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Posts posted by AdamIGN

  1. 1 hour ago, Jagger said:

    You've missed quite a bit, friend.

    Damn head admin and Cody | Nice to see you Jagger 

    8 minutes ago, Gadget said:

    Kaneki? DIGUSTAN!


    Hey bud, long time now see


    Shite has hit the fan a bit but like a manageable level of shite

    Yeah mate how you doing | Wym hit the fan what's happening?

    1 hour ago, Rohan said:

    I know u, do u know me tho 


    big man :D

  2. 18 minutes ago, Carter said:

    Since this is Windows 10 you can also download the windows 10 repair tool to replace any critical files that may be gone.


    If you think something is slowing your internet down check task manager on the network ya and see your usage 

    Oh yeah great idea I'll do that next time thx (X)

  3. 41 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

    First off, deleting files off your PC won't speed up your internet.
    Second off, check recycle bin on your desktop. If it isn't there after deletion, try a system backup from a previous point in time.

    I restored everything from my Recycling bin still doesn't fix it and how do I do a system backup?

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