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Everything posted by TR SO ARC SO Kittie

  1. as long if its not a random idc who gets BCMD no lie i just want to chill
  2. steam name: Tonysixxxnine or Weeeb5000 RP name: Kittie Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:189430980 Battalion or squad your applying for: RM or Republic medics Experience: 501st-i was in 501st from PVT to SSG i became HWS and learned how to do tryouts met alot of people i still know in 501st SO- when i was in SO is when i got into RP i helped them out with recruiting and loved this battalion i got to 1stLT cause they thought i deserved it i still try and help them as there medic but i have a lot of my RP experience from SO also during this time i became ARC and went for ARC lead and trained for more things during this time RM- I joined RM cause i love medic RP i grew threw the ranks in RM to LTC i was and still am Hazard officer i hosted a lot of medic training and still do but right now in RM im trying to get everybody to get used to Med RP and different situations even tho i look like a minge to people not in RM but i do a lot inside of RM or at least i think so to this day i still love med RP and want to improve it CG- I wasn't CG for that long but when i was in there i became riot trooper and learned new things and new rules so i guess it kinda helped me out why should you become battalion commander: i think i should become BCMD because i have been in RM for a while and really want to improve the RP and people in RM but Im not the best of the best i just want to improve the batt even if its only a little but im going to try to make med bay a nice chill place as well cause usually everyone just messes around in med bay but this is my reason why most of them at least do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad: RM dosent have much lore but i do understand what they do i understand all the medic Lore tho availability: Im on a lot i just have classes at night and some in the afternoon but there only 1 or 2hrs long but im really active estimate of how long you played on Synergy Roleplay?: i dont know the date but i joined the server in December before Christmas do you have a microphone: YES Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: i want all RM to know how to do MED RP very well and to try and look like normal people i think theres some things that need to change with hazard and surgeon i want to make RM more useful to the server and battalions im going to make most RM attach to Battalions that need RM basically i want RM to be stable when my term is over Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes i understand and i will not go inactive
  3. +1 i believe you will do good plus you can fix shit
  4. +1 to the shields but the elastic restraints is a big no no cause we dont need them
  5. +1 we can hold down the medbay while your gone bb
  6. RP Name: TR HZTI RM SO CPT Kittie steam ID: STEAM_0:1:189430980 Age: 18 Gender: male maybe female Time zone: EST why I want to be administrator: Want to help the server more mostly I want to help gamemakers and see if we can have more passive RP for medics and everyone else just want to make everyone happy with good things and stuff but (I'm retarted). about me: I go to collage for graphic design might quit school tho its stressful I like a lot of people and I have a BF so most of my time I'm with him other than tht I'm allways hyper and happy but I don't like to talk alot
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