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Posts posted by fillintheblank

  1. Rating: 3/5

    The GM utilized the downtime on the server well and gave us all something to do for about 15-20 minutes. The missing 2 out of 5 on the rating is nothing negative, it was just simply a shoot em up event. Thanks GM!

    CT PVT Fillintheblank

  2. Hello Synergy StarWars RP players.


    CT PVT Fillintheblank signing on. I used to play this server a very very long time ago at it's inception back in 2017-2018 under the name Crumpet. I was briefly the second in command of the "Republic Medic" faction while it was briefly a thing. It has been quite a while, and I figured I'd stop by and play some StarWarsRP again for the foreseeable future. I look forward to meeting you all, and maybe even connecting with others who might remember my presence on the server some 6-7 years ago.



  3. Hi I'm Crumpet!


    A few of you might remember me as I used to play a lot in late 2017 and early 2018 on the Clone Wars server. I held positions such as 327th Captain Crumpet, Republic Medics Surgeon Leader Commander Crumpet, and 187th 2ndLT Crumpet.


    After the fall of RM, I got extremely bored with Star Wars RP and could not find motivation to play it again, but I have finally found motivation once more. I plan on staying a while, and working my way up the ranks! You can see me around the Venator as 41st EC MED PFC Crumpet currently.


    Hope to meet some sweet new faces, and hope to connect with some old faces!


    Yours Truly,


  4. 5 hours ago, Taur said:

    On the pages it said that CC-100/4090, nicknamed Meds, the Commander is from the 307th

    I didnt know Deviss had a side battalion. (Meds isnt a lore character, the picture on the page is literally Deviss)

  5. YUP IM BACK BOYS! I missed you guys too much and there I can only play Fortnite for so many hours before it gets boring. I’ve started fresh! I’m no longer an officer, I’m a PFC in the 41st Green Company who are chill asf which i love, and still really good friends with a lot of people from the RM still, especially my surgeons. I plan on staying for a while or until I get sick of it again, but I genuinely like the 41st and the life of an enlisted. Wayyy less stress. So anyways Im glad to be back

  6. For those of you who know the story of the character I’ve made behind my clone Crumpet, you would know he was not a healthy clone. Overly passionate, felt sympathy for the enemy, and was schizophrenic. Crumpet started to develop these mental issues around 8 months ago. He has served on many Venators for many years all in the name of the Republic. After going through the horror and pain of war, Crumpet finally decided enough was enough and drowned himself in the bacta tanks.


    Out of character though, it was a great run. Overall just bored with garrys mod. I’ve been a Star Wars RP player since the end of 2014. I dont plan on coming back, and if I do, it wont be for a couple of months. Not everythings the same anymore. Pretty much all my friends have already resigned so I dont really have much left in Star wars rp. Feel free to add me on steam if you want to hang out, http://steamcommunity.com/id/crumpeteblank i play a lot of different games like Rising Storm 2, Dota, League, Overwatch, etc. Anyways, o7 thanks for the love Synergy.

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