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Posts posted by Hero

  1. [OOC] 41st GC SS Major Pythin: -1 Took Waaaaaaaaaaay too Long
    [OOC] TR 501st TC PLTL CPT Hawk: +.5 fun but short
    [OOC] TR 91st JTL PLT ENG MAJ Bolt: -1 not that enjoyable, besides when I got to bean that fake clone into space
    [OOC] TR 4thGMM CSM Vaal: +1, got to watch Bolt absolutely BEAN a fake 
    [OOC] 91st RECON MED SSG Trunks: +1 got to touch the pretty lizard
    [OOC] 501st Padawan Goldey: +1 I got to watch multiple jedi running around in MHB slaughtering


    And a personal neutral from myself I thought the idea was good, could use improvement 




  2. RP Name: TR RANCOR ARC MED 2ndLT Hero

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:107164987

    Age: 15

    Timezone: NA/EST

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

    I hope I can bring a lot to the staff team, I really want to climb through the ranks so I can become eligible to join the event committee as that is where I think I can succeed the most in. I have many ideas for events that I hope I can pull off myself or have help from another. I hope that I can climb through the ranks so I can assist with helping my battalion have more fun during downtime, making sims for them (and other battalions) and making sure they have fun and don’t just sit around for 3 hours waiting for an event to take place. I also am very serious in game, I don’t like minges very much and have a very low patience with them. I like the serious RP attribute that Synergy has and I hope I can continue that if I join the staff team. I want to make sure every battalion, and more importantly player, gets to have the same experience of fun that I had.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

    I am 15 and live with my parents. I play almost every day after school and practices. I swim and dive for a total of like 15+ hours a week and workout in the gym for 5+ hours a week. I have 2 small adorable dogs, if you have been in a teamspeak with me then you have probably heard their barking before (sorry about that) I enjoy staying at home rather than going outside to parties in such. I like to think i’m a very serious person with some quirks and the occasional slip of meme-ery.

    Do you have any previous staff experience?

    Senior Admin Garnet Gaming DarkRP

    FSAS Admin CWRP


    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?

    247h 7 min

  3. 1 hour ago, J.Jefferson said:

    The point of CT is to join a battalion not stay in it. If they wanted people to stay in CT they would of added the 101st battalion, also what I stated above its basically free promotions for doing nothing. 

    One could argue that its not "free promotions for doing nothing" its pretty obvious that he did something in order to attain the rank he has. Furthermore, my personal opinion is just let them be them, the CT will never become a large battalion because new players do not like staying in there, Sock and the other guy (idk who) are achieving a lot, like joining the ARC program and also TR program. Also, whats wrong with having someone dedicate themselves to leading the CT during events and such? I mean it helps other battalions too, who has ever had a CT in their battle station not knowing what to do and screwing everyone. I say let Sock do what he wants, until he makes a mistake that is cause for demotion or he decides to leave for another battalion, let the man have fun.


    -1 Reasons stated above

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
  4. We would deploy SO (idk if any other people have cloak sorry, if they do then we can deploy them also) but we would also deploy recon due to the reconnaissance needed for this mission. The SO would be tasked with finding a path and recon would be in charge of clearing that path. 

    and I'm in a RECON battalion cmon you think I'm not gonna make events for my own people?

  5. Name: Hero

    Event Name: Smoking Out Some Smugglers

    Summary of the storyline (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info): DEPLOY RECON, SO, Null/RC

    RULES: If you wish to subdue a patrol, both players must roll. Higher roll wins. (either subdue the patrol and can drag them wherever (patrols wake up after 2 min time back at their base) if patrol wins then they notice the trooper before he could subdue. One Life event. Defibs are not allowed. You can integrate patrols or civilians how you wish. (just please don’t make to big a mess)

    The west side of the city of Nar Shaddaa, an infamous smugglers planet, has started to fall deep into the hands of Calico Jack, a human that has become one of the greatest known smugglers in the galaxy. Our spies on the inside have told us that more and more pirates are going to Calico Jack for jobs, and coming back completely different people. They always seem to go off world, pass through the Nans’ Trench, then come back in a seemingly brain washed manor. Following every order that Jack seems to give them. Calico Jack has now amassed an army of ruthless pirate goons, ready to do anything that Jack pleases. If Nar Shaddaa continues on this path it will become an empire led by Calico Jack, and few will be able to stop it. The Republics task will be to infiltrate the city quietly, we have established a contact that can bring you right into the outskirts of the city, there they will be met my the Cities equivalent of TSA, they will either need to be stunned (set their HP to a one shot and have all players set to “stun”) or they will need to be tricked/evaded. From there you are tasked with sneaking around the city, attempting to find the base of Calico Jack. Watch out of the patrols though, if you are caught sneaking you can either attempt to trick them or your squad will be exposed. Patrols can also hear everything you say if u say it in game, so be careful what you do say. If your squad is exposed, it will lead to a city wide shootout, this could also lead to Calico Jack evading the Republics grasp. Squads will need to be tactical and stealthy, or else this could lead to a bloody shootout.

    Jobs Required: 1 Civilian, 3 Bounty Hunter, (if we have a pirate job then yes)

    Vehicles Required: A ship that can carry lots of players or just a prop ship we ALT+E on.

    Map being used (If applicable for event server): Nar Shaddaa

    Any additional information: Please contact me for more info on how to set up anything as I have some back pocket ideas on how to do this. All rules and storyline are open to adaptation, please run it by me first so I can just make sure it sticks to what I wanted it to feel like. 

    PS. Its SOL week at my school so I'm stuck in class for 2 hours after I finish so expect a lot more ideas. I currently have 3 other ones that are all ready I just don't want to spam the forums.



    Name: Hero


    Event Name: Operation: The Rise Of DeathSworn


    Summary of the storyline (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info):


    RULES: 1 LIFE, RP DEFIBS ARE ALLOWED FOR NAMED CHARACTERS IF THEY ROLL ABOVE 50 THEY COME BACK TO LIFE(please have some honor with this) IF YOU ARE KILLED IN A HIT THEN YOU CANNOT BE DEFIBED If you live through the first phase you may stay for the continous


    In the Desert City Part Of The Map


    A Death Watch trooper that was “too extreme” for even Deathwatch standards started his own DeathSworn on Mos Mesric. There they begin start a new underground training regime, making a more radical and elite force the Republic has ever seen! The new army is dubbed DeathSworn and led by CMD Dexter. The DeathSworn has propaganda all over the town they terrorize, all recon will be deployed to find the propaganda leader within the town (RP REQUIRED) they must be careful though, as spies are also lurking in the town. The town's own rebel group called “Masters of Mesric” are also there trying to find out where the DeathSworn is hiding its base, if they think the republic is against their own radical views – murdering everyone that is possibly related to the DeathSworn even civilians, they will have a purge on the town – they will start attacking both the DeathSworn and the Republic. An Assassin will also be in play, attempting to take out certain roles like a BCMD, Jedi, or hits that can be placed by clones. (hits will cost 100k) The Republics job is to find and capture the leader of both the Masters of Mesric and the DeathSworn once they are captured they will be interrogated, if successful the Master of Mesric will tell his rebels to either stand down/assist with the battle that is about to happen. While the propaganda leader will reveal where the secret base is. If they fail interrogation the Master of Mesric leader will have his people fight the republic AND the DeathSworn, forcing you to fight a war on two front. If you fail with the Propaganda leader he will tell the DeathSworn that you are coming and you will have a MUCH harder time attempting to secure the base. BCMD and Jedi will interrogate (IE getting zapped with electricity or stabbed) WHILE THE MASTER OF MESRIC leader will care slightly less (will have to get “creative” if you catch my drift, would recommend having a medic on hand in case things get, messy.)


    Move To The Open Desert Area


    Once the battalion load in brief them on the outcome of the interrogation and tell them they will need to secure 3 FOB all that are (depending on outcome of interrogation) will either be very secure, extremely secure, or fighting from multiple fronts. They battalions will need to either split up and try to flank or stick together and clear as one. The FOB are forming a triangle outside the main bunker, there will be a Weapons outpost, where new weapons can be acquired. A tank depot (cannot be used) and an explosives outpost (can explode if they hit the wrong thing). This should be hard to break into as we want to kill off troopers so we do not have too many for the final assault phase. Secure the Tank Depot and the Explosives outpost first. If they Interrogation goes wrong have these areas extra secure. If the Master of Mesric are not on your side, have them flank from the other side. Regroup and secure the the final FOB as a team! (let the assassin just kind of shoot at people during this part unless he is captured/killed.)


    Stay On Open Desert Area


    After briefing is done have everyone board LAAT and meet up in front of the base. Have some prop LAAT set up in a circle with a few boxes set up as barricades and have everyone get out (spin around in the LAAT and have people eject, this will force them to fall down and not get stuck in each other because no one knows proper LAAT etiquette) Once everyone is out start the assault. They will either be forced to make a rush onto the walls of the base, or stay in the LAAT and secure the position before moving up. Once they have breached the base, the Republic will be forced to clear the room, find Dexter, and either capture or kill him. (If they kill I cannot extend off this event, if they capture I can probably build off of this, might need some help)


    Jobs Required: Part 1 - 1 DeathWatch, 3 Civilians, 1 Bounty Hunter (Master Of Mesric) 1 Assassin

    Part 2 -  3 DeathWatch, 2 Bounty Hunters (depending on what side they join), 1 Assassin (if dead then make him either DeathWatch or Bounty Hunter)

    Part 3 -  5 DeathWatch (1 will be Dexter) 1 Bounty Hunter (kill off the other dramatically)


    Vehicles Required: LAAT

    Map being used (If applicable for event server): StarWarsUniverseFixed (If you have a better Idea then go ahead and change the map just make sure it has space for the stuff)




    Also the first city area will be dubbed Mesric so it fits the theme

    This is just the starter please add more or remove what you see fit so it will surprise us! 

    Please give me constructive criticism and feedback on your ideas/changes!


    S/O to Snow and Tec for helping me finalize this!

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