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Everything posted by Todd

  1. yea and the people he demoted were trying also it was like 7 people thats it also Mamba asked me to come back and help advise and he didn't listen to me one bit so why was i there to advise
  2. He is talking about all the officers and NCOs are scared of getting demoted and Weeaboo your not on hardly to give a statements
  3. Also if your not in the 212th you have no clue what goes on in it and thats with all battalions
  4. And look at the evidence and quit being one sided and look at the facts
  5. Then he knows about whats happening and you should to Weeaboo
  6. We have complained to him for about 3 weeks and nothing has happen so is it NCOs and officers fault
  7. your not in it Flynn so you have no clue let alone even read my post
  8. See now you all state that it is not the officers fault but this is not about the Officers, this report is about mamba. If you think that pinning this on the officers then I believe you should look into talking with Reed tbh. Because it's mamba who is incontroll of the officers and the fact that he has been a BCMD for quite a while now and he hasnt bothered to fix the issues that are arrising. Now if you wish to -1 I ask you back it with some solid evidence because those of us in the 212th see these issues happening and MAMBA HAS BEEN SPOKEN TO for being bad at his job but nothing seems to have changed
  9. And you wont know if your not 212th join the discord and see whats really happening
  10. He is in charge of the 212th battalion it is his job to control his battalion and lead the officers its not there fault it is his
  11. He isnt in forcing it and let alone listen to them Weeaboo
  12. I understand CBlake just trying to get it fixed
  13. Sorry Mamba, but we didnt have access to that. And I believe that the improvement came from Reed's decision to re-implement the idea of demotions per week and rising it to 2. Im sorry but Reed is to thank for that Mamba not you. Would you like evidence to back this claim? At least send the most updated one
  14. Your Name: SC TR3 Todd or was 212th GCS ARC SGT2 Wooley Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:232894624 Commander's Name: 212th Commander Cody Or BlackMamba Commander's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59319890 Battalion: The 212th Attack Battalion Why should this Commander be demoted?: We love you mamba but the time has come,Through my time in the 212th I have only had 3 commanders but compared to the current people left in the 212th, that is a lot. When Billiam resigned we knew that the 212th will be going through some rough patches none of us expected the problems to go on for so long. I will not lie or make false accusations, Mamba is not a inactive commander at all of anything he is very active compared to the Battalion Commanders around him. But the 212th is currently dying, for those of you who state that we aren't lets take a look at some screenshots showing Billiams last week as a BCMD and then Mambas current run as a BCMD https://prnt.sc/gs5np2 Recruitment Evidence. Not only that but, the mass amount of Officers and Senior Officers that have left the battalion during his time as a CMD is insane and they all say the same "I don't like the way the battalion is being ran with Mamba as a BCMD". These are some screenshots that are straight from the discord. this is from myself: https://gyazo.com/bdfc3728ddbcbf67beb1f8837bfc5b99/ Naps final words https://gyazo.com/b4917004d6d7219a212a452c2f6c64ec And from a person that wants to be anon https://gyazo.com/fd176a67023e782d04bbab1736b51895 also from Marx https://gyazo.com/0ad7b85c4d7d51a2d0d5992330b5c5ee Everyone in 212th loves you Mamba with all our heart but unfortunately we need to put the welfare of the battalion the first and with the amount of infights that have been caused to the fact that you cannot run a battalion is extremely annoying and its making a bad name for us the 212th. I will not lie here but Jagger is doing a better job at keeping this battalion alive then yourself Mamba and this report is one thing i did not want to upload this but i have to. I will not lie and I know other members of the battalion will agree when I make my next statement those in the 212th will know where I am coming from. The way to get promotions through the 212th now becoming impossible. The way for a promotion is through favoritism and that's the cold hard facts. We had a member in the battalion who burnt themselves out for this battalion but quite clearly deserved a promotion. The troop was a CSM for roughly 2 and a half months. And I saw this man get demoted the other day but to be serious with you all this man had a life and got demoted for it. We had a SMB go straight to MAJ and I do not lie he deserved the promotion but we had a CPT that had been a Senior Officer the longest out of all of the current Senior Commanders and Commanders. I will not lie Jagger did deserve the promotion he is a superb commander and is doing wonders for the 212th but to not tell a CPT how he can improve is very upsetting and shows lack of initiative towards his Senior Officers. Not only this but an old member of the 212th was removed, kicked from the discord without warning, and voted for a blacklist for so called "Making Drama" DO NOT GET ME WRONG the said trooper was creating more drama then needed but the way he went about this and you can see this within the one of the screenshots above. He cannot handle a stressful situation effectively. Proof which can be found above: https://prnt.sc/gs5np2 https://gyazo.com/bdfc3728ddbcbf67beb1f8837bfc5b99/ https://gyazo.com/b4917004d6d7219a212a452c2f6c64ec https://gyazo.com/fd176a67023e782d04bbab1736b51895 vhttps://gyazo.com/0ad7b85c4d7d51a2d0d5992330b5c5ee
  15. +1 is a nice meme and a real Italian
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