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Posts posted by Reddy

  1. Name: Reddy/Valiant

    Who helped (If applicable): Elijah, Sinister

    Event Name: Reddy the angry CIS Admiral

    Summary of the story: Basically the ship hyperspaced to dagobah for refueling, Reddy the CIS admiral had been chasing them for months because they have taken otu so many CIS fleets and ships. He pulled everything fighters droids commandos but the Republic stayed strong and claimed victory. Reddy the admiral fleed 

    What was the result of the event?: REPUBLIC WIN! 

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up! 

  2. Name: Reddy/Valiant

    Who helped (If applicable): Polar, Warthog/Wagner, Myst, Vango, Cher

    Event Name: Ambushing the CIS! 

    Summary of the story: We Hyperspace to coordinates near mustafar to ambush and destroy a CIS space station that are not aware about whats about to happen! 

    The republic send down 2 LAATs filled with the best soldiers, whom clear it out and destroy it! 

    What was the result of the event?: Station was blown up, critical data was recovered and the republic were victorious RIP Shovel

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up 

  3. Name: Reddy/Valiant 

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66089685


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: | Alpha 78 CMD Valiant has played for 1341:04:37.


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: A solid 7.5 


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: As the Alpha ARC lead my leadership skills have been tested a lot and so have my comms skill and i think that i have practiced both enough to where i am an efficent, and dedicated person. So both those skills are quite good! 

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes 100% 


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: 

    My event idea is that of

    We get an urgent call from an admiral that has fled his ship, we heed his call and all commanding officers come up to the command brigde where they will be briefed. At this point the event server is on a venator, probably our old venator. RC SO and Null will then be called down to MHB where they will deploy to the event server, at this point the admirals ship has been taken over by a CIS Admiral and his giant force that are now roaming the ship. It becomes SO RC and Nulls mission to infiltrate the ship, scout all key areas see how many forces there are ETC, report back to our ship where then, everybody will be deployed and we turn the tables by bombing the SKYGATE! main forces deploy by skygate while RC SO and Null again infiltrate by secret. While all the forces are being distracted in the MHB SOBDE and SO will go into key areas and secure them, and then they will try to assiante the CIS admiral in the old admirals office. When all forces have been cleared and everything seems safe, CIS reinforcements get called in and now its the Repbulics job to defend the Venator. After all forces have been fended off, the admiral gets welcomed back on his ship, where he then starts the repairs and our forces return to our ship


    The event would last for a decent amount with a lot of RP and A LOT of shooting!


    Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):





  4. Im sorry Korm, but i would wait a bit. 

    I remeber on your resignation you said you were burned out, if you do get this its just going to be an evil circle and you will probably end up resigning again, i got nothing against you and you were a great Kal. But at this point in time its going to be a -1 for me 

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