-placed bombs around the ship which ultimately killed the bitchy Crewman, and although troopers tried to revive him, he won't really be missed.

    What was the result of the event?: The ship got repaired tenfold and the crewman died.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Completely passiverp

  2. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Alexz, Gaster, Sixta, Prophet, Myoote

    Event Name: Ghost Town

    Summary of the story: A town was recently emptied, and we're not sure why. We believe there was CIS involvement, so the recon battalions were deployed to find out what went wrong. After a bit of searching, a small control center reveals an antennae that starts making a horrendous noise. Afterwards, it appears that it was a Relay that summoned Deathwatch. They began the counter-attack against the Republic, who eventually learned they took over the town to use as an FOB on a future assault against kashyyk. Something Something Mandalorian Pride, and the force was wiped.

    What was the result of the event?: Mandos died, the town was left in a bunch of fire and shrapnel, and a few Jawas committed suicide.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both!

  3. Name: Heart 

    Who helped (If applicable): Sixta, Alex, Rhino

    Event Name: Box RP *now with Vitamin Jawa!*

    Summary of the story: A republic informant droid alerted the ship of an incoming package full of boxes that needed to be delivered. As soon as it was arrived, the droid was gunned down by a band of Jawas inside the crate. They wreaked (albeit, not much) havoc on the ship, and started to become a nuisance. Thankfully, they were dealt with quickly, and the boxes were delivered. Sadly, the republic defects didn't check the crates, so even more jawas managed to find their way onto the ship and wreaked slightly more havoc.

    What was the result of the event?: Jawas died, and the republic informant decided that the security protocal needed to be upped, before being deactivated. Three times.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup

  4. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): BGCrafter, Rackarain, Spike, Spear

    Event Name: Spend Credits and Kick Jawas

    Summary of the story: A mercantile ship was happening by who's advertising on the same channel as the Republic Comms by mistake. Republic goes to check it out and its a little dumpy ship selling sub-par armor and mining moon-rocks, owned by SLV-M, a droid who abuses his ""workers"" who were soon discovered slaves. After stealing the Droid's head, RANCOR CPT Hero brought it back to be investigated, when the droid's bodyguards happened about and tried to bring him back. After they failed, the droid's memories enstated that all of his slaves were prisoners who committed heinous crimes, and had promised them work in exchange for not sending them to jail.

    What was the result of the event?: Droid died, jawa and tusken slaves were sent to prison for their horrendous crimes.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Very RP, but a little shooty.

  5. 10 hours ago, Sinister said:

    @Korm Me and Dragon talked about it, and we don't think it's worth it.



    -SOBDE gets to be next to eachother.



    -Both of us would have to wipe our bunks and remake them.

    -The confusion of moving.

               -Would get used to it after a while, but still confusing at first.

    -Jackson/Zim would have to come on the server and change the spawns for all of the rancor/foxtrot jobs.

    Advanced dupe your bunks and just flip em 180, it’s not too difficult. As for setting spawns, it does take the longer part of 5-10 minutes but it’s not hard really.

    • Agree 2
  6. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Smalljeff, Dolvek, Jags, Asus, Alexz and VIPs

    Event Name: Kingpins of Nar'shaddaa

    Summary of the story: A mayor was requesting help from the republic to clear some gang bosses out of his town. Little was known about these men, but what was known was that they were very powerful. Overtime, the republic discovered that the king pins were murderers and drug peddlers, until finally they captured and killed both of them, causing the city to riot and a massive gunfight broke out.

    What was the result of the event?: Kingpins died, mayor died, new mayor instantly instated so everything is ok

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

  7. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Ontario, Goodtime, Bruiser, Draa, Valdor/Keltor  

    Event Name: Bodhi's Hackers P2

    Summary of the story: Bodhi is back, and ready to steal more data. He sends his hackers in through MHBL moonpool and has them Sabotage Engines and Steal some coordinates from the Command Bridge. His hackers were quickly compromised, so he left them for dead and took the info with him, calling in his army of mercenaries to hold off the venator.

    What was the result of the event?: Bodhi escapes once more, but nobody else lived.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup with some sneaky

  8. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Kal, Faded, Venom, Rezdor, Sixta

    Event Name: Null Training Center

    Summary of the story: Null decided to host open trainings on a base with Obstacle Courses, Firing Ranges, and a Massive Citadel. Little did they know, Null actually apprehended a CIS base while they weren't home, and the CIS came back to try and reclaim it. The freshly-trained troopers managed to clobber the CIS.

    What was the result of the event?: CIS lost their base, troopers got experience

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP into Shootemup

  9. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Cookies, Bigman, Escomombombae, Dolvek, Alexz

    Event Name: Droid Tryouts

    Summary of the story: The republic goes in disguised as CIS droids, which is just normal CT armor, and tries to gain info on the Droid functionalities. Their daily life, etc. After a bit, a briefing is called, in which the CIS ship is shot up and blown up.

    What was the result of the event?: The Droids got no new recruits

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A little bit of both, more shooty and comedic.

    • Agree 1
  10. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): (VIPs) Spike, Juicy, A'den, Kazuto, Ace (GH) N/A

    Event Name: Definitely not a CIS Droid Factory

    Summary of the story: Naval was doing their normal scans when they picked up something interesting. After sending a LAAT full of troopers to investigate, they discover it's a droid factory. After blowing the hell out of that factory, a distress signal is sent out to a group of bounty hunters, who proceeded to blow up the retreating LAAT and inform the CIS of what happened. CIS WARPS IN and shitstorm ensues

    What was the result of the event?: CIS factory gets deaded, republic win :DDD

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup


    Name: Heart

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43680174


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Over 1000, will update once i'm finished loading in


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 6.5 - 7


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I've hosted many of my own events with shadows, and am easily capable of keeping event jobs and game helpers under control. In constant communication with them because they always want to try something interesting and giving them the 'go ahead' whenever that happens. Besides GMing, being a squad lead and a Jedi General have greatly improved my leadership and communication

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Of course


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

    Heart - Switching Sides

    The full ship is deployed to the event server. The republic has decided that defending their Venators is a tedious enough task as it is, so we decide to switch the roles. We invade a CIS Frigate in which battalions will be tasked with Sabotaging the Engines, Stealing CIS Data, and Slaughtering Droids both being produced and active. Also kidnapping the Admiral, but it's more of a suggestion than a requirement. Once the Engines are set to explode, the whole ship will have five minutes to evacuate back to a brigade of passing-by LAATs. 

    Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):




  12. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Nade, Elijah, Spike

    Event Name: Has Fallen to the Entity

    Summary of the story: An evil entity starts possessing troops, droids, and Jedi alike. These possessions force them to have a bloodlust so powerful that they strike everyone down instantly. The victims don't die, but are sent to the entities play-area (AKA Bunks) and are stuck there, until a new Harbinger is found. At the end, the Entity got so frustrated it started killing without a Harbinger, and thus dies.

    What was the result of the event?: The entity died.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Sp00ky Shootemup

  13. -1, there’s no reason for this.

    The server has it downtime, but gamehelpers are allowed to host passiveRP without permission. And it doesn’t even have to be box rp, I did a meteor-strike event and people loved it.

    Allowing VIPs to do more than gamehelpers? It’s gonna be a no from me

  14. Name: Heart

    Who helped (If applicable): Scribbles (GM who shadowed), Gaster

    Event Name: The Wizards' Curse

    Summary of the story: Wizards find the Venator and request their Holocrons to expand their knowledge. After a few mistakes, someone calls to detain them, and the Wizards start to unleash their magic upon the troopers. Cursing the ship, demons start spawning, and havoc is unleashed.

    What was the result of the event?: Nobody got any holocrons, the Wizards were all killed, and the Demons were banished.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup

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