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Everything posted by Heist

  1. yes I did shoot the ct, as I went by the rule u may not shoot anyone unless they turn hostile and I followed that rule, moreover it was my last choice to shoot the ct as I stripped his weapons and comms and rolled 61 yet he still did not stand down, then he shot me twice in the head as I was typing to request a cg so I ESC and shot him back as self defence some people say that I'm going to respawn and all that but I role by serious rp
  2. Heist

    dippers staff app

    Neutral, Get to SSG+ And be TR and from then we will think
  3. +1 seen him on, great former staff.
  4. +1 seen him alot on the server, effort put in application
  5. Neutral, untill u get SSG+
  6. RP Name: Fleet MDI MIDN Heist // 501st HVT SGM Frag Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91755518 Age: 14 Timezone: GMT +3 Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would love to be an administrator mainly on assisting who ever needs help on the server, and training my battilion whether in npc sims or custom sims in general or builds for Tryouts, moreover i believe i differ from others as i am on for 12 hours everyday and i believe i can bring assistance to those who come on in european times and free them from their boredness Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well I am a 14 year old man who serves the battilion of 212th as a seargeant moreover i have an extremely mature and caring personality i can be serious when i have to and i can joke around when it is the correct time, moreover i have been playing on synergy for about 7 months and going up Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes I do, I have been a past staff in different servers that have been shutdown yet i enjoyed my time and im very positive ill enjoy my time here with the most positive community of troopers Jedi And Naval How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 90hrs Wish Me luck, Thank You
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