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Everything posted by fillintheblank

  1. Sorry to tell you this but 52.8 hours is not inactive. thats approximate 5 hours a day 5 days a week. Why should people be discriminated from being BCMD for having things like jobs and sports? Not everybody can spend the 100 hours on Gmod in 2 weeks. Just dropping this here
  2. +1, this guy knows SO like the back of his hand
  3. in the past 3 days i have put around 12 hours into the server and even off the server i was constantly fixing surgeon docs and updating the roster. I know I was on a kinda log LOA recently but at the time I couldnt do much about my track season, 18th birthday, and my schools academic team starting in 2 consecutive weeks
  4. *adjusts glasses* Uhh actually the Shock Troopers first appearance was in Revenge of the Sith when Palpatine finds Anakin on Mustafar. All jokes aside this man is qualified! -RM 41st Surgeon Lead Captain Crumpet
  5. +1 was gonna run for the position myself given I've been Taggart on a few other servers, but I personally think Dragon is better for the position.
  6. +1 was a great way to send off us Mustard Boys. -327th Elite Trooper Captain Crumpet
  7. I’ll reapply in a few weeks, I just want to get things sorted out for now
  8. Name: Crumpet Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66717016 Date: 2/11/18 Reason for leaving: Admin duties are gettin stressful for me, I'm just gonna stick to roleplay. I'm also resigning from TR Farewells: not leaving the server
  9. The point here is that RM is a battalion. We see Combat. We still do combat training, we dont solely do medical training. RM cannot do combat training in the Medbay for there isnt enough room. RM deserve the same love as other battalions and deserve their own Hangar.
  10. Name: TR RM SRGL Commander Crumpet Suggestion: Taking away the EOD/TECH training hangar and replacing it with an RM hangar Implementation: Removing the EOD/TECH dupe and giving the hangar to RM. Lore: There is no lore behind this, but this does not mean that it cannot have a bad reasoning behind it. Now before everybody in the replies posts "RM HAVE THE ENTIRE MEDBAY THEY DONT NEED A HANGAR!!!" CG have the entire Brig and Armory, and they still have a hangar. Republic medics could use their hangar as a frontline triage tent for when a mass amount of injured people in MHB can be treated without having to run all the way to medbay. This will also allow RM to train a lot more, for there isnt much space to do combat training in the medbay. I'm sorry GM, but your EOD/TECH training course can be a dupe. An entire hangar is not needed for something I see maybe happen twice a week. Workshop content if applicable: Does not require workshop content
  11. Come on my guy, give more reasoning than that.
  12. Only default RM troopers can be attached to battalions. Surgeons and anyone CPT+ cannot attach to battalions
  13. +1 Xaze has shown his skills to being an amazing Battalion Commander. Even though he is Recon, I know he can get the job done. He is very active and can lead a battalion very well, so I think he is prepared to lead multiple battalions. -Republic Medic Commander Crumpet
  14. +1 I know you do well in your job as CG, just become a TR and you should be all set to be a staff member!
  15. -1 for now, you've been inactive recently, I would've waited until you've been back and active for a bit before you apply for staff.
  16. Even though my time in 104th was short lived, I was able to see how good of a BCMD you were. I love the 104th, by far my favorite battalion to work with as RM, and I think I have you to thank for how nice that is. -*Signed like a true doctor* Republic Medic Commander Crumpet
  17. +1 He used to be an HA on IceFuse. Nuff said.
  18. +1 RM always look good *Wink Wonk* -RM SRGL CMD Crumpet
  19. +1 Weevil is the most dedicated Naval I see. He will make for a great staff member
  20. +1 I always see him online, and he is a natural leader in my opinion. -TR RM SRGL CMD Crumpet
  21. After reviewing your comment below, I am changing this to a +1. Hope to see you around on the server more often. -TR RM SRGL CMD Crumpet
  22. +1 Locke is an exceptional trooper in the Republic Medics and he takes his job seriously. I see him continuing this behavior as staff and he will be an exceptional addition to the staff team. -TR RM SRGL CMD Crumpet
  23. +1 Good Experience and well written application -TR RM SRGL CMD Crumpet
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