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Everything posted by Oreos

  1. "Needed to be done" is quite the statement... I believe the whole situation would've been fixed if you had been a little less selfish regarding your positions and actually tried to work on all the issues brought up to you by people that had a long history of experience regarding matters similar to these. Everyone that left DU had a reason, they weren't forced to do so, they weren't brainwashed, when they saw those blacklists of people that where active every day working their asses off to get Doom's Unit back on it's feet in order for you to get the credit for "Turning Doom's Unit around" or "Fixing Doom's Unit", those members left because of the lack on discernment those blacklists expressed. All the members that where blacklisted dedicated more than they probably should to see Doom's Unit be great once again, most of them wasted countless hours trying to get you to simply acknowledge them as good people, that they where trying to move on from the whole shitty situation that we found ourselves in on February, and for the most part it seemed we had it under control, we had all the drama solved, but I'd guess not, one day we are talking 1 to 1 with you, explaining everything we had in favour and against your terms as Doom and in the other you are handing out blacklists as if those conversations where simply traps to get us to open up just to give you shallow reasons to get rid of us, the only thing I can actually think that needs to be done, if you allow me to give my humble opinion, is for you to simply think on your own instead of relying on others to tell you what to do, or simply letting them change your mind because of their power. Altough I belive you are a good person, the ones influencing you drove me to the conclusion that you are not a good fit for this position. -1
  2. ... Here goes nothing. Candidate Analysis - Squee I'll remain neutral and wishful for what you might accomplish in a second term. Good Luck Squee.
  3. "OH GOD THAT WAS THE BEST EVENT EVER! +1 " -Oreos 10/10 "Admins you need to stop spawning in shit that is not for roleplay this is the 2nd crash today. This is not acceptable." - Joah
  4. Deadly is suggesting this because he probably has about 89 points that he cannot use because he is already maxed out. But hey, that's just a theory.
  5. +1 You grew up a lot since you joined Doom's Unit. Even since your earliest NCO ranks you kept showing the desire to do good and improve the battalion, that drive to improve every single aspect of it no matter how hard it was going to be. As a Captain you stood on top of the NCO'S and rescued their will to be active and recruit, you did your job and the WO at the same time, while still having fun and laughing along everyone else. As XO you kept your ears open to criticism and to everyone's feedback about the battalion, while keeping it going even without a BCMD(which couldn't be active and I completely respect), you achieved all that in such a short amount of time and yet I feel like there is no one better suited in Doom's Unit to be the next Doom. All I can do now is wish you luck. Have an Oreo by the way ;3
  6. You've made a tough choice, yet, the wisest on this situation. It was a pleasure to have you as Doom, even thought you weren't the most active, I can say without doubt, you were the most fun to be around with. Whenever you feel like playing on Synergy, Doom's unit will always have you with open arms. o7 Have an Oreo by the way ;3
  7. Oreos

    Squad System

    +1 could be a good way to enforce the professionalism of ARC troopers without battalion bias
  8. +1 Pleas, DU textures look like they where made by a 5yo
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