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Ketter Morgan

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About Ketter Morgan

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  1. It's been four days (counting today); my internet has been shot out of the blue and I've managed to get on TS once or twice before I was booted again. My hands are tied at the moment and I haven't had a chance to post something about it-- I'm not sure when the problem will be resolved and I more than understand if there is need for emergency leadership. I don't want to see our boys get snuffed out.
  2. +1 I expect great things from a great guy.
  3. +1, Give him a chance and I'm sure he'll return us something worthwhile. With interest.
  4. Steam Name: harvesting season RP Name: Commander Deviss ( Ketter ) Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:97037564 Battalion/Area you are applying for: 327th Battalion Commander Bly Experience: 187th Legion Colonel Ketter: Here is where I began and where I honestly thought I'd end my adventures in starwarsrp. I came in on Icefuse sometime 2016, where I thought I could fuck off and have a short burst of fun. Instead I found myself in the midst of someone I later learned to be Gene stepping down to help out the Galactice Marines, and a nasally nerd named Punda taking his place. There was a surprisingly strong bond there, and I was a little taken aback. Like Punda would say, he had come on to just minge.. But he, and like myself found then, it was more fun immersing myself in the community of this crazy cuck-tastic gamemode than fucking it up. I slowly rose through the ranks, private, corporal, captain, and eventually Colonel with a prospect of XO on the line with Noodles' word. We fought every day for new additions to our battalion, to get us on equal groundings with the rest. Petitions, arguments, we wanted so badly to be good but were always shut down for not having enough lore. We fought from the air, from the ground, I helped coordinate assaults, plan tactics and train these beautiful purple bastards. However I felt increasing frustration with the Icefuse staff bricking us off at every corner. I slowly felt myself losing interest. I loved my purple family, but so many were moving on to different things and eventually I found myself getting on every other week, checking in on the progression. Commanders would rotate, and still I would return as an even lower rank than before, observing each new set of unrecognizable faces. Eventually I dropped off altogether. I had never been anything but 187th, it was the first battalion in any starwarsrp I had ever joined, and I thought it would be the last. Months of work and commitment, but I guess I couldn't just leave altogether. 101st Regiment CSM Ketter: I had forgotten what Icefuse was, didn't think about it once, until one day.. I just did, and suddenly I was back. Fresh into this new world built off the old one I knew. There weren't just CT's anymore, there was the 101st. This is when I met Naavi, tuna-fish sandwich in hand lining her troops up along the wall and getting them pumped up. Each of them laughing and talking to their Commander like friends, not just some disconnected ranking gap where everyone was closed off. We were all open and knew when to have fun and when to be serious. My respect for Naavi grew as it did for all the troops there. It made me want to do better, to try like I did back with my purple boys. Once again I was on everyday, rising through the ranks.. Then everything exploded. Icefuse went up in flames as people were banned left and right, suddenly it was all falling apart. I remember we were in a huge sim at the time, 101st, GM's, and more against the RC and co. We never finished that Sim. Word got out of what happened and everyone funneled out around Venom who was in the channel at the time. Relaying the message. They were all done. So was I. Luckily I was still in contact with most of the people in the 101st, and not days after was I invited into a teamspeak for a gmod server that didn't even exist yet. Yet here we all were, the 101st still strong, but for a solid two weeks, we played video games together. Grew close and hung out, all waiting for a server named Synergy that didn't even exist.. Until it arrived, suddenly we were back. Rishi-moon, having more adventures again, and I was rising through the ranks once more alongside my other goofy shinnies. Time progressed and we moved to the ship, and Naavi ultimately decided her interests were elsewhere, we respected her decision, trusted her deeply. But we weren't the same, there was a schism and most everyone went off, and I followed suit. Moving just a few feet away, to a mustard yellow bunk just across our own.. 327th ARCL Captain Ketter (Commander Deviss): It wasn't until I heard Hudson's buttery smooth voice that I knew I was home, again. I had transferred over, trained by a man named Daddy who was unbelievably personable. I had kept my CSM rank and found myself once again climbing. Rank wasn't the point though, just as it hadn't been in the 101st. I wanted to help build this place up, for the people in it and to come, the ranks were just a means to do so. I haven't been here long, a month maybe, but that was enough to find myself leaping at every opportunity, suddenly I was a Pilot, than an elite-trooper, and on Bly's command I was made an ARC. I consumed every ounce of information I could to progress, I trained as often as I could, pulling in new members left and right knowing only 1/10 would possibly stay. That was enough for me. Guarding the ER with these men, planning out tactics and clearing the ship with these mustard nerds. My tryouts now consisted of teaching Elite-troopers, preparing the new generation of ARCs, until I was needed elsewhere. ARCL was handed down to Bananaberry, who jumped at the opportunity. I became Hudson's right hand man, where Ketter, a name that meant heretic, one that I had for over a year, was finally shed. Deviss was here to kick bubblegum and chew ass, and he was all out of ass. From here I've done my best to hold up the mantle of Commander, my first real commander position. I take criticism where I can, from every classification of troop, I try to check myself whenever things become cancerous and do best by my men. Why should you become a Commander?: I want to to see this battalion thrive again, but people shouldn't be placed in positions of power just because they want it. The best civil servant is one who is elected there because he is the best candidate for the job. Even better if they don't exactly want it, but take it because they know it's what's best for the whole. I, however, do want this position. But ultimately it's not up to me. It's up to you. I trust that this community will pick whoever is best suited for this position and am happy to help whoever that may be. Do you understand the lore of your battalion? The outer rim calls our names; flesh eating fauna nor poisonous bogs, or man-eating beasts will stop our stalwart defense. Availability: Weekends usually free, as well as most afternoons and evenings during the week-days. I will make time for my boys. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since it's inception. (Though I missed that first opening week) Do you have a microphone?: Yes What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: To EXPAND. I want to make the 327th a battalion everyone can respect, but also an inviting place to be. I want to bolster our ranks, revitalize the community that I knew and know we can have again. Whether or not we have the models, K-company will be implemented. Even if it's just our own player stamp of approval, that's good enough for me. Limitations won't stop us. They didn't before and I won't let them now. I want to make our relationships with the other defense Battalions tangible, actively working together under the coordination of our new Defense Commander. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes
  5. Just wanna bump this again, some people seem to be able to use them with no problems but a few others and myself are still yet to have them. Thanks. <3
  6. Yep, I made a post about this and they said it was fixed, but I still don't have mine either.
  7. Thank you oh benevolent father. (Do you know when the fix will be implemented?)
  8. Bug Type (server/forum): Sever Severity level (1-3): 2? Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: I saw the portable shield purchase on the store, bought it, and waited a bit until I got the little black tab in the corner and received it in my inventory. I was in Citadel and threw it down, where it activated. I watched it until it dissipated and then switched jobs. I then noticed I no longer had it. I switched multiple times and still did not have it. I then made a ticket and was told to re log, which I did. When I logged back in I still found that I had no shield and like I was told re-made the ticket to figure this out. Which leads me here, to making a forum post. No matter what I do it doesn't appear, it only worked upon purchase and doesn't seem to be working like the other perm-weapons. How can we recreate it: Purchase/acquire one and see if it re spawns with a player on a new life. Thank you for you time, and I know this thing only just came up on the store so I know I was taking a risk, it's no biggie.
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